a) The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be a majority of Trustees holding office at that time.
b) A Trustee may participate in a meeting by telephone or videoconference if the Trustee is unable to be physically present at the meeting.
c) A Trustee who participates in a meeting by telephone or videoconference shall be deemed present at the meeting and shall be counted for the purposes of determining quorum and voting.
d) If a Trustee participates in a meeting by telephone or videoconference, there shall be apparatus at the site of the meeting, which permits the Trustee participating by telephone or videoconference to hear all discussion by all Trustees and permits all Trustees to hear all comments by the Trustee participating by telephone or videoconference.
e) Meetings of the Board will be held at the School Board Office unless the Chairperson gives notice on the written notice of meeting and agenda or the Board otherwise resolves.
a) The Board shall meet by the first Tuesday after the term of office begins at the same time as for a regular meeting.
b) The interim Chairperson of the Inaugural meeting shall be the Secretary-Treasurer until such time as the Board Chairperson has been elected.
c) The interim Chairperson shall announce the results of Trustee elections and confirm that elected Trustees have completed the Declaration and Oath of Allegiance as required by the School Act, following which the Board Chairperson shall be elected.
d) The interim Chairperson shall call for nominations for Board Chairperson and conduct a vote by ballot in which that person receiving a clear majority shall be elected Board Chairperson. If no person receives a clear majority, further ballots shall be taken until the same is achieved or, if a tie shall occur, the election shall be decided by drawing of lots.
e) Following the election of Board Chairperson, the newly elected Board Chairperson shall assume the chair and the order of business shall be:
i) Election of Vice-Chairperson;
ii) Election or appointment of BCPSEA Representative and Alternate; and
iii) Election or appointment of BCSTA Representative and Alternate.
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f) The election of Vice-Chairperson shall be conducted in the same manner as the election of Chairperson.
g) If the BCPSEA Representative and Alternate and the BCSTA Representative and Alternate are elected, the election shall be conducted in the same manner as the election of Chairperson.
h) The Board Chair may choose to assign Trustees to Committees and to Schools.
a) A regular meeting shall be held at least once a month on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in months that school is in session or upon such other day or at such other hour as the Board may decide. Additional meetings shall be held as the Board may decide.
b) At the appointed time for commencement of a meeting the presiding officer shall ascertain that a quorum is present before proceeding to the business of the meeting. If a quorum has not been made within one-half hour after the appointed time, the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next regular meeting date or until another meeting shall have been called in accordance with these bylaws.
c) After a meeting has commenced, if notice is drawn to a lack of quorum, the presiding officer shall ascertain whether there is a lack of quorum and, if so found, adjourn the meeting to a time certain or to the next regular meeting date, at his/her discretion.
d) The order of business at all regular meetings, unless varied by motion, shall be as follows:
i) Adoption of Agenda;
ii) Receiving Delegations;
iii) Approval of Minutes of Prior Meetings;
iv) Necessity of Closed Meeting and Agenda, if Required;
v) Correspondence;
vi) Superintendent of School's Report;
vii) Secretary Treasurer’s Report;
viii) Reports of Committees;
ix) Adjourned Business;
x) New Business;
xi) Information Items; and
xii) 10 Minute Question & Answer Period.
e) A change to the prescribed order of business may be proposed by a Trustee and shall require unanimous consent, without debate.
f) The agenda and notice of meetings shall be prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer under the direction of the Chairperson. Written notice of each meeting, together with the proposed agenda, must be given to each Trustee at least 48 hours in advance by email.
g) Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of all proceedings passed at meetings of the Board, such minutes to be concise and to detail proceedings of the Board, but not the contents of speeches.
h) All meetings shall stand adjourned at three hours after their commencement unless a resolution is passed by a two-thirds majority to extend the hour of adjournment.
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i) All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public and no person shall be excluded, except for improper conduct. If, in the opinion of the Board, the public interest so requires, the Board may, by resolution, order a meeting or part thereof to be closed. The Board may exclude persons other than Trustees or persons other than Trustees and officers.
j) Requests for third party petitions and delegations must:
i) be received in writing by the Secretary-Treasurer by the Friday which is 11 days prior to the board meeting;
ii) be relevant to the mandate of the school district;
iii) provide a summary of the matter to be presented;
iv) be approved for presentation to the board at the discretion of the Board Chair;
v) designate who the speaker or speakers are to be (maximum of two); and
vi) not be in relation to matters that are the subject of labour negotiations; the subject of contractual negotiations or service agreements; or in relation to a specific client, employee, volunteer or student. At the discretion of the Board Chair, a presentation on such matters may be heard at an In-Camera meeting of the Board;
k) Petitions and delegations are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes. The Board reserves the right to limit the number of delegations to appear at a particular meeting. The Board will not normally receive more than one presentation from a particular person or group on the same or a similar topic in a six month period.
l) The Board's decision on the course of action to be followed in connection with the matter or matters presented will usually be delayed to a subsequent regular meeting.
m) Presentations should:
i) be arranged at the invitation of the Superintendent of Schools;
ii) highlight successful initiatives in the school district; and
iii) be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes.
n) Questions in the 10 Minute Question and Answer period must pertain to items on the agenda for the meeting.
o) The presiding officer may expel and exclude from a Board meeting any person whom the presiding officer considers has been guilty of improper conduct.
a) A special meeting of the Board may be called by the Chairperson or, upon written request of a majority of the Trustees, may be called by the Secretary-Treasurer. No business other than that for which the meeting was called shall be conducted at the meeting.
b) Written notice of a special meeting and an agenda shall be given to each Trustee at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting by email. Delivery of a written notice and the agenda may be waived by a majority vote of the Board, provided reasonable steps have been taken to notify all Trustees of the meeting.
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a) Pursuant to paragraph A.3.i, the Board may convene a meeting without the public, or without the public and officers present, at which matters of a confidential nature shall be discussed. No Trustee shall disclose to the public the proceedings of a closed meeting unless a resolution has been passed at the closed meeting to allow disclosure.
b) Minutes of a closed meeting shall be kept in the same manner as a regular meeting but shall be approved only by the Board in closed meetings and shall not be filed with the minutes of regular meetings.
c) Pursuant to the School Act, a record of each closed meeting shall be kept available at all reasonable times for any person. The record shall contain a general statement as to the nature of the matters discussed and the general nature of the decisions reached.
d) Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the following matters shall be considered in closed session:
i) Salary claims;
ii) Accident claims and other matters where Board liability may arise;
iii) Legal opinions respecting the liability or interest of the Board;
iv) The conduct, efficiency, discipline, suspension, termination or retirement of employees;
v) Medical reports, including reports from the School Medical Officer;
vi) Matters pertaining to individual students including the conduct, discipline, suspension or expulsion of students, truancy and indigent students;
vii) Staff changes including appointments, transfers, resignations, promotions and demotions;
viii) Purchase of real properly including the designation of new sites, consideration of appraisal reports, consideration of accounts claimed by owners, determination of Board offers and expropriation procedures;
ix) Lease, sale or exchange of real property prior to finalization thereof;
x) Matters pertaining to the safety, security or protection of Board property; and
xi) Such other matters where the Board decides that the public interest so requires.
e) All other matters shall be considered in Public Session.
f) The agenda of each closed session shall have as an order of business "items for release".
a) The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board but may vacate the Chair in order to propose or second a motion.
b) The Vice-Chairperson shall preside in the absence of the Chairperson or when the Chairperson vacates the Chair.
c) In the event that neither the Chairperson nor the Vice-Chairperson is able or willing to take the Chair, the presiding officer shall be such person as the Board may elect.
d) The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be elected in December 2017 and for a term of one year in November of each subsequent year, unless otherwise changed. The election shall follow the process outlined in Section A.2 – Inaugural Meetings.
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e) The presiding officer shall rule on all points of order and shall state the reasons and the authority for ruling when making a ruling. The presiding officer's ruling shall be subject to appeal to the Board. An appeal may only be requested immediately after a ruling and before resumption of business.
f) The Chairperson shall vote in accordance with paragraph F.1.d.
g) The Chairperson normally acts as spokesperson for the Board to the media, community and schools.
a) The application of the rules of order will be as follows:
i) Where these rules are silent and where not inconsistent with these rules, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall apply to the conduct of meetings;
ii) Where both these rules and Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised are silent, the Standing Orders of the British Columbia Legislature shall be followed; and
iii) Where there is an inconsistency between these rules and the School Act, the School Act shall apply over the rule in question.
b) The Board may adopt a procedural rule for one or more meetings by resolution of a majority of two-thirds of the Trustees present at the meeting.
c) The rules may be amended by bylaw only, at a meeting of which notice of intention to propose the amendment has been given at the previous meeting.
d) The presiding officer's ruling on a point of order shall be based on rules of order as stated in paragraph C.1.a herein.
e) An appeal of a ruling of the presiding officer shall be decided without debate by a majority vote of Trustees present. When an appeal is successful it does not set a precedent.
f) All questions shall be decided by a vote on the motion.
a) Motions shall be phrased in a clear and concise manner so as to express an opinion or achieve a result. A preamble does not form part of a resolution when passed.
b) The presiding officer may divide a motion containing more than one subject if the presiding officer feels this would produce a fairer or clearer result and the same shall be voted on in the form in which it is divided.
c) No motion other than to postpone consideration of a question, or a procedural motion, shall be repeated during the calendar year except by the reconsideration process.
d) All motions shall be seconded except in Committee.
e) All motions are debatable except the following:
i) Motion for adjournment of debate or for adjournment of a meeting unless such a motion contains a time for recommencement of debate or for a new meeting;
ii) Motion to fix time for adjournment of a meeting;
iii) Motion to proceed to the next meeting;
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iv) Motion to go into Committee of the Whole or closed session;
v) Motion to table;
vi) Motion to recess;
vii) Motion to suspend rules;
viii)Motion to lift from the table; and
ix) Motion to move the previous question.
f) All motions shall be subject to amendment except the following:
i) Motion that the question be now put;
ii) Motion for adjournment of debate or adjournment of a meeting;
iii) Motion to table unless such a motion contains a date for further consideration of the matter tabled;
iv) Motion to refer to Committee;
v) Motion to proceed to next business;
vi) Motion to lift off the table;
vii) Motion to reconsider;
viii)Motion to postpone indefinitely; and
ix) Motion to suspend the rules.
g) An amendment to a motion does not require notice. Only one amendment to an amendment shall be allowed and the same shall be dealt with before the amendment is decided. Amendments must be strictly relevant to the main motion and not alter in a material way or be contrary to the principle embodied in the main motion.
a) A question may be reconsidered only if notice of a request for reconsideration has been given at the previous meeting and if reconsideration is approved by a 2/3 majority.
a) Debate shall be strictly relevant to the question before the meeting and the presiding officer shall warn speakers who violate this rule.
b) No Trustee or staff member shall speak until recognized by the presiding officer.
c) No person shall speak more than once to a question except the mover of a motion, who shall have the right to make a reply when all other Trustees who wish to speak have spoken. No Trustee shall speak for a period in excess of five minutes at one time. The presiding officer may caution a Trustee who persists in tedious and repetitious debate and may direct the Trustee to discontinue.
d) A matter of privilege (a matter dealing with the rights or interests of the Board as a whole or of a Trustee personally) may be raised at any time and shall be dealt with forthwith before resumption of business.
e) No Trustee shall interrupt another Trustee who has the floor except to raise a point of order or a point of privilege.
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a) All Trustees present at a meeting must vote although a Trustee must abstain from voting in the event that he has a conflict of interest by reason of having a direct pecuniary interest in a vote.
b) A Trustee may also abstain from voting if reasons are stated.
c) Voting shall be by a show of hands and only the results recorded unless a Trustee requests recording of names. Where names are recorded both positive and negative votes shall be recorded.
d) The Chairperson shall vote at the same time as the other members of the Board and, in the case of equality of votes for and against a motion, the question is resolved in the negative and the Chairperson shall so declare.
e) All questions shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the Trustees present and voting save as otherwise provided by these bylaws or the School Act.
a) The Chairperson shall appoint the members to each standing Committee at the first regular meeting in each year, or as soon thereafter as possible.
b) There shall be the following standing Committees:
i) Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Committee;
ii) Policy Committee;
iii) Finance & Building Committee; and
iv) Personnel Committee.
c) Trustees attending meetings of a Committee are allowed to take part in any discussion or debate, but may not vote.
d) The rules applying in regular or special meetings shall be observed in Committee of the Whole and in standing Committees so far as they may be applicable, except as to the requirement for seconding of motions and limiting the number of times of speaking. Speeches in Committee of the Whole or standing Committees must be strictly relevant to the item or clause under consideration.
e) The actions of a Committee shall not be complete until its report has been approved by the Board.
f) The proceedings of a Committee will be reported to the Board by means of minutes of committee meetings. Minutes of the Finance & Building Committee and of the Personnel Committee will be presented to the Board at a closed meeting.
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a) Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Committee
1. Membership:
The committee will include the following positions:
i. Two Trustees;
ii. Superintendent of Schools;
iii. Assistant Superintendent or Director of Instruction;
iv. District Principal, Learning Services;
v. District Principal, Aboriginal Education;
vi. PRPA Representatives;
vii. PRDTU Representatives;
viii. IUOE Representatives;
ix. DPAC Representatives; and
x. Student Representatives.
The Assistant Superintendent or Director of Instruction, or delegate, will Chair the meetings of the committee.
Other Trustees and staff may be in attendance.
2. Scope of Committee
The main responsibility of the committee is to prepare recommendations for the School Board’s approval in the following areas:
i. Establishing the District’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning; and
ii. Reviewing progress on the District’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning.
3. Recommendations
Recommendations will be made by Trustee consensus. When consensus is not reached, Trustees may bring alternate recommendations to the Board.
4. Meeting Schedule
The Committee will meet on an “ad hoc” basis.
b) Policy Committee
1. Membership:
The Committee will comprise of the following individuals:
i. Two Trustees;
ii. Superintendent of Schools; and
iii. Secretary-Treasurer.
A Trustee will Chair the meetings of the Committee.
Other Trustees and staff may be in attendance.
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2. Recommendations
Recommendations will be made by Trustee consensus. When consensus is not reached, Trustees may bring alternate recommendations to the Board.
3. Scope of Committee:
The main responsibility of the committee is to prepare recommendations for the School Board’s approval in the following areas:
i. Review all Policies and By-Laws regularly;
ii. Review all proposed new Policies and By-Laws; and
iii. Monitor the consultation process for the review of Policies and By-Laws.
4. Meeting Schedule
The Committee will meet prior to each scheduled Board meeting.
c) Finance and Building Committee
1. Membership:
i. Three Trustees;
ii. Superintendent of Schools; and,
iii. Secretary Treasurer.
A Trustee will Chair the meetings of the Committee.
Other Trustees and staff may be in attendance.
2. Recommendations
Recommendations will be made by Trustee consensus. When consensus is not reached, Trustees may bring alternate recommendations to the Board.
3. Scope of Committee:
The main responsibility of the committee is to prepare recommendations for the School Board’s approval in the following areas:
i. Seismic Capital Plan;
ii. Capital Plan;
iii. Annual Capital Grant Expenditures in excess of $50,000;
iv. Audited Financial Statements;
v. Joint Use Agreements with External Groups; and,
vi. Repurposing of School Buildings.
The committee will also serve as the Audit Committee for the School District.
4. Audit Committee Oversight
The Finance & Building Committee shall serve as the Audit Committee for the School District. The Audit Committee’s principle function is to oversee the school district’s financial reporting process and its internal control structure, and report its findings to the Board. This task is facilitated by:
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i. asking questions about the quality of work done by management;
ii. participating in the audit planning and reporting process; and
iii. understanding and reviewing the aspects of the operation that put the school district at risk and the district’s preparedness to face that risk.
The Audit Committee summarizes its findings and recommendations so that the School Board can make informed decisions.
5. Audit Committee Function
The Committee shall:
i. Review the audited financial statements and recommend approval of the audited statements by the Board;
ii. Oversee the internal control structure with a focus on safeguarding district assets;
iii. Review audit results with the external auditors and follow up on the implementation of the auditor’s letter of recommendations;
iv. Review the nature and extent of other services provided by the external auditors in relation to auditor independence;
v. Monitor the development of, and changes to, accounting principles and practices and financial reporting standards and their impact on the school district’s financial reporting;
vi. Oversee engagement of external auditors including the terms of the audit engagement and the appropriateness of proposed fees; and
vii. Meet with the external auditors at an Audit Committee meeting without staff members present for a portion of the meeting to obtain independent feedback from the external auditors to Trustees.
6. Meeting Schedule
The Committee will meet monthly prior to each scheduled Board meeting.
d) Personnel Committee
1. Membership:
The Committee will comprise of the following individuals:
i. Chair of the Board;
ii. Vice Chair of the Board;
iii. Superintendent of Schools; and
iv. Secretary-Treasurer.
The Director, Human Resources may be invited to attend a meeting of the committee.
The Chair of the Board will Chair the meetings of the Committee.
