Date Approved: February 01 2009
Date Reviewed/Amended: August 22 2016
When disposing of land, buildings, leases, rights-of-way and easements the process outlined in this regulation will be followed as required by School Act Sections 73, 96 (3) and 168 (2) (p) and (t), and the Ministry’s School Opening and Closure Order and Disposal of Land or Improvements Order.
Sale of Asset:
School District Bylaw:
Notification of Minister:
The Board will, without delay, notify the Minister of the disposition and provide a copy of the Bylaw, information regarding the disposition and the allocation of the proceeds as required under Section 100(2) of the School Act.
This regulation does not apply to grants of Crown Land described in Section 99 of the School Act.
School Opening and Closure Order M194/08
Disposal of Land or Improvements Order M193/08
3510 School Closure Policy
3520 Disposal of Land and Improvements Policy
3510 - - School Closures Policy
3520 - - Disposal of Land and Improvements Policy