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2. Recommendations
Recommendations will be made by Trustee consensus. When consensus is not reached, Trustees may bring alternate recommendations to the Board.
3. Scope of Committee:
The main responsibility of the committee is to prepare recommendations for the School Board’s approval in the following areas:
i. Annual goal setting for the Superintendent;
ii. Annual performance evaluation for the Superintendent;
iii. Review of succession planning for the district;
iv. Review of proposed changes to salary and benefit plans; and
v. Recruitment process for vacancies in the positions of Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer.
4. Meeting Schedule
The Committee will meet on an “ad hoc” basis.
a) All matters shall be dealt with by resolution or bylaw. A resolution shall have only one reading. A bylaw shall have three readings.
b) The following matter shall only be resolved by bylaw:
i. Amendments to bylaws;
ii. The rules of procedure of the Board and rules relative to the organization of meetings of the Board;
iii. Regulation and control of the use of property owned and administered by the Board; and
iv. Where otherwise required by the School Act.
a) Before a bylaw is passed, a bylaw of the Board must be given three distinct readings.
b) Subject to subsection H.2.c, at each of the readings of a bylaw, the bylaw must be read in full.
c) A reading of a bylaw may, if a written or printed copy of a bylaw is in the possession of each Trustee and is available to each member of the public in attendance at the meeting at which the bylaw is to be read, consist of a description of the bylaw by:
i. its title; and
ii. a summary of its contents.
d) The Board shall not give a bylaw more than two readings at any one meeting unless the members of the Board who are present at the meeting unanimously agree to give the bylaw all three readings at that meeting.
In accordance with the School Act and the Ministry of Education Learning Resources Policy, the Board of Education “may only use learning resources that the board considers appropriate, are specified in an educational program guide or are recommended by the Ministry of Education.” This policy and the accompanying regulations clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Education regarding the selection of learning resources.
The Board supports resource-based learning and encourages teachers to utilize a range of educational media and resources. For the purpose of this statement of policy, the term “learning resource” will refer to any person or material that is used for formal or informal teaching/learning purposes.
The primary objective of learning resources is to support, enrich, and help implement an educational program. The Board delegates the responsibility for the recommendation and selection of learning resources to the Superintendent of Schools in accordance with district criteria.
The Superintendent (or designate) and school principals are responsible for ensuring that the approved criteria are known and appropriately applied. The responsibility for vetting recommended resources rests with school principals.
Any student, parent or employee of the school district may formally challenge the appropriateness of learning resources used in the district’s educational programs (see 1110-30 – Review of Instructional Materials Regulation).
Related Policies and Regulations:
See Ministerial Order 333/99, the Educational Program Guide Order; section 5.
School Act, Section 168 (2) (e)
Ministry of Education Policy, Learning Resources Policy Statement, July 1, 2017
1110-10 Learning Resource Regulation
1110-30 Review of Instructional Materials Regulation
1115 Board Authorized Courses Policy
1115-10 Board Authorized Courses Regulation
BC ERAC, Evaluating, Selecting and Acquiring
Learning Resources: A Guide https://www.bcerac.ca/resources/whitepapers/docs/ERAC_WB.pdf, 2008
This Regulation provides criteria for the purchase of learning resources necessary to meet the educational needs of all students in the schools of the district. The responsibility for ensuring the criteria for learning resources selection is known and appropriately applied rests with the Superintendent and Principals.
“The ministry no longer conducts evaluation processes to recommended learning resources.
This responsibility now rests with boards.” Learning Resources Policy, July 2017
For the purposes of this Regulation, the term "learning resources" will refer to any person(s) or material(s) (whether acquired or locally produced) with instructional content/function or opportunities that are used for formal or informal teaching/learning purposes. Learning resources include:
The primary objective of learning resources is to support, enrich, and help implement an education program.
It is the duty of professional staff to provide students with a wide range of materials at varying levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal and the presentation of different points of view. Professional staff are responsible for the selection of learning resources.
While selection of learning resources involves many people, the responsibility of coordinating recommended resources and subsequent purchase rests with school principals.
From time to time District Committees and/or Indigenous Education Department will meet, for resource selection, for reasons such as:
The School District supports learning resources that will:
See Ministerial Order 333/99, the Educational Program Guide Order; section 5.
School Act, Section 168 (2) (e)
Ministry of Education Policy, Learning Resources Policy Statement, July 1, 2017
1110 Learning Resources Policy
1110-30 Review of Instructional Materials Regulation
1115-10 Board Authorized Courses Regulation
BC ERAC, Evaluating, Selecting and Acquiring, Learning Resources: A Guide https://www.bcerac.ca/resources/whitepapers/docs/ERAC_WB.pdf, 2008
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Request for Approval to Purchase a Class Set of Learning Resources - Form **Under Review** |
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In the event that an individual, or group, objects to the use of a particular learning resource in a school, the following procedure will be followed:
a) The Administrative Officer of the school concerned will arrange to discuss the objection with the complainant, and the librarian and/or the teacher concerned.
b) If the above discussion does not satisfy the complainant, the Administrative Officer will provide the complainant with a Request for Review of Instructional Materials form, instruct the complainant to complete the form and submit it to the Superintendent of Schools.
c) The Superintendent of Schools will appoint a review committee consisting of an administrator, a school librarian, two teachers, a member of the public-at-large and a trustee.
d) The committee will examine and consider the learning resources being objected to on the basis of:
e) The committee will meet with all school personnel concerned with the objection and with the complainant to explain its findings.
f) The recommendation of the committee will be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools for submission to the Board of School Trustees.
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The Board of Education of School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) encourages the development of Board Authorized courses to:
• meet the particular needs of our community; and
• provide choice and flexibility for students.
Schools may offer locally developed courses in conformity with the School Act and Ministry Policy (Board/Authority Authorized Courses, effective 2021).
Approval of the Board of Education is required before a course may be offered to students.
School Act Section 85 (2) (i), 168 (2) (b)
Ministry Policy (Board/Authority Authorized Courses, January 2004 and Updated 2011)
Formerly: Locally Developed Courses
1.0 Definition:
1.1 “Board Authorized Courses (BAA) courses” are offered to respond to the unique local needs of the schools and their communities while providing choice and flexibility for students. These courses demonstrate planning, organization and sound pedagogy. BAA courses are authorized according to requirements set by the Ministry of Education.
2.0 Courses Eligible for Board/Authority Authorization:
2.1 BAA courses may be used as all or part of the elective credits students need to fulfill graduation requirements.
2.2 In response to local needs and students interests the Board may authorize a broad variety of BAA courses focused on subject areas not offered through Ministry-developed courses.
2.3 The Board may design ESL courses whose primary language is not Standard English and who may therefore require English as a second (or additional) language support so they may successfully access the BC curriculum. These courses should not be remedial or modified versions of Ministry-authorized courses.
2.4 Grade 11 level BAA courses may be used to fulfill the Fine Arts/Applied Skills graduation requirement if they meet the outcomes of the Ministry-developed Grade 11 Fine Arts or Applied Skills Resources Packages. Grade 10 and 12 BAA courses in the Fine Arts/Applied Skills subject areas do NOT meet the Fine arts/Applied Skills requirement.
2.5 BAA courses may be developed to meet the needs of students with special needs (not to be confused with modified or adapted courses). They may be developed for a variety of subjects or purposes such as social-emotional learning, to promote independence, or to develop employability skills.
2.6 The (Environmental) Sustainability Course Content Framework (2010) includes modules that might be used individually or as an entire BAA course. Modules can be adapted into existing BAA course such as in the areas of leadership, environmental studies, and global issues.
3.0 Courses Not Eligible for Board/Authority Authorization
3.1 Courses with a significant overlap with current provincial curriculum
3.2 Modified courses
3.3 Remedial courses
3.4 Adapted courses
3.5 GED testing preparation courses
4.0 Criteria
4.1 The Ministry of Education requirements are listed in the document “Board/Authority Authorized Courses: Required Components” and include a Ministry-developed BAA Course Framework Template.
4.2 The requirements for BAA courses define the structure, components, and rigour of a course. They consist of the following:
5.0 Approval Process
5.1 The Board requires that any presentation in support of a locally developed course be made through the Superintendent and that it include all requirements as outlined by the Ministry of Education “Board/Authority Authorized Courses Requirements and Procedures Guidebook” (Updated 2011 version).
5.2 Teacher(s) (either individually or in groups) who wish approval of a course of their own design shall use the following procedures:
5.2.1 Discuss the concept of the proposed course with their school principal before proceeding with the application.
5.2.2 Make a thorough assessment of the student needs the course would meet. Consult counsellors and other subject teachers to determine the level of interest and need in the proposed course. In specific and appropriate situations, it may be advisable to seek expertise from the general community (i.e. specialty courses).
5.2.3 The course should be consistent with Provincial requirements and based upon current information on how students learn.
5.2.4 Prepare and submit an overall outline of the proposed course using the BAA Course Application to the School Principal.
5.2.5 Include an itemized list of required equipment and facilities, together with a cost analysis and a description of any organizational changes.
5.3 The School Principal will review the proposed course, and will review proposed revisions with the teacher(s).
5.4 The Principal will submit copies of the proposed course to the Superintendent or designate.
5.5 If approved, the Superintendent or designate along with the School Principal and Teacher(s) will present the course to the Board for approval. In order for the course to be offered in the following school year, Board approval must be obtained prior to April 1st.
5.6 If approved by the Board of Education, the course will be submitted to the Ministry of Education in order to verify that the new course is compliant with the requirements of Board Authorized Course Ministerial Order.
5.7 It is the responsibility of the School Principal to ensure that any instructional material for use with individual students is consistent with and supportive of the objective of locally and provincially approved curricula.
5.8 Each BAA course will be evaluated after its first year and every three years thereafter. A brief written report is to be submitted to the Superintendent or designate.
School Act Section 85 (2) (i), 168 (2) (b)
Ministry Policy (Board/Authority Authorized Courses, January 2004 and Updated 2011)
BAA Course Form: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/graduation/board authority courses.htm
Ministry Developed Courses: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/welcome.php.
Environmental Sustainability Courses: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/greenschools/sustcoursecontent.htm
Related Policies and Regulations:
Regulation 1115 – Board Authorized Courses Policy
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The School District is committed to supporting the French Immersion program as it provides an option for students in the school district to become bilingual in both of Canada's official languages, English and French.
The Board of Education believes that students should have the opportunity to receive instruction in the French language through French Immersion programs in elementary, middle, and secondary grades. The French Immersion program operates as an optional district program. The French Immersion Program is not intended to be a selective program.
It is in students' best interests that classes include students with a variety of aptitudes, cultures, and backgrounds. The Board believes that French Immersion instruction should be available to all students who desire to be enrolled in the program, providing staffing requirements can be accommodated.
School Act, section 5(3)
Ministry of Education Policy: French Immersion Program
Ministerial Order 333/99, Educational Program Guide Order
Ministerial Order 295/95, Required Areas of Study in an Educational Program
Ministerial Order 302/04, Graduation Program Order
1120-10 French Immersion Regulation
In addition to provincially prescribed French courses, students in this school district have the opportunity of receiving instruction in French language, one of Canada's official languages, through French Immersion at the elementary, middle school and secondary levels. French Immersion operates as an optional District managed program.
The Provincial goal for French Immersion is to provide the opportunity for non-francophone students to become bilingual in English and French. The Early Immersion program provides students with an education equivalent to that which is available in the English language program, while providing students with the opportunity to acquire a high level of proficiency in French.
The School District will:
The French Immersion Program is not intended to be a selective program and it is in the students' best interest that classes contain students with a variety of aptitudes, cultures and backgrounds. French Immersion instruction should be available to all students who desire to be enrolled in the program. Therefore:
1. Kindergarten shall be the normal entry point for students without previous French instruction.
2. Any student may enrol in the Early French Immersion Program, if the entry point is appropriate.
3. Entry into Early French Immersion at a higher level for a student without previous French instruction shall be determined by the Principal after consultation with and following a probationary agreement with the Early French Immersion teacher and the Principal of Early French Immersion.
4. If enrolment in Kindergarten is such that the learning environment will deteriorate because an additional Kindergarten class would be required and cannot be offered due to unavailability of immersion staff, then enrollment should be limited to numbers that would permit an acceptable educational environment and students should be admitted in the following priority.
The Superintendent, or designate, will adjudicate whenever the above criteria fails to produce a decision.
5. Students transferring into School District No. 52 who are already enrolled in French Immersion Program elsewhere will be placed in the program subject to space and resources being available. Transfers out of the program will be made by the Principal in consultation with parents, teacher and counsellor agreeing that the transfer will solve a specific problem for that student.
6. French Immersion students/programs will not displace students out of their neighbourhood school.
Transportation to and from the French Immersion school is the responsibility of the parent.
Support services such as Learning Assistance, Library and Gifted will be available to French Immersion students on an equitable basis with regular program students and, where possible, available in French and English.
The Board of Education is committed to providing all students with an education program that best suits their needs and enables them to achieve their maximum potential in a safe, caring and welcoming environment. The Board supports an inclusive education system in which all students are fully participating members in a school community.
The unique needs of individuals and the challenges of a small, remote school district are taken into account when providing support services to students. The Board supports courageous, engaging and personalized learning for all students that inspires success for all students. Where additional services and support for students are needed, decisions are made in consultation with parents, students (when appropriate) and members of the school-based team.
Culturally relevant programs and services provide the foundation for healthy students and communities. The Response to Instruction Framework incorporates a flexible continuum of school-wide strategies for all students, targeted supports and intensive supports.
The Universal Instructional Design Framework brings together many school district initiatives to provide multiple avenues of access to curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Services and support focus on multiple pathways to success and multiple ways of defining success.
Within these Frameworks students receive maximum benefit from their education program, in accordance with the objectives of Provincial curricula, Board approved programs and school programs.
The Board of School Trustees recognizes and accepts its obligation to provide an appropriate educational program to all children of school age. In addition, the Board seeks to ensure that all students receive maximum benefit from their instructional program in that, as far as possible, the objectives of the provincial curriculum, district curriculum, and locally approved school programs, are achieved.
Where special services are required by students, decisions must be made as to means of delivering instruction. Generally it is expected that the instructional program will be carried out in a regular instructional setting. However, it is recognized that there may be times during the instructional day when a student will require a different instructional environment.
This instructional environment might include using such instructional arrangements as: grouping within the class or school, providing support from special education teachers, (e.g., learning support teachers), providing auxiliary services such as hospital homebound tuition, or enrolling the student in another district where an appropriate program is available. Close consultation with all parents/guardians is deemed by the Board to be necessary, and particularly where special measures are required to provide an adequate education for the child. (See Ministry of Education Order 150/89; amended by M397/95)
The factors affecting decisions regarding the delivery of educational services to students with special needs include:
The Board's primary obligation is to provide an appropriate instructional program and, in attempting to do so, it will actively seek the cooperation and support of other agencies and groups who are able to provide non-educational services to students with special needs.
Prince Rupert School District No. 52 shall maintain a Learning Services Handbook on the district website. The Handbook will outline referral procedures, placement process, assessment practices, screening committees, program descriptions and student records, consistent with the Special Education Services: A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines.
Related Policies and Regulations:
1130 Student Support Policy
The School District endeavours to provide appropriate educational assistance to meet the needs of all children of school age. In order to meet this obligation, the assistance of a therapy dog has been shown to be beneficial. A therapy dog is a canine that is trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, disaster areas, and to people with autism. In the educational environment, normally the therapy dog is the pet of an educator. For the purposes of this regulation, therapy dogs are not guide dogs for the blind or service dogs.
The presence of a therapy dog within a school or school board facility must have purpose. This purpose includes, but is not limited to building student confidence; providing emotional stability to a student; assisting a student to manage emotions; and instructing a student in empathy and caring for others.
An employee of School District 52 wishing to bring a therapy dog into any district school or facility shall, prior to bringing the dog into the facility:
In the event a therapy dog enters a school, classroom or other district facility:
1130 – Student Support Policy
1130-10 – Instructional Services to Students with Special Needs Regulation
1810-10 – Animals in School Regulation
Student Reporting - Communicating Student Learning to Parents
The Board of Education recognizes that communication among students, parents, teachers and administrators fosters positive relations and encourages student academic and social growth.
Further, the Board recognizes that there are many different ways of reporting to parents and encourages the use of non-traditional methods of reporting student progress and achievement that support the tenets of formative, growth based learning. These include, for example, the use of student portfolios (digital or otherwise), criterion referenced assessment outcomes, student-led conferences and demonstrations of learning through student projects.
The Board encourages school communities to examine, and propose alternate forms of reporting that could potentially better demonstrate student growth over time than past reporting practices. Proposed forms of reporting that enhance student awareness of his/her academic and social-emotional growth as well as more clearly communicate student improvement to parents are encouraged.
Ministerial Order 191/94, the Progress report Order
Ministerial Order 192/94, the Provincial Letter Grades Order
Ministerial Order 295/95, the Required Areas of Study Order
Regulation 265/89, the School regulation
1140-10 – Student Reporting Regulation
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Student Reporting - Communicating Student Learning to Parents
All new reporting formats must meet the guidelines of the Interim Student Reporting Order and Board approval which will take into consideration the following factors:
Teachers not utilizing a Board approved method of student reporting are expected to follow the revised Schedule B. Student Reporting Policy as prescribed by the Ministry of Education. (July 2016)
All K – 9 reporting in the district must meet at minimum the following outlined requirements of the Ministry of Education:
Approved reporting pilots are required to submit templates and communication plans that will be posted on the district website.
As approved by the Board all Grade 4 & 5 students will receive summative reports using a Performance scale. Parents who formally request letter grades will receive them as an attachment to the summative report.
Ministerial Order 191/94, the Progress report Order
Ministerial Order 192/94, the Provincial Letter Grades Order
Ministerial Order 295/95, the Required Areas of Study Order
Regulation 265/89, the School regulation
1140 – Student Reporting Policy
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Years of cumulative research has consistently demonstrated that the potential for negative effects consistently outweighs the potential for positive outcomes with respect to grade retention. Accordingly, educational practice has shifted to the almost exclusive use of promotion with intervention for those students who are at academic risk. The new curriculum for Grade K-9, implemented in September 2016 is designed to support the inclusive classroom and the ideal of continuous learning.
In the Prince Rupert School District, promotion practices are expected to be in alignment with research findings: i.e. students will not normally “repeat” a program of studies in the primary or intermediate grades or otherwise be retained in a grade to join a younger age group. Each school is expected to develop appropriate intervention strategies in support of this practice.
In highly unusual circumstances, exceptions may be made. In these exceptional instances, it is imperative that the decision to retain be made by the school-based team in consultation with district and/or Board Office staff. Prior to holding a school-based meeting or entering into any discussion with parents regarding retention, principals are expected to provide the Superintendent of Schools (or designate) with appropriate documentation regarding any student who is being considered for retention.
Where the school-based team does not recommend retention but the parent/guardian still desires this, the district will require informed and signed parental consent indicating that the parent/guardian is aware of current research on student retention. Principals may share “Reporting Student Progress: Policy and Practice,” March 2009, p. 41 for a brief examination of concerns about retention.
Such a record of parental consent would clearly document why retention is desired by the parent.
Parents have the right to home school a student as outlined in Sections 12 and 13 of the School Act. Such students must be registered at a school of the parent’s choice.
The School District will provide services to registered home schooled students as outlined in Section 3 of the School Regulation. Those services include:
Evaluation and assessment of the student may be arranged through the school principal.
Home school students may have access to educational resources through the school library. The Principal may set limitations to usage so as to ensure the availability of the resources for regular students. The School Principal has authority to set rules and expectations for home school students entering the school and using library resources.
Arrangement to audit a school course will be done with the school principal. The fee to audit a school course will be calculated as the fee charged to an international student pursuant to Regulation 1220-10 multiplied by the proportion of time for the course to the time of a full-time student.
School Act Sections 3, 12 and 13
School Regulation Section 3
1160-15 – Distributed Learning Regulation
1220-10 International and Non-Reciprocal Exchange Students - Admission and Tuition
Parents have the right to register a student in a distributed learning program as outlined in Sections 12 and 13 of the School Act. Distributed learning programs are offered by both public school districts and independent schools and allow students to pursue their education at home.
Students from Kindergarten to Grade 7 are considered to be full-time students in the distributed learning school. Such students may take a school course after the school Principal reaches an agreement with the principal of the distributed learning program to share the student’s funding.
Students from Grade 8 to Grade 12 can be cross-enrolled. The student may be registered in the district and take one or more courses from the distributed learning program. The student may also be registered in the distributed learning program and take one or more courses from the school district. Funding is provided for each course in which the student becomes active.
Related Policies and Regulations:
School Act Sections 3, 12 and 13
School Regulation Section 3
1160-10 – Home Schooling Regulation
A. Preamble
Challenge is a tool that can assess students' prior learning and can allow them to obtain credit for a grade 10, 11 or 12 course.
Challenge is a rigorous process for students who provide compelling evidence of being exceptional in a subject area and who have a high likelihood of successfully meeting the learning outcomes of a course. It is anticipated that challenge will apply to only a small number of students.
Challenge is not envisioned as a way for students to improve their course marks, nor as a replacement for the valuable experience students gain by being in a classroom setting.
B. Regulation
C. Eligibility
Challenge is not available in the following circumstances:
Therefore the principal must first consider whether credit for the course can be granted through equivalency.
In order to be eligible to participate in the challenge process, a student must be enrolled in the School District.
Students arriving from other jurisdictions may challenge for credit where equivalency cannot be determined.
Students must demonstrate their readiness to challenge a specific course for credit. This should not be an onerous process. Indications of readiness will include:
The decision for readiness should be made by the school in consultation with the student and parents.
Students who qualify to participate in the challenge process may challenge for credit only grade 10, 11 or 12 courses. Students may challenge a course without being enrolled in grade 10, 11 or 12.
D. Assessing and Evaluating the Challenge
The assessment and evaluation of a challenge should reflect the range and depth of the prescribed learning outcomes for the course and could include:
The assessment and evaluation strategies should include more than a single activity and should involve a process over time.
Each department as required will develop a Challenge Framework for assessing and evaluating a student's ability to meet the prescribed learning outcomes.
The assessment and evaluation strategy should be established jointly by administrator, department head or designate, counsellor, challenge student and their parents. The final decision shall rest with the Principal.
The assessment and evaluation strategy must be completed at least two weeks prior to the first reporting period for the course.
Challenging Courses with Provincial Examinations
Students may challenge courses with a provincial examination according to the following procedures:
1160-30 – Equivalency for Credit Grade 11 and 12 Regulation
Equivalency is the process of granting credit for a Grade 10, 11 or 12 Ministry developed or Board authorized course offered in the School District.
A. Regulation
B. Ministry Recognized Equivalency
C. Procedures for Establishing Equivalency
1160-20 – Challenge Regulation
Independent directed study allows students to earn extra credit at the grade 10, 11 or 12 level under the supervision of a teacher. Such study is intended to provide opportunity for in-depth study based on the learning outcomes of either Ministry developed or a Board authorized courses.
Independent directed study provides opportunities for greater flexibility in the education system by permitting students to pursue further studies of interest beyond those usually taught in the school course. This can take the form of:
A. Regulation
B. Study Plan
Students are not required to be enrolled in, or have completed, the specific course in order to be considered for the opportunity to participate in an independent-directed study related to the course.
An independent-directed study must be principally based on the Learning Standards of the course.
Students will be involved in the design, planning and evaluation of their work. With the support of an educator each student will develop a plan for completing the independent-directed study. This will become part of the Student Learning Plan and include:
C. Assigning and Reporting Independent-Directed Study
When a student has completed an independent-directed study, the results will be reported in the subsequent reporting period using a letter grade and a percentage and will show the associated credit(s).
The independent-directed study code will indicate the course on which it is based.
Students will receive provincial course credit when the independent-directed study is based on a Ministry developed course; students will receive local course credit when the independent-directed study is based on a Board approved course.
An independent-directed study based on curriculum will be recorded as a credit at the same grade level as the underlying course.
The Board of School Trustees recognizes the existence of the Copyright Act (1988) designed to protect the rights of authors and producers of creative works.
The Board requires its employees to respect copyright provisions as they pertain to all aspects of modern publishing, media and computer technology and the Board will not accept financial responsibility for any violations that are knowingly undertaken by its employees.
Employees of School District No. 52 need to be instructed so that they do not violate the Copyright Act (1988) when performing their duties. Accordingly, Administrative Officers and supervisors should ensure their staff is familiar with the Regulations and guidelines.
The Board requires teachers, when there are opportunities for copyright violations by students, to instruct students what the Copyright Act means and to attempt to supervise students in a manner that a copyright violation does not occur.
The Superintendent shall create guidelines to instruct employees on what is or is not a violation of the Copyright Act.
Copies of the guidelines shall be readily available to all employees.
Applicable portions of the Copyright Act and guidelines will be attached to V.C.R.'s, computers, photocopiers and other appropriate duplicating equipment.
A. Computer Software
B. Audio Visual Materials
C. Public Performance
D. Photocopying/Blackboard Copying
Note: If in doubt as to whether a passage is substantial or insubstantial, then do not copy.
These statements will appear on all V.C.R.'s:
School District No. 52 Regulation prohibits Copyright Law infringement. It is illegal to tape TV programs "off air" on a VCR, for classroom use without an appropriate licence.
Classroom screenings of video cassettes rented or purchased from video outlets "for home use only" constitutes a "public performance" and therefore are in violation of copyright.
These statements will appear on all photocopiers:
School District No. 52 Regulation prohibits Copyright Law infringement. Students, teachers, administrators, etc. are legally entitled to make photocopies of an insubstantial portion of copyrighted materials for purposes of personal research, study, review or criticism.
Reproducing and distributing photocopies of an unauthorized, insubstantial passage of a copyrighted work for a school purpose (e.g., an examination or a school assignment), is not expressly prohibited. Educators should bear in mind that the use of unauthorized, insubstantial portions of copyrighted materials is limited to very brief passages. The unauthorized use of copyrighted material as a means to avoid the purchase of such materials, however, clearly constitutes copyright infringement not falling within the fair dealing defence.
It is in the best interest of students that enrolment in schools and assignment to programs occur in a systematic, equitable and educationally beneficial fashion. School district students are generally expected to attend their neighborhood school according to catchment areas defined by the Board of Education. There must, however, be a balance between school attendance based on designated catchment areas and attendance at a school, for good reasons, as a non-catchment child.
As outlined in the School Act, students will be enrolled in schools and assigned to programs with respect to:
• Age;
• School catchment area;
• Residence location;
• Statutory entitlement; and
• The availability of space, facilities and instructional resources.
Catchment areas are defined by the Board and may be amended.
Space permitting, students may attend a school outside their catchment area. Parents or guardians may request a cross-boundary transfer for their elementary student or students to attend another school in accordance with district regulations.
Related Policies and Regulations:
1210-10 Student Registration and Catchment Area (Elementary)
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Many students from other countries come to British Columbia for schooling because their families value the high quality of education provided by our school system. International students enroll in Canadian schools to upgrade their language ability to benefit from the cross-cultural experience of living and attending school in a country other than their own, in order to graduate with a Dogwood Diploma.
The Board supports enrollment of international students and strives to meet their educational needs while ensuring that those who graduate meet all of the requirements of the Ministry of Education legislation and policy.
International students who graduate must meet all graduation requirements in ways that ensure competence in English. In accordance with Ministry policy, international students may be restricted in the number and type of courses given credit through equivalency, external credits, or challenge.
Enrollment of international and non-reciprocal exchange students is subject to space being available and to tuition being paid to cover costs of their educational program.
Enrollment of reciprocal exchange students is subject to a local student attending overseas in their stead.
Ministry of Education Policy, International Student Graduation Credit
Ministerial Order 302/04, the Graduation Program Order
Related Policies and Regulations:
1220-10 - - International and Non-Reciprocal Exchange Students - Admission and Tuition
The Ministry of Education defines “International Students” in the International Student Graduation Credit Policy 2009 as follows:
Students who have moved from outside of Canada to British Columbia and do not meet the residency requirements of Section 82 of the School Act.
For the purposes of the International Student Graduation Credit Policy 2009, an international student is a student from outside of Canada who is in British Columbia for the purpose of obtaining an educational program, is not ordinarily resident in British Columbia nor eligible for provincial or federal funding.
Note that students who are eligible for provincial funding under the exceptions listed in the Eligibility of Students for Operating Grant Funding do not need to meet the requirements of the International Student Graduation Credit Policy 2009.
For the purpose of this regulation, a “Non-Reciprocal Exchange Student” is:
International and Non-Reciprocal Exchange students are not funded by the Ministry of Education and are required to pay tuition fees as set out in this regulation.
1220 International Students Policy
1220-20A Application for Admission of Non-Canadian Students
1710-10 Student Fees and Deposits
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All school children should have access to their school upon their arrival at school each morning, as well as at recess and at noon hours when scheduled supervision is available.
The Board of Education supports a comprehensive, coordinated and collaborative approach for responding to child abuse and neglect which will include:
a) providing child abuse prevention programs to students;
b) providing school officials, employees and other persons working in schools with training in recognizing signs of child abuse and neglect;
c) providing school officials, employees and other persons working in schools with direction and training on their legal obligation to report child abuse and neglect to:
i. a Child Welfare Worker under the Child, Family and Community Service Act;
ii. the RCMP where the child is in immediate danger; and
iii. school officials;
d) requiring school officials to investigate and/or report to the RCMP allegations of child abuse involving current and former Board employees, volunteers, or contract service providers;
e) establishing a child abuse/neglect reporting and investigation protocol with other responsible agencies, to identify the roles and responsibilities of school officials and personnel from other agencies in responding to allegations of child abuse or neglect; and
f) providing assistance to victims of child abuse and neglect by counselling and referrals to other agencies, as appropriate.
Related Policies and Regulations:
1310-10 Child Protection / Child Neglect and Abuse Regulation
Board Procedures for Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
1.0 Definitions:
1.1 “Child Welfare Worker” in these procedures refers to a person delegated under the Child, Family and Community Service Act to provide child welfare services, including responses to suspected child abuse and neglect. The Ministry of Children and Family Development and fully delegated Aboriginal Child and Family Service Agencies employ Child Welfare Workers authorized to respond to suspected child abuse and neglect.
1.2 “Interagency Child Abuse / Neglect Reporting and Investigation Protocol” refers to the interagency agreement between the Board of Education of School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert), Ministry of Children and Family Development Child Welfare Authority, Nishga’a Child and Family Services, Northwest Inter-Nation Family and Child Services, and the Prince Rupert RCMP, dated October ___, 2011, as amended from time to time, setting out responsibilities of the respective agencies in reporting and responding to situations involving concerns about child abuse or neglect.
1.3 “Parent” (CFCSA s. 1) includes someone with whom a child resides and who stands in place of a parent (except if placed there by Ministry of Children and Family Development or a delegated Aboriginal Child and Family Services Agency).
1.4 “Police” refers to the Prince Rupert Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) local detachment.
1.5 “Superintendent” refers to the Board’s Superintendent of Schools appointed under the School Act and includes any person designated by the Superintendent to fulfill the Superintendent’s responsibilities described herein.
2.0 Where allegations of child abuse or neglect involve the conduct of parents or parental failure to protect a child
2.1 Reporting to a Child Welfare Worker
The Child, Family and Community Service Act makes it a legal duty (CFCSA s. 14) of every person who has reason to believe that a child “needs protection” as defined in that Act
(CFCSA s. 13) to report the matter to a Child Welfare Worker.
The definition of when a child “needs protection” includes circumstances of physical harm, sexual abuse and exploitation or emotional harm by a child’s parent, or by another person if the parent is unwilling or unable to protect the child. It also includes circumstances of parental neglect and abandonment.
2.2 “Reason to believe” means that based on observation or information received, the person believes that a child has been or is likely to be at risk. Proof is not required. The child welfare worker may investigate and makes a determination whether abuse or neglect has occurred or is likely to occur. (Further discussion and examples may be found in the BC Handbook for Action on Child Abuse and Neglect for Service Providers.)
A Board employee who has reason to believe that a child "needs protection", must make a report to a Child Welfare Worker. If the employee has a concern but is not sure whether the concern amounts to a reason to believe that the child needs protection, the employee should consult with school officials and/or a Child Welfare Worker about whether the indicators observed are cause for concern or amount to reason to believe that the child needs protection. School officials may support employees in consultations or reports but should not hinder any employee from consulting with a Child Welfare Worker about a concern.
2.3 Reporting to the police
Abused or neglected children may be victims of offences under the Criminal Code of Canada such as physical or sexual assault; sexual exploitation; failure to provide the necessities of life; or criminal negligence causing bodily harm.
Where a child is in imminent danger, school officials should notify the police immediately.
Not every incident that might constitute an offence (e.g., a minor physical assault) warrants police involvement. Where a report is made to a Child Welfare Worker, normally the Child Welfare Worker will decide whether there is reason to believe that there has been a criminal offence committed that warrants police involvement and, if so, the matter is reported by the Child Welfare Worker to the police in order that they can exercise their law enforcement duties.
If school employees have any question as to whether conduct should be reported to the police, they should consult with school officials and/or a Child Welfare Worker.
2.4 Reporting to Board Officials
Employees who make reports to a Child Welfare Worker should inform the school principal or the District Principal of Student Support Services.
Where allegations of child abuse are made against Board employees, volunteers, contract service providers, or others in the school setting
Reports of child abuse may involve allegations against Board employees, volunteers, contract service providers, or other persons on school property, school officials have the primary responsibility for dealing with these allegations. Reports to Child Welfare Workers from school officials are not usually required, unless there is reason to believe that children outside the school setting may need protection or the parents are unable or unwilling to take any action required to protect the child.
Employees who have reason to believe that another employee, volunteer, contract service provider or other person on school property has abused a student must report the incident or information to the school principal or the Director of Instruction (Human Resources). Parents of children alleged to have been abused in the school setting must be informed by Board officials of the allegation and the outcome of the Board investigation, unless there are special circumstances relating, for example, to a child protection or police investigation, or endangerment of the child.
3.1 Board Employees
It is the legal responsibility of school officials and employees to provide a safe learning environment for students. Where there are allegations of child abuse by a Board employee, the Superintendent is responsible to investigate the allegations and/or report the matter to the police in accordance with the Interagency Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting and Investigation Protocol. The Board and Superintendent have the authority under the School Act (s. 15) to suspend an employee whose presence threatens the welfare of students. The Board also has the authority under the School Act to suspend an employee who is charged with a criminal offence.
3.2 Volunteers
Where there are allegations of child abuse by a volunteer, school officials have the authority to prohibit the volunteer’s attendance at school or an official school function, in accordance with Policy #5310 (Volunteers), the School Act (s. 177(2)), if applicable, and the Interagency Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting and Investigation Protocol.
3.3 Contracted Service Providers
Where there are allegations of child abuse by contracted service providers, school officials have the authority to prohibit the service provider’s attendance at school or an official school function, in accordance with the Board’s contractual rights, property rights and its authority under the School Act.
3.4 Other Persons
Where there are allegations of child abuse by other persons, school officials have the authority under the School Act to prohibit the person’s attendance on school premises (S.A. s. 177) and to seek the assistance of the police, in accordance with the Interagency Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting and Investigation Protocol.
3.5 Reporting to the police
Not every incident that might, if proven to constitute an offence, will warrant police involvement. School officials are expected to exercise judgment. Where there is reason to believe that the alleged child abuse by employees, volunteers, contract service providers or other persons may constitute a criminal offence warranting police involvement, school officials should consult with the police regarding the matter. Where the police initiate a criminal investigation, the Superintendent must cooperate with the police, in accordance with the Interagency Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting and Investigation Protocol.
3.6 Reporting to a Child Welfare Worker
Although the primary responsibility for dealing with abuse allegations involving Board employees, volunteers, or contract service provider, rests with the Board as employer, there may still be a need to report to a Child Welfare Worker. For example, there may be indications:
of abuse outside the scope of the Board investigation;
that the parents may respond to the abuse allegations in a way that suggests that they are unwilling or unable to take any action needed to protect the child; or
that the child is at risk of being abused by the parent.
Where there is reason to believe that abuse or neglect of a child has taken place outside the scope of the Board investigation and the parent is unwilling or unable to protect the child, or there is reason to believe that the parent is unwilling or unable to protect the child with respect to the abuse that is the subject of the Board investigation, school officials must report this to a Child Welfare Worker in accordance with the Child, Family and Community Service Act.
3.7 Reporting to BC College of Teachers and other professional bodies
School employees and officials who are members of the BC College of Teachers have an obligation under the Teaching Profession Act (T.P.A. s. 27.1) to report to the Registrar of the College where they have reason to believe that another member is guilty of professional misconduct involving physical harm to a student, sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a student or significant emotional harm to a student. This requirement is in addition to the obligation of school officials to report the dismissal, suspension and discipline of members (or persons holding letters of permission) to the College under the School Act (S.A. s. 16).
If an employee or contractor is a registered member of another professional body, such as the BC College of Psychologists or the College of Registered Nurses of BC, there may be duties to report to that professional body. For example, under the Health Professions Act of BC, an employer who terminates or suspends a registered member based on a belief that the member’s continued practice of the health profession would be a danger to the public, must report to the professional body.
3.8 Reporting to Board Insurers
If the circumstances indicate that a civil claim is likely to be made against the Board or its staff or volunteers as a result of the incident, the Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that a report is made to the School Protection Program.
4.0. Where allegations of child abuse are made against school-aged students
School officials have the responsibility and authority under the School Act to investigate allegations that a student has abused another student within the school environment. School officials may take disciplinary or other remedial action, in accordance with Board Policy.
School employees and officials also have responsibility to take appropriate action to safeguard a student who is the victim of abusive conduct by other students at school and to notify the parents of the students involved.
School officials may notify and/or consult the police or a Child Welfare Worker where appropriate, in accordance with the Interagency Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting and Investigation Protocol. School authorities have discretion, in the circumstances of many minor offences, whether to deal with a matter through the school discipline process or whether to call in the police. A report to a Child Welfare Worker is only required where there is reason to believe that the child’s parent is unable or unwilling to take action required to protect the child or where there is reason to believe that other abuse (including abuse of the alleged abuser) has taken place outside the scope of the Board investigation and the parent is unwilling or unable to protect the child (or the parent is implicated in the abuse).
Employees who make reports to a Child Welfare Worker should inform the school principal or the District Principal of Support Services.
4.1 Reporting to Board Insurers
If the circumstances indicate that a civil claim is likely to be made against the Board or its staff or volunteers as a result of the incident, the Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that a report is made to the School Protection Program.
BC Handbook for Action on Child Abuse and Neglect for Service Providers, 2007, Ministry of Children and Family Development
Responding to Child Welfare Concerns, 2007, Ministry of Children and Family Development
Child, Family and Community Service Act, sections 13 and 14
Health Professions Act , s. 32.2
School Act, sections 15, 16, 177
Teaching Profession Act, s. 27.1
Interagency Protocol for Reporting and Investigation of Child Abuse and Neglect in
School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert)
A. Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this protocol is to set out and clarify the practices of the agencies involved with the Board of Education of School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) (the “Board”) in responding to reports of child abuse and neglect, especially as they interact respecting:
The protocol is intended to:
The protocol is not intended to create legal contractual relationships.
B. Terminology
In this protocol:
“CFCSA” refers to the Child, Family and Community Service Act, RSBC 1996, c. 46, as amended.
“Child” means a person under the age of 19.
“Criminal offence warranting police involvement” refers to an offence within police jurisdiction that either is required to be reported to police under school board policy or, in the judgment of the school administrator, requires the involvement of the criminal justice system to be dealt with appropriately. The courts have recognized that school authorities have discretion in the circumstances of many minor offences whether to deal with the matter through the school discipline process (which is more immediate in its consequences and so may be more effective) or whether to call in the police. Not every potential offence warrants police involvement.[1]
“Child Welfare Worker” refers to a person delegated under the Child, Family and Community Service Act to provide child welfare services, including responses to suspected child abuse and neglect. Both the Ministry of Children and Family Development and named delegated Aboriginal Family and Child Service Agencies employ Child Welfare Workers.
“Child Welfare Authority” refers to the Ministry of Children and Families or a delegated Aboriginal Family and Child Service Agency, as the case may be.
Nisga’a Child and Family Services and Northwest Inter-Nation Family and Child Services are both Aboriginal Child and Family Service Agency that have been delegated authority under the Child, Family and Community Service Act.
“The Handbook” refers to The BC Handbook for Action on Child Abuse and Neglect for Service Providers, 2007, published by the Ministry of Children and Family Development, or any successor publication.
“Needs Protection” refers to the situation of a child in any of the following circumstances, as defined by CFCSA s.13(1):
a) the child has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed by the child’s parent;
b) the child has been, or is likely to be, sexually abused or exploited by the child’s parent;
c) the child has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed, sexually abused or sexually exploited by another person and if the child’s parent is unwilling or unable to protect the child;
d) the child has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed because of neglect by the child’s parent;
e) the child is emotionally harmed by the parent’s conduct;
f) the child is deprived of necessary health care;
g) the child’s development is likely to be seriously impaired by a treatable condition and the child’s parent refuses to provide or consent to treatment;
h) the child’s parent is unable or unwilling to care for the child and has not made adequate provision for the child’s care;
i) the child is, or has been, absent from home in circumstances that endanger the child’s safety or wellbeing;
j) the child’s parent is dead and adequate provision has not been made for the child’s care;
k) the child has been abandoned and adequate provision has not been made for the child’s care; or
l) the child is in the care of a director or another person by agreement and the child's parent is unwilling or unable to resume care when the agreement is no longer in force.
Working definitions of child abuse and neglect are contained in The BC Handbook for Action on Child Abuse and Neglect for Service Providers (See pages 23-26.)
“Parties” means the agencies listed below as having approved this protocol.
“Principal” includes a vice-principal or other staff member designated by the principal of a Board school to fulfill the duties of the Principal under this Protocol Agreement.
“SA” refers to the School Act, RSBC 1996, c. 412, as amended.
“Superintendent” refers to the Superintendent of Schools appointed by the Board under the SA, and includes any person designated by the Superintendent to fulfill the Superintendent’s duties under this Protocol Agreement. The designated person would be the District Principal of Student Support Services.
C. Reporting and Investigation Procedures
The Parties agree that the attached tables set out their expectations of their own responsibilities and their expectations of the responsibilities of the other Parties. At the request of any Party, the Parties agree to meet, review the procedures set out in the attached tables and make amendments to supplement or amend them.
[1] . Legal references: R. v. Keukens, [1993] O.J. No. 1223; R. v G. (J.M.), (1986) 56 O.R. (2dd) 705.
D. Parties
The parties listed below agree to conduct their affairs in accordance with this Protocol.
Signed on behalf of School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) on October __, 2011:
[Name, Title]
Signed on behalf of Ministry of Children and Family Development (Prince Rupert) on October___, 2011:
[Name, Title]
Signed on behalf of Nisga’a Child and Family Services on October __, 2011:
[Name, Title]
Signed on behalf of Northwest Inter-Nation Family and Child Services on October__ , 2011:
[Name, Title]
Signed on behalf of the Prince Rupert RCMP on October __, 2011:
[Name, Title]
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The Board of Education acknowledges its obligation under the Workers Compensation Act (Part 2) and School Act (sections 91, 92) to provide a safe and healthy environment for students and employees.
Precautions will be taken to ensure that an individual's medical condition does not present a health and safety risk to students and employees. The Board supports appropriate procedures regarding infectious pathogens and immunizations, as described in the regulations.
The Board recognizes that a student with an infectious disease is entitled to an educational program and, insofar as it is possible and prudent, the student shall be treated as any other student with a medical condition. The student's personal physician and/or pediatrician shall be responsible for evaluating the student's health.
A Board employee with an infectious disease, insofar as it is feasible and prudent, shall be treated as would any other employee with a medical condition. The employee's personal physician shall be responsible for evaluating the employee's health.
In the case of both students and employees, Northern Health will be consulted on the precautions that are appropriate for the district to implement.
The Board endorses the position of the Province of British Columbia that all school-age children should be protected by scheduled vaccines against communicable diseases.
The nature of a school setting provides opportunities for the spread of infection. Infection in one or more children will pose a risk for other students and staff, depending on the ease with which the infection is spread.
Decisions to intervene to prevent the spread of infection within a school are to be made in collaboration with the School Medical Officer and the Superintendent of Schools considering:
1. Availability and effectiveness of specific prevention methods, and
2. The risk of serious complications from infection.
The responsibility for providing medical information and controlling the spread of a communicable disease belongs with Northern Health. The ultimate responsibility for identifying students at risk lies with the School Medical Officer. The School District takes direction from the School Medical Officer in these situations.
Consultation with the School Medical Officer provides school staff with information regarding action which may be necessary following exposure to a specific communicable disease. As a result, medical information/instruction may be provided to schools and parents. The process will be dependent on the need for specific action and may include verbal consultation, written information sheets, or a letter for a specific group of students. If a communicable disease is identified and involves significant risk or public interest, the Superintendent of Schools will implement the plan and guidelines as discussed and outlined by Northern Health.
The School District's role is to help Health Professionals with the logistics of
1. Informing staff, students and parents about procedures, and
2. Assisting in forwarding written instructions to parents to expedite any needed process.
Principals must be prepared to implement the following steps within a period of 24 hours, depending on the urgency of the situation. The plan outlines recommended actions. It should be noted that the circumstances surrounding each situation are unique and changes to this plan may be required by the School Medical Officer.
Step 1
Contact the Superintendent of Schools.
Step 2
The Superintendent of Schools will contact the School Medical Officer regarding the need for activating an action plan.
Step 3
Each Principal should ensure that contact data for all students is easily accessible and available in hard copy. This includes lists of students enrolled, class groupings and bus groupings, as well as medical information regarding at-risk students to facilitate rapid dissemination of information.
Step 4
The principal should assure that the whereabouts of students on the day of an incident of potential exposure are known (field trips, absenteeism, etc.)
Step 5
The School Medical Officer will be asked to provide the Superintendent of Schools with the name and telephone number of the Northern Health staff member who will be the liaison and who will respond to inquiries from parents and the media. It is important that the Superintendent of Schools and the Northern Health staff member communicate frequently to ensure both Northern Health and the School District are properly informed.
No information regarding the medical situation should be provided by the school to parents or students, unless specifically requested in writing by the School Medical Officer to do so.
Step 6
The Health Unit may request that a series of actions be immediately taken at the school level; for example:
-that the principal assist in identifying contacts, or students at risk
-that the principal curtail certain activities at the school for a prescribed period of time, e.g. assemblies, field trips where students will be in close contact
-that the principal send a notice home with students
-that the principal assist the Health Unit in calling an emergency meeting of parents at the school to provide information or medication for some or all students.
1320 Communicable Diseases and Immunizations Policy
Quick Guide to Common Childhood Diseases – BC Centre for Disease Control, May 2009
The School District will base its decisions upon the advice of the School Medical Officer at Northern Health.
Current medical research concludes that blood-borne pathogens cannot be transmitted in the course of the usual interactions in the school setting and there is no significant safety hazard to others in the school setting from individuals with blood-borne pathogen infections. Hence, the student must not be restricted from the school based solely on the diagnosis. Nor should the student be restricted from using school equipment, supplies or facilities. It is important that general hygienic practices be observed.
It is important for the psychological well-being of the student that the student remain within the school system as long as possible. Illness-challenged students should be encouraged to pursue activities which their condition allows. A student infected with a blood borne pathogen should not, therefore, be removed from school unless this has been recommended by the School Medical Officer.
Definitions of Blood Borne Pathogens:
AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
This is the most severe manifestation of the HIV infection. When an individual is diagnosed with AIDS, they are infected with HIV, and the immune system is so damaged that other diseases (called "opportunistic infections or OIs") develop.
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
This is the virus that causes AIDS.
HBV (Hepatitis B) and HCV (Hepatitis C) Pathogens
These are the viruses responsible for Hepatitis B and C, inflammations of the liver spread by blood and serum driven fluids, and by direct contact with blood fluids.
Communication and Confidentiality:
Should an employee become aware that a student has a blood borne pathogen, the employee will immediately inform the Principal who in turn will inform the Superintendent or designate.
The Principal will arrange to meet with the parents or guardians of the students to review this regulation and advise who will be confidentially informed of the student’s medical condition.
The identity of school employees or students infected with blood-borne pathogens shall be kept confidential. Dissemination of information shall be restricted to:
In deciding who should be informed, the Principal and the Superintendent shall seek the cooperation and assistance of the School Medical Officer.
Guidelines for Contact with Blood or Body Fluids:
The School Board believes that all children should be protected by immunization against all common preventable diseases: measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio. These immunizations should be up to date before school entry and the parents should keep a record of the student's current and future immunizations.
The School Board supports the need for a measles elimination program and requests that all children entering kindergarten or otherwise enrolling in School District No. 52
(Prince Rupert) for the first time show proof of measles immunization or a letter from the parents declaring that they do not want their child immunized against measles or a letter from a physician declaring that measles immunization is prohibited for medical reasons. Each school Administrative Officer shall maintain a record of the requested information for each student enrolled.
Where a student requires medication during school activities, the school principal is responsible for the administration of such medication. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to bring the matter to the attention of the principal.
Except in emergency situations, and subject to the requirements of the Anaphylaxis Regulation, no employee of the Board shall administer medication or supervise the self-administration of medication unless it is carried out in accordance with the Medication for Students Regulation.
The Board recognizes that a student may be absent from school for a few days during the implementation of the medication administration plan.
It is recognized that the medication to be administered should not normally require any special skill or knowledge on the part of the school principal or designate.
1350-10 - - Medication for Students Regulation
1350-10A - - Request for Administration of Medication at School - Form
1350-10B - - Student Medical Alert - Form
1380 Anaphylaxis Policy
1380-10 – Anaphylaxis Regulation
4110-60 Emergency Preparedness - Medical Emergency Response Regulation
Any employee responsible for administration of a medication must review the information on the form and date and sign the form in Section "E". Any employee may refuse to accept responsibility for the administration of medication.
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Like all children, participation in physical activity is important for children with Down Syndrome to promote and maintain health, encourage social interactions, and to have fun! However, additional considerations need to be made when engaging in physical activity with children with Down Syndrome.
Some children with Down Syndrome may have an instability in the spine close to where it joins the skull, heart abnormalities, or difficult time tolerating increased body temperature.
Participation in some physical activities by children with Down Syndrome with weakness in the neck can result in very serious injury (atlantoaxial dislocation). Severe injury to the upper spinal cord may result. The following physical activities for students with Down Syndrome with an instability in the spine close to where it joins the skull should be avoided:
Some children with Down Syndrome are born with abnormalities of the heart. These abnormalities will often be addressed through surgery when the child is very young. Parents or doctors should be consulted regarding physical limitations on cardiovascular activity prior to participating in physical activities.
Body Temperature:
When planning physical activity for children with Down Syndrome, work in rest periods or water breaks to ensure that body temperature does not rise too high. For some children with Down Syndrome, self-regulation becomes increasingly difficult with rising body temperature and fatigue.
In order to protect students with Down Syndrome, the Board of School Trustees requires that all students with Down Syndrome be properly screened by a medical doctor prior to their participation in physical activities. Students with Down Syndrome shall not be permitted to participate in physical activities without written approval by a medical practitioner permitting participation in physical activities.
1130 Student Support Policy
The Board of Education intends to maintain a safe, secure and respectful environment for students and staff. The Board recognizes its responsibility to work with students in a manner which is similar to a kind, firm, and judicious parent. Positive and least restrictive approaches in the provision of student supports are considered best practice. The overriding goals of this policy are:
It is expected that school personnel will implement positive behaviour supports and interventions, behaviour plans, emergency or safety plans, and other plans to prevent and de-escalate potentially unsafe situations. It is expected that parents and, where appropriate, students, are consulted in the development of positive behaviour supports and interventions, behaviour plans, and emergency or safety plans.
These supports, interventions and plans are intended to minimize the risk that a student will pose imminent danger of serious physical harm to self or others. If they are not successful, and the student poses an imminent danger of serious physical harm to self or others, physical restraint and seclusion are used as a last resort.
When physical restraint or seclusion are used it will be with the least amount of force and in the least restrictive way, and in proportion to the danger of the behaviour. Physical restraint or seclusion are never conducted in a manner that could, in any way, cause harm to a student. Restraint or seclusion is discontinued once the imminent danger has passed.
Related Policies and Regulations:
1370-10 Physical Restraint and Seclusion Regulation
The Board wishes to maintain a safe and secure environment for students and staff. In order to achieve this general goal, the Board accepts that on the occasion when the uncontrolled physical actions of a student:
a) threaten to cause harm to self:
b) threaten to cause harm to others;
c) threaten to cause harm to property; it may be necessary to physically restrain the student.
When restraint is used it will be used with the least amount of force necessary to protect both restrainer and restrainee.
Definition: Physical restraint is a judicious control measure applied temporarily to a student for the protection of that student, others or property, when in the opinion of the supervisory adult the threat of harm is immediate.
Physical restraint should only be used in situations when there is an immediate risk to the student, others or property due to the uncontrolled physical behavior of the student.
Restraint will only be used when the restrainer does not believe that safe control can be established in any other way.
Physical restraint may be used inside or outside of the classroom and may be performed by any supervisory adult.
The following guidelines are to be followed regarding the restraining measures themselves, the debriefing procedure to be used and the documentation of the incident.
Restraining Measures
Prior to imposing restraining measures, the restrainer will inform the student of the process that will be used.
When possible physical contact should be conducted:
Teachers and child care workers of students who have been identified as having a recent history of violent behaviour should be inserviced regarding appropriate restraint techniques. This training is to occur as approved by the District Principal/Director of Instruction who is responsible for Student Support Services.
Parents/guardians of students who have been identified as having a recent history of violent behaviour shall be informed of the restraint techniques to be explored by the child care worker and/or teacher.
Debriefing should occur immediately with the student so that both the restrainer and the student are comfortable with the resolution and that the student is encouraged to:
Documentation and review includes:
(Please refer to Prince Rupert School District Violence Prevention Manual page 17, “Dealing with Violent Students” for further information.)
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In accordance with Ministry of Education requirements, the Board provides this policy and regulation relating to the response to anaphylaxis in school settings. This policy acknowledges the principles identified in the BC Anaphylactic and Child Safety Framework.
The safety, health, and well-being of students is the primary responsibility of parents or guardians. The Board, school employees, students, and health care workers share in this responsibility.
Principals have overall responsibility for student safety in schools, including implementation of anaphylaxis safety plans in accordance with the requirements of Board policy and regulations.
Parents or guardians of student are responsible to inform the school about their child’s potential risk for anaphylaxis and for providing ongoing health support services.
When addressing the risk of exposure for students at risk of anaphylaxis to allergens, the Board will balance limiting the student at risk of normal peer relations with the reasonableness of restrictions on other students.
Ministerial Order 232/07 – Anaphylaxis Protection Order
British Columbia Anaphylactic and Child Safety Framework
1380-10 - Anaphylaxis Regulation
Anaphylaxis is a sudden and severe allergic reaction, which can be fatal, requiring immediate medical emergency measures be taken.
The parents/guardians/adult student must further provide the school with updated medical information whenever there is a significant change related to their child/children or self.
The parent/guardian or adult student must outline the possible symptoms and requested intervention by school staff.
Student Level Emergency Procedure Plan
School Level Emergency Procedure Plan
The use of medical identifying information such as the Medic Alert® is strongly recommended. To provide a uniform standard of identification, boards of education are required to include an education plan for anaphylactic students and their parents to encourage the use by anaphylactic students of medical identifying information.
School policy must identify the central, unlocked location where medication will be stored. Additionally, schools must ensure that parents/guardians are informed that it is their responsibility:
While it is impossible to eliminate all potential allergens from the school environment, schools should create an allergy-aware environment in response to the most common triggers for anaphylaxis: food allergens and insect stings and for managing risk associated with rarer allergies to other substances, for example when a child is identified with allergies to medications, exercise, latex.
Appropriate training is a critical component to effectively managing risk associated with anaphylaxis.
Anaphylaxis is a sudden and severe allergic reaction, which can be fatal, requiring immediate medical emergency measures be taken.
Both of these symptoms may lead to death if untreated
The parents/guardians/adult student must further provide the school with updated medical information whenever there is a significant change related to their child or self.
The parent/guardian or adult student must outline the possible symptoms and requested intervention by school staff.
Student Level Emergency Procedure Plan
School Level Emergency Procedure Plan
The use of medical identifying information such as the Medic Alert® is strongly recommended. To provide a uniform standard of identification, schools will have an education plan for anaphylactic students and their parents to encourage the use by anaphylactic students of medical identifying information.
School policy must identify the central, unlocked location where medication will be stored. Additionally, schools must ensure that parents/guardians are informed that it is their responsibility:
While it is impossible to eliminate all potential allergens from the school environment, schools should create an allergy-aware environment in response to the most common triggers for anaphylaxis: food allergens and insect stings, and for managing risk associated with rarer allergies to other substances, for example when a child is identified with allergies to medications, exercise, or latex.
Appropriate training is a critical component to effectively managing risk associated with anaphylaxis.
1390 Restrictions on Student Use of Personal Digital Devices Policy
The SD52 Board of Trustees expects a learning environment with limited distractions and the responsible use of digital technology. It recognizes the research that shows that frequent cellphone interruption in the classroom, social media platforms with addictive algorithms and an increasing level of cyberbullying and online exploitation of young people, are having a negative impact on instruction, learning, and student mental health. The District will develop restrictions, programming, and procedures for student use of personal internet-connected devices that are age-appropriate and support the development of good digital citizens.
“Personal Internet-Connected Devices” include, but are not limited to, cell phones, smartphones, tablet computers, smartwatches, and portable video game systems.
3350 – Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
1410 – District Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Policy
1410-10 – District Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Regulation
Setting expectations for student and staff behavior in schools is part of the Board of Education’s governance role for the district.
Schools should be safe, welcoming, caring and orderly places. All students are encouraged to succeed and to engage in their educational programs with a sense of hope, purpose and control. Such an environment is best built on a foundation of respect (in Sm’algyax, Łoomsk): respect for others, for property and for community.
The Board is committed to the principles and values set out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the BC Human Rights Code. In particular, the Board is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination. Decisions must be free of any discrimination based on the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or class of persons.
The Board is committed to supporting an environment free from intentional or unintentional racism or discrimination for all students, employees, and trustees and shall:
In light of the negative impact personal digital devices are having on instruction, learning and student mental health, the Board is committed to restricting the use of personal digital devices in schools based on the following guidelines (See Policy 1390 Restrictions on Student Use of Personal Digital Devices):
All students will have access to school/district owned technology at an age appropriate level
Schools will exempt specific students from restrictions when they are needed for full inclusion in learning activities.
Schools will make accommodations for students with medical and health needs that outline the need for these devices.
At the elementary school level, the use of access to personal internet-connected devices will not be permitted at any time during the school day.
At a minimum, access to and the use of personal internet-connected devices at the middle and secondary levels will not be permitted during instructional time. At the teacher’s discretion, an exemption may be made when their use supports learning.
The security and storage of internet-connected devices is the sole responsibility of the owner/user. The District assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair or replacement of such devices.
Definition – “Personal Internet-Connected Devices” include, but are not limited to , cell phones, smartphones, tablet computers, smartwatches, and portable video game systems.
The Board believes that the responsibility for student behavior and conduct in schools is shared among students, staff, and parents and guardians in order to create a safe, caring and orderly learning and working environment.
The District Code of Conduct Regulations provide a framework with respect to expectations for student behavior:
Individual school codes of conduct are to be developed within this framework by the principal Representatives of staff, students, and parents and guardians will all have input when developing and updating the school code of conduct.
Students and employees have the responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with the codes of conduct established by the school district and by their school. Failure to comply with district expectations may result in appropriate consequences.
Whenever possible and where appropriate, consequences for unacceptable student conduct shall be restorative in nature. Restitution/restorative practices strengthen students by helping them learn to problem solve and restore relationships. If restorative practices are not successful, other measures, including student suspension and exclusion from school, may be necessary. Students will be disciplined in a timely and fair manner, and such discipline shall be in accordance with district regulations.
A. Scope of the District Code of Conduct and Anti Racism Regulation
1.1 The District Code of Conduct applies to students of the district engaged in, present at, or attending:
a) School or any activity on school premises whether during a regular school day, outside the regular school day, or on a day that is not a school day;
b) Travel on a school bus or other transportation contracted or arranged by the Board of school;
c) Any activity sponsored by, organized by or participated in by the school regardless of the time or place;
d) Any activity in and around the school premises occurring during the school day that involves the property of neighbouring residents, or that constitutes a mischief or abusive behaviour;
e) Any activity which may have a connection with the maintenance of order and discipline at a school.
1.2 The school principal has the authority to respond to student misconduct occurring outside the school day or school-related or sponsored activities where the principal determines the conduct may negatively impact the school environment.
1.3 The district and school will cooperate with the outside agencies and police (as per the Child Protection Act) in cases where students violate the law. This cooperation will be informed by the guidelines.
B. Conduct Expectations
2.1 The Board expects students to conduct themselves in the following manner:
a) Maintain courteous and respectful relationships with fellow students, teachers, support staff and others involved in the school system;
b) Respect public and personal property;
c) Adhere to all classroom, school and district rules and policies;
d) Comply with the reasonable directives of a teacher or other employee of the Board;
e) Maintain appropriate standards of hygiene, dress and language;
f) Maintain a healthy lifestyle and attitude;
g) Attend school daily and promptly at the appointed hours;
h) Work diligently and respectfully at their studies without disrupting the work of others;
i) Demonstrate respect for all people, both in and outside school in compliance with the BC Human Rights Code;
j) Demonstrate respect for diversity including, but not limited to, diversity with reference to the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, or socioeconomic background of that person or class of persons;
k) Comply with the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act 2023 prohibiting the use of
tobacco or vapour products on school property.
2.2 The Board regards the following as examples of serious misconduct which are not acceptable in the district’s schools and workplaces:
a) Bullying (including cyberbullying);
b) Verbal or physical harassment, disrespect, and/or intimidation;
c) Physical or emotional violence;
d) Discrimination contrary to the BC Human Rights Code;
e) The possession, use and/or trafficking of illegal or restricted drugs, alcohol, or other harmful substances;
f) The possession and/or use of weapons;
g) The possession and/or use of fireworks or incendiary devices;
h) The possession and/or use of noxious or toxic substances;
i) Engaging in conduct contrary to the District or School Code of Conduct and/or any school rule or Board policy;
j) Taking retaliation against a person who has reported incidents of unacceptable behaviour described above.
C. Consequences for Unacceptable Conduct
Where appropriate, consequences for unacceptable conduct should be preventative and restorative in nature and should provide students with the opportunity to change behaviour. Restorative and other measures, including student suspension and exclusion from school may be necessary for those occasions when efforts fail to result in a student complying with the expected conduct standards. In such instances, disciplinary actions must recognize and adhere to certain principles.
3.1 Each instance of student misconduct must be dealt with on an individual basis taking into consideration the individual circumstances of the student;
3.2 Each case of student misconduct shall be dealt with as expeditiously as possible;
3.3 Students who contravene the District or School Code of Conduct will be subject to discipline reflective of the age and maturity and developmental levels of the student and the severity and frequency of the unacceptable conduct:
a) Disciplinary consequences should be progressive in nature;
b) As students become older, behaviour expectation become higher and consequences of unacceptable behaviour become greater;
c) Severe, pervasive or retaliatory behaviour will warrant stronger consequences and may lead to a referral to the Superintendent of Schools.
3.4 Discipline will be fair, consistent and meaningful, for the purpose of making restitution and enhancing student responsibility and self-discipline;
3.5 Special considerations may apply to students with diverse abilities & disabilities if these students are unable or do not comply with a Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. When students with identified diverse abilities & disabilities require intervention regarding their conduct, the school Principal will ensure that:
a) Such students have been adequately assessed;
b) Appropriate interventions are applied before discipline is considered;
c) The grounds for suspension are clear and appropriate;
d) Meaningful education programs or interventions are offered during any period of suspension;
e) Planning is undertaken for successful re-entry of the student if suspension is imposed.
3.6 In cases of property damage, the School Act assigns a liability for costs to the parents and student(s) involved.
D. Suspensions
Suspension from school is an action of last resort when all other efforts have failed, or in those instances in which the misconduct is deemed to be of a serious enough nature that the student’s continued presence in the school may be detrimental to the well-being of students, others or to the overall school environment. In such cases:
4.1 School Principals have the authority to suspend a student from school for up to five (5) consecutive school days;
4.2 In the event of a suspension, the school Principal shall immediately report it in writing to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and the superintendent. The report should include the dates involved, reason(s), date of reinstatement, and advice to parents regarding alternatives they may pursue, including reference to the Student and/or parent Appeal By-law (By-Law #4).
4.3 If, in the opinion of the school Principal, an infraction is of a serious enough nature to warrant a suspension of greater than five (5) days, the school Principal shall consult with the Superintendent of Schools or designate.
E. Record-Keeping
The Board expects that district and school administration and staff will maintain accurate and reliable records which allow the monitoring and tracking of individual, school and district-wide student conduct data over time.
F. Appeals
The school Principal responsible for imposing discipline on a particular student shall advise parents and students that discipline decisions significantly affecting the education, health or safety of a student entitled to an educational program in the district are subject to appeal as provided by Section. 11 of the School Act and Board Procedural By-Law #4 – Student and/or Parent Appeal Bylaw.
G. BC Human Rights Code
7.1 The Board of Education recognizes that the BC Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination, which is defined as an intentional or unintentional act which adversely affects a person or group on the basis of prejudice.
7.2 In order to “promote a climate of understanding and respect where all are equal in dignity and rights” (BC Human Rights Code), the Board supports the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place or origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical and mental ability, gender, or sexual orientation.
7.3 The Board therefore expects that students shall, at all times, engage in behaviour which is inclusive and respectful of every person and in particular is respectful of minorities and the diversity of Canadian society.
H. Retaliation
The Board will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a Code of Conduct.
I. School Codes of Conduct
Within the framework of the District Code of Conduct, each school shall establish a written School Code of Conduct that will govern student conduct. School principals will ensure these codes are:
9.1 Reflective of the standards outlined in Safe, Caring, and Orderly Schools, 2008;
9.2 Developed collaboratively with staff, parents and students;
9.3 Made available to the public;
9.4 Distributed to students, parents and employees of the School Board at the beginning of each school year.
9.5 Provided to students and parents who enroll in the school during the school year;
9.6 Provided to employees of the Board who are assigned to the school during the school year when they are so assigned;
9.7 Displayed prominently in the school;
9.8 Reviewed annually with individuals or groups the school considers are representative of:
a) employees of the Board;
b) parents, and
c) students.
in order to assess the effectiveness of the School Code of Conduct in addressing current school safety issues.
9.9 Actively “taught” as part of the regular classroom and school experience.
Ministry Document: Safe, Caring, and Orderly Schools (2008)
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
1410-20 Use and or Possession of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Regulation
1430 District Support Committee Policy
1430-10 Support Committee Regulation
1440-20 Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity and Expression Regulation
The Board of Education does not condone the use of controlled and illegal drugs, or alcohol in district schools or school sponsored activities regardless of whether the activity takes place inside or outside of the district’s geographical boundaries.
The following process will occur the first time a student is found to be under the influence, or in possession, of controlled and illegal drugs, cannabis and/or alcohol while under the supervision of the school;
For repeated offence/s:
The Parent/guardians will be contacted to take the student home. A School Based Team meeting will occur to determine next steps which may include:
1410 – District Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Policy
4220-10 – Smoke Free Environment Regulation
Student incidents which pose a serious threat to the safe and orderly conduct of a school will be handled appropriately to ensure reasonableness, procedural fairness and natural justice for all involved.
The District Support Committee will review serious disciplinary matters. The committee shall act in concert with the District Violence, Threat and Risk Assessment (VTRA) team and shall include, at minimum, one member of the District VTRA team.
All cases in which a student is prohibited from attendance at school for contravention of the District Code of Conduct and/or a School Code of Conduct for more than five school days will be referred to the District Support Committee. The Superintendent may also refer other cases to the Committee.
The basis for the decision of the Committee to suspend, re-admit or refuse to continue to offer an educational program to a student will be in accordance with Sections 6, 26 and 85 of the School Act.
Restorative action is one of the guiding principles for this policy.
School Act, Sections 6, 26 and 85
1410 – District Code of Conduct and Anti Racism Policy
1410-10 – District Code of Conduct Regulation
1410-20 – Use and or Possession of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Regulation
1420-10 – Student Responsibilities, Discipline and Suspension Regulation
3110-10 – School Bus and Ferry Discipline Regulation
4210-20 – Weapons Regulation
1. Procedures for District Support Committee Referral
1.1 When a serious disciplinary situation involving a student arises, the principal may refer the student to the Superintendent of Schools (or his/her designate) for review.
1.2 When a principal and the superintendent (or designate) have reviewed a serious incident and referred it to the District Support Committee, the following procedures are to be followed by the principal:
1.2.1 contact the student’s parent or guardian;
1.2.2 send a letter to the parent or guardian. The letter should include the provisions of the School Act along with a brief summary of the incident;
1.2.3 send a copy of the letter to the superintendent;
1.3 Upon receiving the necessary documentation and letter, the superintendent (or designate) may arrange a meeting of the District Support Committee with the student, the parent(s) or guardian(s) and the principal. A detailed report of the student’s school record and the incident will be discussed at the committee meeting. The report of the principal shall include:
1.3.1 identification of the student – birth date, address, telephone number, parents’ or guardians’ names, school and placement;
1.3.2 it may also include copies of relevant school records – permanent record card, medical report, attendance records, discipline records, report card marks; if needed;
1.3.3 anecdotal record of the incident that was recorded as soon as possible after the incident occurred.
1.4 The committee shall give the student and the parent(s) or guardian(s) an opportunity to appear before it to speak to the issues of subsequent placement or program offering. The parents or guardians may bring an advocate to support them.The chairperson of the committee will facilitate this process.
1.5 The committee may seek the input of other agencies involved with the student and make a decision regarding appropriate action. The parent(s) or guardian(s) of the student and the principal will be notified in writing of the decision.
1.6 Following the District Support Committee’s hearing, the Chair will inform the school and parent(s)/guardian(s) in writing of the final decision. The letter will include:
1.6.1 the student’s date of return to school, the school to be attended, and the conditions under which the student will return to school; or
1.6.2 other arrangements for a student under sixteen (16) years of age to continue his/her education.
2.0 Appeal of a District Support Decision
2.1 The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be informed of their right to appeal the decision of the District Support Committee to the Board of Education under School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) Student and/or Parent Appeal Bylaw#4.
The Board of Education is committed to a safe and inclusive learning and working environment for all students, employees, and members of the school community, based on the principles of respect, acceptance, and equity. The Board of Education recognizes and supports the BC Human Rights Code which prohibits discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place or origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
Diversity among people is one of the most prominent features of British Columbia’s society. The Board of Education is firmly committed to recognizing and honouring the diversity of all members of the school community.
The Board will strive to create and maintain conditions that foster success for all students and that promote fair and equitable treatment for all. These conditions include:
1. Equitable access to, and equitable participation in, quality education;
2. School cultures that value and celebrate diversity, and respond to the diverse social and cultural needs of the communities they serve;
3. School cultures that promote understanding of others and respect for all;
4. Learning and working environments that are inclusive, safe and welcoming, and free from discrimination, harassment, and violence;
5. Decision-making processes that give a voice to all members of the school community;
6. Policies and practices that promote fair and equitable treatment.
The Board is committed to:
1. Creating an environment in the school district which is consistent with the B.C. Human Rights Code;
2. Providing students with cognitive, social-emotional, and physical access to educational programs that will assist them in participating in, and contributing to, a diverse society;
3. Hiring employees on the basis of ability and qualifications, and who are representative of the diverse population the district serves;
4. Reducing language and cultural barriers;
5. Communicating effectively with all students, parents, guardians, employees and partner groups. to ensure that each person has a voice and is treated with dignity and respect through an appropriate and constructive process.
School Act, Regulations and Orders
BC Human Rights Code (1996)
1410 - - District Code of Conduct Policy
1440-10 - - Multiculturalism Regulation
1440-20 - - Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity and Expression Regulation
4320-10 - - Bullying and Harassment Regulation
Definition: Culture is an expression of a person's heritage through such variables as religion, family, home, community, language, dress, aesthetics and recreation.
Students of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds shall have the opportunity to develop their educational potential in the School District.
The population of the district's schools consists of people from varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds. This mix of cultures provides a potential environment of greater understanding and respect for the various cultures within our community.
Respect and acceptance of the many cultures within our schools encourages the development of awareness, understanding, and respect for others of different ethnic, cultural and linguistic heritages. In this regard the district encourages and is receptive of community input.
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
1440 Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The Board of School Trustees believes that all public schools in this district shall be safe for everyone. We recognize and value the diversity found within its school communities and believe that each individual contributes to the strength of the district's culture. The Board also recognizes that students and other school community members with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities face a unique set of challenges within our schools and communities. In accordance with this regulation, and all relevant laws of more senior governing bodies, School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert):
The School District will provide an environment for all members of the school community to work and learn, free from fear, discrimination, and harassment, while also promoting proactive strategies and guidelines to ensure that all students, employees and families, irrespective of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, are welcomed and included in all aspects of education and school life, and are treated with respect and dignity.
The purpose of this regulation is to define appropriate behaviours and actions in order to prevent discrimination and harassment through greater awareness of and responsiveness to their harmful effects. This regulation is also to ensure that all complaints are taken seriously and dealt with expeditiously and effectively. The regulation will also raise awareness and improved understanding regarding the variations of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. By valuing diversity and respecting differences, students and staff act in accordance with Ministry established principles related to diversity.
It is the responsibility of all administrators, teachers and support staff to work together to build school communities which are positive and welcoming and will:
(a) foster respect, inclusion, fairness and equity;
(b) set, communicate and establish clear expectations for acceptable conduct;
(c) provide students, through various techniques, information that will lead to greater understanding, acceptance and support for all students.
Social responsibility, including information, issues and attitudes related to sexual orientation. gender identity, or gender expression is not assigned to a particular grade or subject area; instead, it is a responsibility shared among all staff.
Within each school, staff will take concrete actions to ensure that the school is more welcoming and safe for all students irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Therefore, School Codes of Conduct must include language that prohibits fear-promoting, harassing or discriminatory language and behaviour toward students, employees or others based on their real or perceived sexual orientation, or gender identification or expression.
Related Policy and Regulations
1440-10 Multiculturism Regulation
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This regulation applies to students in attendance at the Hartley Bay school.
The Superintendent of Schools or designate may authorize reimbursement to parents and/or students of all or part of their expenses for travelling from Hartley Bay to Prince Rupert to attend appeals.
An appeal meeting under Bylaw #4 Appeals will normally be convened by the Chairperson of the Board, and will follow these procedures:
1.Welcome and Introductions
2.The Chairperson will state the purpose of the meeting: to hear an appeal under Bylaw # 4
3.The Board will receive the report prepared by the Superintendent pursuant to Bylaw #4
4.Parent or spokesperson will be invited to make a written or oral submission
5.The employee whose decision is under appeal will be invited to make a written or oral submission.
6.The Board may receive any other information which, in the opinion of the Board, may be of assistance to the Board in disposing of the appeal
7.Trustees may ask questions of any person appearing at the appeal hearing
8.Parents and staff are excused from the meeting
9.Board deliberations and decision
The decision of the appeal committee will communicated to the appellant by letter as soon as possible.
All students shall conform to reasonable standards of appropriateness, hygiene and safety in dress and grooming. Clothing is not appropriate if it becomes an unduly distracting factor in the learning situation. School Principals are given authority to require any student not conforming to return home and change to suitable clothing before being re-admitted to class.
The choice of clothing and accessories worn by a student is to be regarded as a prerogative of the individual and his or her parents, provided that the following criteria are met:
In accordance with these guidelines, the suitability of dress is a matter of judgement on the part of the Principal and staff. Dress is a very personal matter. If instances arise where the criteria are not being met, and action is deemed necessary, then it is expected that care will be taken to avoid offending the sensibilities of students or parents.
This implies that references to the dress of an individual will not be made in the presence of other students. Any discussions are to be held privately with the student or by direct contact with the parents. Particularly when a question of taste may be involved or when dress may be deemed to be a distracting factor in the learning situation, tact and quiet diplomacy are to be utilized in preference to confrontation and coercion.
Except as indicated in the Regulation, Prince Rupert School District No. 52 believes that students are not to be interviewed by police officers on school premises.
Well-planned and properly supervised field trips provide educational and cultural value for students. For the purpose of this policy and the accompanying regulations, a field trip is any supervised teacher or school sponsored activity where students leave the school premises for part of a day, a day, or multiple days.
Field trips should be selected, planned, organized, and conducted in the context of clear educational benefits and student safety.
International student trips require approval in principle from the Board, as set out in regulations. Final approval, or a decision to cancel a planned trip, rests with the Superintendent.
Related Policies and Regulations
1610-10 Field Trip Approval and Permissions Regulation
1610-11 Field Trip Transportation Regulation
1610-12 Field Trip Supervision Regulation
1610-13 Field Trip Risk Management Regulation
1610-14 Field Trip – Unescorted Travel Regulation
1610-15 Field Trip Budget Regulation
1610-20A Field Trip Approval Application Form
1610-30A Field Trip Consent Form
1610-35A Field Trip Information Form
1610-40A High Risk Consent Form
1610-10 Field Trip Approval and Permissions Regulation
Student trips of significant educational value are encouraged and student trips of recreational value are permitted subject to the rules established in this regulation. Student safety is a primary consideration.
Students participating in field trips will behave in accordance with the school code of conduct and any special directions required to ensure student safety during the trip.
A curricular (educational) field trip relates specifically to a particular course or school program, and should generally be intended for all students in a class or program. Planning for a curricular field trip should endeavour to enable all students in the class to participate in the field trip.
The following table provides a brief summary of the categories of field trips that may be approved:
Category |
Duration |
Location |
Activity (examples) |
Approval |
Low Risk |
Up to One Day |
Prince Rupert/ Port Edward * |
Museum; swimming pool; ice rink; Lester Centre |
Principal |
Medium Risk
High Risk |
One Day or Overnight |
Within B.C. |
Outdoor skating or swimming; skiing; play days; band trip; sports tournaments |
Superintendent |
One Day or Overnight |
Any Location |
Wilderness activities, e.g. backpacking; kayaking, tournaments |
Superintendent |
Overnight |
Out of Province (including international) |
Tours, tournaments |
Board of Education |
* For Hartley Bay school, in the Hartley Bay area.
Field Trip Decision Tree
Will the field trip be outside of British Columbia í |
YES High Risk – Board of Education Approval
NO Will the trip involve wilderness or other high-risk activities? í |
YES High Risk – Superintendent Approval
NO Will the field trip be outside of í |
YES Medium Risk – Superintendent Approval
NO Will the trip include outdoor activities such as skating or swimming? í |
YES Medium Risk – Superintendent Approval
NO Low Risk – Principal Approval
1610-11 Field Trip Transportation Regulation
Winter Driving Considerations
The Province of BC provides that winter driving months are from October 1 to April 30. Some years the April 30 date has been extended into May.
For the purpose of this regulation, it is recommended that any trips going past Prudhomme Lake Provincial Park use professional drivers during the winter months.
Low Risk (Local) Field Trips
Medium and High Risk (Out of Town) Field Trips
Use of Electronic Devices
Supervisors must ensure that passengers are not using electronic devices in such a way as to distract the vehicle driver.
1610-12 Field Trip Supervision Regulation
Teacher Responsibilities
The School Regulation, Sec. 5 (7) (g) states:
(7) The principal of a school is responsible for administering and supervising the school including
(f) the general conduct of students, both on school premises and during activities that are off school premises and that are organized or sponsored by the school.
The School Regulation, Sec. 4 (1) (b) states:
(1) The duties of a teacher include the following:
(b) providing such assistance as the board or principal considers necessary for the supervision of students on school premises and at school functions, whenever and wherever held.
Therefore teachers involved in field trips are responsible under the authority of the principal for the supervision of students before, during and after regular hours, both inside and outside the school itself.
When planning a field trip a teacher will ensure that supervision is available at all times, and that assistant supervisors are competent to deal with any emergencies that may arise. The degree of supervision necessary will depend on factors such as:
The teacher is responsible for adequate supervision of students at all times, although the teacher may be assisted by approved parent volunteers and other competent adults.
Supervision arrangements will be made known to parents.
Water Activities
A supervisor with a lifeguarding certificate is required for any field trip taking students in or on the water. Swimming pool lifeguards meet this requirement at a public swimming pool. For other activities such as swimming in Diana Lake or taking students on canoeing or kayaking trips, a lifeguard must accompany students on the trip. It is recommended a professional company is used for canoeing or kayaking trips.
Overnight Trips
Male students will be accompanied by male supervisor(s) and female students will be accompanied by female supervisor(s) for overnight trips, unless special arrangements have been made with, and approval given by, the Superintendent. Special arrangements will include obtaining written parental permission on a form that outlines the specific nature of supervision to be provided.
For the protection of both students and supervisors, the following rules will be used for each overnight trip that requires supervision:
High Risk Field Trips – Wilderness Activities
For high risk activities, competent instruction and supervision is mandatory. The principal must be satisfied that the teacher will provide adequate supervision, competent instruction, and follow recognized safety procedures for the planned activities. Competence may be established by virtue of a certificate from a governing body, such as a Canoeing Instructor's Certificate from Canoe Sport B.C., a Red Cross Small Boats Certificate, or a Canadian Canoeing Association Instructor Certificate. In areas where certificates are not issued, competency may be recognized by the leader's peers by virtue of experience and demonstrated expertise in the activity.
Trip Planning – Identification of Risk
Risk management begins with the initial planning for a trip. In addition to looking at the logistics for a trip (number of students, means of transportation, length of trip) it is important to identify the risks associated with the trip. A general categorization of trips can be found in Regulation 1610-10 Field Trip Approval and Permissions. The expected risks associated with each proposed trip must be considered. This risk will depend upon all of the circumstances, including:
Trip Planning – Mitigation of Risk
Once the planning for a trip is underway, consideration must turn to mitigating the risks identified. Mitigation of risk will include consideration of:
Parental Consent
Parents must provide informed consent, so it is important that the consent form provide specific identification of the risks associated with the field trip. For high risk out of provicefield trips an information meeting for parents and students is mandatory.
Safety & Emergency Preparedness
All supervisors on a trip must be familiar with all of the risks identified for a trip. An emergency response plan must be in place which will include items such as:
Under special circumstances students may travel unescorted. In these cases the Superintendent's approval and signed consent forms from the student's parents/guardians are required.
Funds may be assessed against participants or contributed by school organizations for voluntary sports, music and other field trips.
Budgeted Funding of Curricular Field Trips
In recognition of the value of well-planned curricular field trips, funds are budgeted for each school in Prince Rupert and Port Edward to share the transportation and other costs of curricular trips organized in accordance with the Board policies and regulations.
Particulars of field trips during school hours involving a cost to students are to be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools for consideration sufficiently in advance of the event to allow for reference to the Board if deemed necessary.
Budgeted Funding of Extracurricular Field Trips
In recognition of the value of well-planned extracurricular field trips, funds are budgeted for each school in Prince Rupert and Port Edward to share the transportation and other costs of extracurricular trips organized in accordance with the Board policies and regulations. These funds will normally be used to support students participating in drama, music and sports activities.
1410 - - District Code of Conduct Policy
1610 - - Field Trip Policy
1610-10 - - Field Trip Approval and Permissions
1610-11 - - Field Trip Transportation Regulation
1610-12 - - Field Trip Supervision Regulation
1610-13 - - Field Trip Risk Management Regulation
5310-10 - - Volunteers in Schools
1610-20A - - Field Trip Approval - Application Form
1610-30A - - Field Trip - Consent Form
1610-35A - - Field Trip - Information Form
1610-40A - - Field Trip - High Risk Consent Form
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1.0There are many occasions where individual students, or small groups of students, require transportation during the school day. Examples include therapy sessions at the swimming pool or the sensory room, and work experience placements.
2.0There are a number of options for transportation:
3.0Principals will approve travel arrangements taking into consideration cost, timeliness, disruption to other students, requirements for student supervision and weather conditions.
4.0Use of an employee vehicle must be in compliance with 7120-30 Car Allowances Regulation.
5.0Use of a volunteer vehicle must be in compliance with 5310-10 Volunteers in Schools Regulation and Form 5310-20A must be completed and kept on file.
5310-10 – Volunteers in Schools Regulation
5310-20A – Volunteer Driver Information and Authorization Form
7120-30 – Car Allowances Regulation
Fees may be charged where students choose options above and beyond course requirements and where the student materially benefits from that choice. Fees may also be assessed for activities, resources and usage of facilities that are not directly related to student education.
Fees will not be charged for one-use workbooks or laboratory activities (e.g. shops, science, home economics, art).
Students may be expected to purchase materials that are for projects they choose and keep after the course is completed.
Deposits may be charged for learning resource materials to a maximum of $10.00 per item for a total maximum of $50.00. Home schooled students accessing library and textbook learning resource materials may also be charged a deposit of $10.00 per item for a total maximum of $50.00.
All fees and deposits will normally be presented to the School Board for approval by May 15 prior to the school year that they apply to.
Student Supplies
Students are expected to attend classes with appropriate personal resources, such as gym strip, writing materials, etc. Notebooks, agenda books, duo tangs, loose-leaf paper, computer paper, computer disks, pencils, crayons, pencil crayons, erasers, rulers and math sets are common examples of student supplies which parents have the responsibility of purchasing.
Schools may collect money from parents for the bulk purchasing of such supplies to achieve cost effectiveness as well as standardization of materials for student use. This practice is not considered to be a student fee. Parents will be informed that they have the option of buying their own student supplies if they do not wish to participate in a bulk purchase plan.
Money may be collected for kindergarten snacks in schools and this is not considered to be a fee.
1. If an animal is to be brought into a school, its inclusion must be relevant and integral to meeting learning goals.
2. The school principal must grant permission prior to the introduction of any live animal to a school.
3. If approved, the school must take reasonable steps to ensure, before an animal is brought in, that:
4. The care of the animal, including any costs incurred, is the responsibility of the school. Normally a teacher who has arranged for the animals presence in the school is responsible.
5. Animals cannot be allowed to roam freely in the school.
6. Provisions for non-instructional days must be made. These provisions must include a plan to address unplanned school closures.
7. The suitability of a classroom as an appropriate living space for an animal must be determined with respect to:
8. Animals in the classroom must be considered when planning for evacuation for fire, earthquake, and other emergencies.
9. In accordance with the BC Wildlife Act, a permit* is required before any native (and some non-native local) species can be kept in the classroom.
a) It has been in recent years and still is today in the public interest to permit and encourage use of school lands, buildings and facilities for other than strictly scholastic activities when said lands, buildings and facilities are available;
b) Persons other than students, staff, parents, guardians and employees of the Board have occasion from time to time to make use of said lands, buildings and facilities and are welcome to do so;
c) It has been felt necessary by the Board to define the permissible limits within which students, parents, guardians and employees of the Board and all other persons making use of said lands, buildings and facilities may operate.
a) Persons proceeding to or from a public school on a roadway provided for that purpose in the course of delivering or receiving chattels in connection with the operation of the said school;
Board Employees
b) Persons proceeding to or from a public school on a roadway provided for that purpose in connection with their duties therein, or on other bona fide business pertaining to the operation of the said school;
c) Persons proceeding to or from a public school on a roadway provided for that purpose, and who are students registered at that school;
Board Consent
d) Parents, guardians, employees of the Board or such other persons proceeding to or from a public school on a roadway provided for that purpose, who have first received permission from the Board, either deemed or expressed.
2. No person shall:
Speed Limit
a) Operate any motorized vehicle on or over any land owned or administered by the Board at a rate of speed greater than sixteen (16) kilometres per hour;
b) Park, or otherwise leave unattended, a motor vehicle upon land owned or administered by the Board in any area other than those set aside for parking by the Board, unless written permission has been received.
3. Trespassing
a) No person, other than bona fide students registered at a school, parents or guardians or such students and employees of the Board, shall enter upon any land owned or administered by the Board save with prior permission from the Board.
b) No person, having been requested by a school Administrative Officer or other person in authority shall refuse to leave any land owned or administered by the Board;
c) No person shall trespass, cross over or loiter upon any land owned or administered by the Board between the hours of one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, save with prior permission from the Board;
d) No person shall cause, suffer or permit any domestic or range animal to enter upon land owned or administered by the Board, notwithstanding in open range areas the Provincial statutes governing Range Animal Control shall apply.
4. Responsibility of Registered Owner
The owner of a motor vehicle shall be held responsible for any violation of this Bylaw by a person entrusted by the owner with the possession of the said motor vehicle. The burden of proving that the person so in possession of the motor vehicle was not a person entrusted by the owner with the possession of the said motor vehicle shall be on the said owner.
5. Penalty
Any person contravening or committing any breach of or committing any offence
against this Bylaw or any of the provisions of this Bylaw or who fails, refuses, omits
or neglects to fulfil, observe, carry out or perform any duty, obligation, matter or thing whatsoever by this Bylaw prescribed or imposed or required to be done, is liable, on summary conviction, to such penalties as are prescribed by the Summary Convictions Act.
6. Authority to Make Regulations
The Board may by regulation provide for the erection of traffic control devices to regulate, prohibit, control and direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic on land owned or administered by the Board, and the erection of any such traffic control device shall be deemed prime facie evidence that such device was erected at the direction and with the authority of the Board.
7. Date of Resolution
This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect forthwith.
The Board aspires to be a first-class employer. The quality of the educational environment is dependent on the staff recruited and retained.
The Board will work to create an environment to attract and retain qualified personnel with the skills to provide high quality instruction and student support in alignment with the Strategic Plan.
The Board supports the provisions and principles of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, the British Columbia Labour Relations Code, the Employment Standards Act (British Columbia), and the Human Rights Code of British Columbia. The Board commits to advancing an employment environment that is free from discrimination.
Hiring procedures for positions represented by a union will follow practices for posting and filling positions in accordance with their collective agreement.
Related Policy and Regulations
2110-10 - - Training to Fill Vacancies
2110-20 - - Advertising Vacant Positions
2110-30 - - Interview Expenses
2110-40 - - Employee Reference Check
From time to time, the Board experiences difficulties in filling positions vital to the operation of the District. Often these positions require specific educational credentials, including specialized certificates or degrees. When after failing to fill one of these positions through regular processes (advertising locally, provincially and nationally), the District will consider providing incentives to candidates considered to have the potential necessary to successfully fill one of these positions through training and/or education.
Persons currently employed by the District will be informed of the District’s intention to offer incentives for specific positions so that potential candidates are able to express their interest to the board office. All interested candidates will be considered using the following criteria
Criteria for considering potential candidates:
Final decision regarding the suitability of candidates will be with the Board.
Subject to the provisions of a collective agreement, the following may be included as incentives:
Return of Service:
Candidates will be expected to return to the District for up to five years following successful completion of the educational program. The Board will forgive a portion of the loan or relocation assistance allowance on a prorated basis over the agreed upon period to a maximum of $5000 per year.
Related Policy and Regulations
2110 - Staff Recruitment and Hiring Policy
1. Administrative and Exempt Positions:
a) When school is in session the position may be posted in each school.
b) The position may be advertised provincially by newspaper or circular.
c) When school is not in session the position will be advertised as deemed appropriate.
2. Non-Teaching Positions:
a) All non-teaching positions will be posted in the district and will be advertised as deemed appropriate unless the position is filled according to a collective agreement.
b) Difficult to fill positions may be advertised during the posting process required in the collective agreement.
3. Teaching Positions:
a) Advertising vacant positions will follow the process required in the Collective agreement.
Related Policy and Regulations
2110 - Staff Recruitment and Hiring Policy
The Board will reimburse an administrative applicant brought in to be interviewed for appointment to the staff of the district for actual travelling and accommodation expenses incurred, at rates not exceeding those applicable to members of the Board's own staff. Expenses for incidentals are not reimbursable.
Related Policy and Regulations
2110 - Staff Recruitment and Hiring Policy
Individuals who work with or have access to children must have appropriate qualifications and a fit character. The purpose of this is to provide children with a safe environment in which to learn. In support of this objective, staff charged with the hiring of employees shall conduct reference checks with previous employers, supervisors, instructors or other sources relevant to the proposed employment.
The Criminal Records Review Act requires that any individual hired for employment involving work with children must provide the employer with a criminal record check. Existing employees must undergo a criminal record check at least once every 5 years.
This requirement does not apply to employees who hold a certificate of qualification issued under the Teachers Act, as they provide their criminal record checks to the Teacher Regulation Branch.
School district human resources staff will support employees in the district process required to secure a criminal record check, and will remind existing employees when they must provide a new criminal record check. The costs incurred to obtain a criminal record check through the district process will be paid by the school district for existing employees only.
Related Policies and Regulations:
2110 Staff Recruitment and Hiring Policy
The district will schedule orientation meetings by district staff for newly appointed teachers in September or early in the school year.
The purpose of the orientation meetings will be to assist new teachers to become acquainted with the educational services of the district, the policies and procedures of the district and the schools in which they are assigned.
In order to provide a continuous, well-directed educational program for students, the district may hire the best available non-certified replacement teachers in the absence or shortage of certified Teachers Teaching-on-Call.
Non-certified replacement teachers shall be paid a daily rate in accordance with the teacher collective agreement.
Non-certified replacement teachers must complete a district training program and are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, observing confidentiality in matters concerning students, other District staff, and schools.
Non-certified replacement teachers are not eligible to fill vacancies longer than 20 days unless they have applied for, and received, a Letter of Permission from the Teacher Regulation Branch.
The Board is committed to the principle of accountability in the operation of schools under its jurisdiction. This accountability involves responsibility for the quality of educational leadership and management in District schools.
The evaluation of school administrators is the responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools and will be carried out under his supervision.
Evaluation is a normal and important step in a Supervisory Cycle established for school administrators. The purpose of evaluation is to improve and maintain the quality of service by assuring accountability for School-based Administrators. Furthermore, it is the goal of this process in School District 52 to support the continuous professional growth and development of these individuals in each of the schools that comprise School District 52 (Prince Rupert).
This is accomplished over the course of a two-year professional evaluation cycle for new administrators or a five-year cycle for veteran administrators.
The evaluation involves a process of professional reflection, self-evaluation, and the provision of meaningful feedback through the compilation of relevant, supporting data and documents. Thus, the responsibility for evaluation is shared between each of the School-based Administrators and the Superintendent of Schools.
The professional appraisal process is guided by the Vision, Mission, and Principles of School District 52 (Prince Rupert).
The School-based Administrators Evaluation system includes the following components:
Areas of Professional Responsibility
The areas of professional responsibility provide the framework for evaluating the work of School-based Administrators. The eight areas of responsibility include:
Regular evaluation of all employees not covered by a Collective Agreement promotes improvement in administrative functions and recognizes exceptional performance. The objective is to achieve continued improvement in processes in the district.
Evaluation should be completed annually.
The Superintendent or delegate shall be responsible for implementing evaluations for all teacher certified staff not covered by a Collective Agreement.
The Superintendent or delegate shall be responsible for evaluating the Secretary-Treasurer, the Director, Human Resources and other exempt staff who provide direct service to students.
The Secretary-Treasurer or delegate shall be responsible for implementing evaluations for all non-teaching staff not covered by a Collective Agreement.
A professional growth plan shall be created by the evaluator and employee, which includes goals and strategies where areas for improvement have been identified.
School Act, Section 15(2)
In accordance with School Act Section 177, the Board of Education authorizes principals, teachers, secretaries, and custodians in its employ to make directions and to follow such courses of action as deemed appropriate for the protection of students and maintenance of order.
The order of authority under this authorization is as follows:
School principal, and in the event of absence,
Designate, and in the event of absence,
Teacher, and in the event of absence,
Secretary, and in the event of absence,
School Act, Section 177 states:
A person must not disturb or interrupt the proceedings of a school or an official school function.
A person who is directed to leave the land or premises of a school by a principal, vice principal, director of instruction or a person authorized by the board to make that direction
Must immediately leave the land and premises, and
Must not enter on the land and premises again except with prior approval from the principal, vice principal, director of instruction or a person who is authorized by the board to give that approval.
A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an offence.
A principal, vice principal or director of instruction of a school or a person authorized by the board may, in order to restore order on school premises, require adequate assistance from a peace officer.
School Act, Section 177
2310-10 – Opening and Closing of Schools Regulation
2310-20 – Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Regulation
The Principal(s) appointed to each school shall work at least one week beyond the last day of school and at least two weeks before the first day of school to ensure (a) the proper closing of the school, filing of necessary reports and the handling of inquiries from parents and students, and (b) the effective organization of their school for the ensuing year, the proper registration of students, and the handling of inquiries concerning school opening and other matters connected therewith.
School Activities
Curricular Field Trips and Extracurricular Activities
Leasing of Schools
Related Policies and Regulations:
1610 Field Trip Policy
2310 Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Policy
5220-10 Use of Schools, Grounds and Equipment Regulation
The School Board is responsible under Section 110 of the School Act for protecting students’ health from being endangered by teachers and other employees. The School Board will base its decision upon the advice of the Medical Health Officer and deal with each situation in accordance with this regulation.
The Medical Health Officer will treat each case of a serious communicable disease (such as HIV infection) as an occupational health matter. That is, employees will continue to carry out their duties until and unless the condition becomes such that the employee can no longer function properly, at which time the case will be brought to the attention of the Board, and the employee removed, at least temporarily, from regular duties. This shall be done on the advice of the Medical Health Officer. Therefore, the Board and its officials most likely will not be advised until such time as the employee's health status required him/her to be off work.
In circumstances where a school or district official becomes aware that an employee has a serious communicable disease or is a carrier, that person has the responsibility of informing the Medical Health Officer.
Where employees must be removed from the work environment, the normal procedures for dealing with sick leave can be used. Where prolonged or continued absence occurs, Section 110 of the School Act contains provisions for dealing with situations where the health of an employee may endanger the health of students.
Physical education instructors and coaches at the Secondary School level (grades 8-12) are to be qualified and re-certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This certificate will conform with the standards set by the Canadian Red Cross Society, St. John's Ambulance or the Worker's Compensation Board.
This is in recognition of the potential health risk to a very small number of students when they engage in strenuous physical exercise during a physical education class.
Elementary physical education instructors and regular classroom teachers who also teach physical education classes are to be encouraged to obtain this certification. Two members of every school staff shall have CPR training.
Continuity of service of the teaching and non-teaching staff is a valuable asset to the community. To encourage the retention of staff, the Board will provide service awards as follows:
Board Members (Trustees):
A trustee leaving the Board, upon successful completion of at least one full term, will receive a plaque engraved with the School District logo and the years of service.
Schools and departments are encouraged to honour employees with 5, 15 and 25 years of service as well as those retiring from the district. The Board Chair should be invited to department events. The school’s trustee liaison should be invited to school events. If the liaison is unable to attend, they will inform the Board Chair and the Board Chair will endeavor to schedule another trustee to attend.
School district personnel may have an opportunity to act as speakers or consultants at educational conventions or conferences.
The Board approves in principle the release of such personnel provided there is no additional cost to the Board.
The Superintendent is authorized to approve such release time:
Personnel may not speak on behalf of the district unless they have been delegated to do so by the Superintendent, in accordance with 6510 – Board Communications Policy.
2340-10 Non Instructional Release Time
Non-instructional days in schools should be for topics that achieve specific objectives. These objectives should be known well in advance so that appropriate planning, sharing of topics, and student/family planning can take place. For these reasons non instructional days will be applied for as set out in Regulation and approval obtained from the Board.
Requests for approval of non-instructional released time are to be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools on Exhibit Requests should be submitted in time to allow for referral to the Board at either the 2nd Board meeting in September, or the 1st Board meeting in January. The Superintendent may approve any change in days scheduled for reasonable reasons. Changes in the objectives should be returned to the Board for approval. Parents should be informed of approved Non Instructional Days prior to October 1 and January 15.
When staff experience delay when returning to work due to severe weather and/or transportation difficulties beyond their control, leave may be granted with pay at the discretion of the Superintendent.
The purpose of the Early Retirement Incentive Plan (ERIP) shall be:
a) To provide a financial incentive for members of the teaching profession to retire between the ages of 55 and 64.
b) To provide more teaching opportunities.
c) To reduce the number of teachers or staff during times of financial restraint.
The purpose of the Early Retirement Incentive Plan (ERIP) shall be:
The Board may pay a retiring allowance to teachers who retire before reaching age 65, subject to the following conditions:
The teacher must:
The allowance will be paid in one sum on the date of retirement and will be based on scale salary without allowance in the following amounts:
Full years to compulsory retirement | Pay-out |
1 | 20% of annual salary |
2 | 25% of annual salary |
3 | 30% of annual salary |
4 | 35% of annual salary |
5 | 40% of annual salary |
It is possible that this payment may be treated as a retiring allowance for tax purposes and that the tax may be deferred on this payment by the purchase of an income averaging annuity contract or by paying the amount directly into a registered retirement savings plan. Further information should be obtained from the District Taxation Office.
Note: Please refer to section B.1.16 of the teacher collective agreement.
The School Act requires a non-sectarian approach to the conduct of education in British Columbia schools. Therefore, the study of political or religious issues in classrooms shall be of an objective and comparative nature, and related to the provincial curriculum.
The Board will not allow any activities or distribution of materials in schools during instructional hours which are political or religious in nature and which are intended to convert the belief or opinion of another person. The Board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to make and implement regulations with respect to activities that may be pursued and materials that may be distributed.
Principles for Employee Conduct include the following:
Loyalty: All employees have a duty of loyalty to the school district as their employer. The duty of loyalty requires employees, irrespective of political preferences or affiliations, to serve the school district to the best of their ability. Employees must, in the conduct of their duties, instill confidence and trust, and must not impugn the reputation of the school district.
Public Comment: School district employees are free to comment on public issues but must exercise caution to ensure that, by doing so, they do not jeopardize the perception of impartiality in the performance of their duties. For this reason, care should be taken in making comments or entering into public debate, including comments on social media, regarding school district policies. Employees must not use their position in the school district to lend weight to the public expression of their personal opinions.
Political Activity: Employees are free to participate in political activities. Employees (or their affiliates) must not engage in political activities during working hours. Employees’ political activities must be clearly separated from activities related to their employment (including the use of organization resources of any kind).
Employees are required to obtain prior approval in accordance with Regulation 2360-10 before distributing union, political or religious information to students or parents.
The School Act requires a non-sectarian approach to the conduct of education in British Columbia schools. Therefore, the study of political or religious issues in classrooms shall be of an objective and comparative nature, and related to the provincial curriculum.
The Board will not allow any activities or distribution of materials in schools during instructional hours which are political or religious in nature and which are intended to convert the belief or opinion of another person. The Board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to make and implement regulations with respect to activities that may be pursued and materials that may be distributed.
Principles for Employee Conduct include the following:
Loyalty: All employees have a duty of loyalty to the school district as their employer. The duty of loyalty requires employees, irrespective of political preferences or affiliations, to serve the school district to the best of their ability. Employees must, in the conduct of their duties, instill confidence and trust, and must not impugn the reputation of the school district.
Public Comment: School district employees are free to comment on public issues but must exercise caution to ensure that, by doing so, they do not jeopardize the perception of impartiality in the performance of their duties. For this reason, care should be taken in making comments or entering into public debate, including comments on social media, regarding school district policies. Employees must not use their position in the school district to lend weight to the public expression of their personal opinions.
Political Activity: Employees are free to participate in political activities. Employees (or their affiliates) must not engage in political activities during working hours. Employees’ political activities must be clearly separated from activities related to their employment (including the use of organization resources of any kind).
Employees are required to obtain prior approval in accordance with Regulation 2360-10 before distributing union, political or religious information to students or parents.
Related Policies and Regulations:
2360-10 Employee Conduct and Political Activities Regulation
Teachers may be appointed by the Superintendent of Schools to the position of Department Head or Team Leader, with an allowance in accordance with the collective agreement in effect at the time. Each appointment shall be for a definite stated period of time.
Purpose and Responsibilities
A. General
B. Specific
In addition to a normal teaching load, Department Heads and Team Leaders shall:
A bylaw to establish a perpetual Trust Fund for the handling of financial contributions for purposes acceptable to the Board.
WHEREAS Revenue Canada, Taxation Department, has approved the Board’s application for “registered charity” status and
WHEREAS the Board may therefore issue receipts which may be used by contributors to support deductions claimed under Sub-Paragraph 110 (1) (a) (i) of the Income Tax Act and
WHEREAS the Ministry of Education has granted its approval to establish the Trust in accordance with Section 240(3) of the School Act,
NOW THEREFORE the Board of School Trustees, School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) in open meeting enacts the following:
THAT the Secretary-Treasurer cause to be established upon the Board’s books of accounts and in a bank as shall be declared from time to time by the Board, a separate account designated as “School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) Charitable Trust”.
THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE for the Trust shall be:
To provide a mechanism by which individuals and/or private corporations may contribute financially for purposes acceptable to the Board of School Trustees, School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert).
THE TERMS OF THE SAID TRUST shall be as follows:
1. Revenue
(a) Approved Programs
(i) On receiving a Trust contribution designated to an approved or an existing program, the Secretary Treasurer or his designate shall issue a receipt bearing the income tax registration number held by the Secretary-Treasurer.
(ii) The receipt shall identify the program for which the contribution has been designated.
(b) Unapproved Programs
(i) On receiving a contribution to an unapproved or non-existent program, the Secretary-Treasurer or his designate shall issue an interim receipt which does not bear the income tax registration number.
(ii) The contribution shall be credited to the general Suspense Account and the Secretary-Treasurer shall report the contribution to the Board at its next meeting.
(iii) In the event the Board approves the establishment of the program for which the funds were contributed, the Secretary-Treasurer or his designate shall then issue a receipt bearing the income tax registration number held by the Secretary-Treasurer. The receipt shall identify the program for which the contribution is to be used.
(iv) In the event, however, the Board does not approve the establishment of the program for which the funds were contributed, the funds shall be returned forthwith to the contributor with the Board’s regrets.
(c) Allocation of Contributions
(i) No contributor shall be permitted to specify that the contribution is to be directed towards a particular school or person.
2. Disbursements
All commitments and disbursements made against the Trust shall be cleared through the Secretary-Treasurer or his designate who shall ensure the proper coding of the invoice and shall initial same.
3. Auditing
All records, books and documents concerning the Trust shall be available for auditing as required by law.
Read a first, second and third time, finally passed and adopted the 10th day of January 1989.
“Fred Beil”
Board Chairman
Bus Service for Students with Diverse Abilities and Disabilities
Students Travelling To and From School on Bus or Ferry Services
Students Travelling on Field Trips
1610-11 – Field Trip Transportation Regulation
Responsible consumption, mindful energy management and a commitment to environmental stewardship are the joint responsibility of trustees, district employees, and students.
A commitment to energy conservation and sustainability will achieve reductions in:
The Board is committed to the continuous improvement of the district’s energy management performance and to building a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship.
The Board encourages and supports the development and implementation of effective energy awareness activities, curriculum, training, and programs to create a district and community-wide culture of conservation.
Related Policies and Regulations:
3220 Buildings and Grounds Projects Policy
3210-10 Energy Conservation and Environmental Stewardship Regulation
Energy Conservation and Environmental Stewardship are guided by the following principles:
Completing studies and implementing upgrades are subject to the availability of funding.
Effective energy awareness activities, curriculum, training, and programs will be developed and implemented to create a district and community-wide culture of conservation.
Asset Management
Maintenance and renovation projects will include energy efficiency upgrades whenever possible. LEED Gold will be the minimum standard requested for all building construction projects.
Reporting on the district’s sustainability performance and carbon footprint is achieved by complying with the requirements of the Climate Action Secretariat. The school district’s annual Carbon Neutral Action Report will be available on the district’s website.
3210 Energy Conservation and Environmental Stewardship Policy
3220 Buildings and Grounds Projects Policy
The Board supports regular maintenance and renovation of buildings and grounds. These projects are to be delivered in an environmentally responsible manner and will address:
The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for maintaining facilities in an efficient and effective manner.
3210 Energy Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Policy
3210-10 Energy Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Regulation
The Board supports regular maintenance and renovation of buildings and grounds. These projects are to be delivered in an environmentally responsible manner and will address:
The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for maintaining facilities in an efficient and effective manner.
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The Board approves the provision of adequate library services to all schools and directs that adequate library space be maintained in each new school.
"Adequate library service" exists when all of the following conditions are met:
The Superintendent of Schools shall prepare for the Board schedules showing the amount of time to be given to library supervision and administration.
The Board supports the following Regulation because of the increased awareness of the value of good nutrition to the development and maintenance of health, and the evidence that poor nutrition contributes to caries and disease:
a) It is a responsibility of schools selling foods to promote especially the sale of nutritionally acceptable items and to provide education in nutrition, and thus to assist in the development of healthy eating habits.
b) Food sold in elementary schools shall be limited to those which are both nutritious and not detrimental to the teeth.
c) Beverage vending machines in secondary schools shall offer a wide selection of nutritional drinks along with soft drinks.
Furnishings and equipment used in the district represent a significant outlay of money and as such should be controlled and accounted for.
The Principal of the school is responsible for the furnishings and equipment in the school. District Principals, Directors and Managers are responsible for the furnishings and equipment in their departments.
Inventories are to include all capital equipment valued over $100 and with a life expectancy of more than 2 years, which is purchased by, or donated to, the district. Where personal property is on loan in the buildings or on site it is to be suitably marked. All inventory items are to bear a suitable marking number which corresponds with the inventory list. This number is in addition to a proper description which would indicate the item, type, model, and serial number where applicable. An updated inventory is to be prepared each year by October 1st. The original of the inventory is to remain on the location with a copy sent to the Secretary-Treasurer.
Loss or theft of inventory items is to be promptly reported to the Secretary-Treasurer and Director of Operations, with a copy to the Superintendent of Schools. The report should include the following information:
The Board encourages acceptable, ethical, responsible and legal use of:
Such use will be consistent with this policy and other district policies including the District Code of Conduct, school rules and codes of conduct, the School Act, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The Board acknowledges the need:
Related Policies and Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
1410-10 District Code of Conduct Regulation
3350-10 User Accounts and Passwords Regulation
3350-20 Acceptable Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-22 Prohibited Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-25 Bring Your Own Device Regulation
3350-30 Technology and Instruction Regulation
3350-40 Data Security and Privacy Regulation
Access to district technology or networks is normally provided to all students and employees of the district. Access is provided subject to the terms of the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy and its accompanying regulations. In order for students to receive access, their parents or guardians and the student must sign a district user agreement acknowledging their understanding of the district policy and regulations. Principals must verify that students are not granted access to School District Technology until they and their Parents sign the district user agreement and must maintain completed user agreements for all students at the school.
Access to district technology or networks is a privilege and not a right. Unacceptable, inappropriate or illegal use of resources on the Internet, email or other online actions that violate the district Code of Conduct, school Code of Conduct or the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy or Regulations, may result in a removal of access privileges. The district may deny, revoke, suspend or remove any user account or access at any time based upon a reasonable determination of unacceptable use by the user. The final decision as to whether unacceptable behaviour has occurred resides with the Superintendent or designate.
Storage of Files
Expectation of Privacy
Users should understand that all use of district technology or networks is subject to monitoring and review by the district. Further information on this is provided in Regulation 3350-40 Data Security and Privacy.
School District Property
Related Policies and Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
3350 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
3350-20 Acceptable Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-22 Prohibited Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-25 Bring Your Own Device Regulation
3350-30 Technology and Instruction Regulation
3350-40 Data Security and Privacy Regulation
3350-50 District and School Websites Regulation
6710 Records Management Program Policy
Role of the User
Role of the Principal or Supervisor
Courteous Use of Electronic Information Resources
Network Safety
Liabilities of the School District
Related Policies and Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
3350 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
3350-10 User Accounts and Passwords Regulation
3350-22 Prohibited Use of District Technology
3350-25 Bring Your Own Device Regulation
3350-30 Technology and Instruction Regulation
3350-40 Data Security and Privacy Regulation
3350-50 District and School Websites Regulation
4320-10 Bully and Harassment Regulation
6710 Records Management Program Policy
This regulation applies to all school district related use of district technology or personal devices, including off-campus activities.
Prohibited Uses of Electronic Information Resources
1. It is prohibited to use district technology or networks (including email):
2. Waste of Time and District Resources:
3. It is unacceptable for any user to attempt to log on as any other person or user without the permission from the Superintendent or designate. The only exceptions are for troubleshooting access to a system by Information Technology Department personnel or providing access pursuant to an investigation.
4. Audio files, video files and pictures with significant storage requirements and/or copyright restrictions may not be downloaded unless they are for educational purposes or otherwise approved by a principal or supervisor.
5. Users may not misuse software, such as to:
Exceptions to these restrictions may occur for educational purposes with prior authorization of the Director of Instruction, Educational Transformation or designate
6. Unless expressly authorized by the Superintendent or designate, sending, transmitting or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade secrets or personal or confidential information of the district is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized dissemination of information may result in discipline, civil liability and/or criminal penalties under Federal or Provincial laws.
Security of Electronic Information Resources
Encryption Software
Reporting of Inappropriate Internet Sites or Other Inappropriate Use of District Networks
1. The procedure to follow when a user has identified that this regulation is not being followed is to do at least one of the following:
2. Anyone who becomes aware of an inappropriate internet site must advise the Information Technology Department, or any principal or supervisor, so that appropriate steps may be taken to either block access or restrict access to the site.
3. Requests to have unblocked sites that are incorrectly blocked should be made to the principal or supervisor. The district has implemented a web content filter that errs on the side of child safety so it is reasonable to expect that some sites will be incorrectly blocked. The request process to have sites unblocked is intended to be informal and quick.
Breach of Policy/Regulation
Any violation of the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy or Regulations may result in:
Related Policies and Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
1170-10 Copyright Regulation
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
3350 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
3350-10 User Accounts and Passwords Regulation
3350-20 Acceptable Use of District Technology
3350-25 Bring Your Own Device Regulation
3350-30 Technology and Instruction Regulation
3350-40 Data Security and Privacy Regulation
3350-50 District and School Websites Regulation
4320-10 Bully and Harassment Regulation
6710 Records Management Program Policy
The district encourages the use of personal devices in the school setting. The principal or supervisor may authorize the use of personal devices within a school or building using district networks when satisfied that district security is ensured and the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy and Regulations are being followed.
Use of personal devices by students is subject to the direction of their teachers. Use of personal devices by employees is subject to the direction of their principal or supervisor. Personal devices include, but are not limited to, computers, tablets and cell phones.
All use of district networks is subject to monitoring and review by the district. Further information on this is provided in Regulation 3350-40 Data Security and Privacy.
Limitations on Use
Related Policies and Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
3350 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
3350-10 User Accounts and Passwords Regulation
3350-20 Acceptable Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-22 Prohibited Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-30 Technology and Instruction Regulation
3350-40 Data Security and Privacy Regulation
3350-50 District and School Websites Regulation
6710 Records Management Program Policy
Technology and Instruction
Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers and Other Staff Supervising Students
Safe Internet Use
Related Policies and Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
1170-10 Copyright Regulation
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
3350 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
3350-10 User Accounts and Passwords Regulation
3350-20 Acceptable Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-22 Prohibited Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-25 Bring Your Own Device Regulation
3350-40 Data Security and Privacy Regulation
3350-50 District and School Websites Regulation
6710 Records Management Program Policy
The district will provide reasonable monitoring and supervision of all schools’ and administrative buildings’ networks and technology in order to maintain data security and privacy.
Collection of Personal Information
Monitoring of Email and Internet Use
Software Installation
User Information and Data
Related Policies and Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
1410 District Code of Conduct Policy
3350 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
3350-10 User Accounts and Passwords Regulation
3350-20 Acceptable Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-22 Prohibited Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-25 Bring Your Own Device Regulation
3350-30 Technology and Instruction Regulation
3350-50 District and School Websites Regulation
6710 Records Management Program Policy
3360 Multimedia Devices Policy
The Board of Education of School District No. 52(Prince Rupert) believes that the appropriate use of multimedia devices, such as cell phone and other digital devices, play an important role in communications, and may enhance student learning opportunities. The Board of Education believes that best practices would include student voice and collaboration of the creation of expectations. These devices should in no way interfere with the safety, security and privacy of students and/or staff, or with school operations.
1. Schools shall inform students and parents of their expectations regarding the use of multimedia devices. Specific expectations regarding the use of multimedia devices will be consistent with the school’s Code of Conduct.
2. At no time should a multimedia device be used to capture an image or a voice recording of another person during school hours or school activities, unless specific authorization is provided by a principal and/or staff member.
3. No pictures of students or staff in schools or at associated facilities or activities may be uploaded to school, public or private websites without the written consent of the person or persons and/or their parents or guardians, in the photograph.
4. At no time should a multimedia device be used for the purpose of cyber-bullying which is defined as the use of any electronic communications device to convey a message in any form (text, image, audio, or video) that defames, intimidates, harasses or is otherwise intended to harm, insult or humiliate another in a deliberate, repeated or hostile or unwanted manner under a person’s false or true identity.
5. An infraction involving the use of a multimedia device that could jeopardize the safety or create discomfort and/or embarrassment to any person may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.
Reasonable precaution will be taken to ensure that school district buildings are safe and secure, and that the building envelopes and interior finishes are protected. All staff are to adhere to the regulations referenced in this policy.
3410-20 - - Security of School Buildings
3430-10 - - Control of Keys and Security Codes
3620-10 - - Protection of Building Envelopes and Interior Finishes
4230-20 - - Accident Prevention in Schools
5230-10 - - Billeting in Schools
The custodian is responsible for securing windows and doors, and arming the security system each evening. At times when no custodian is on duty in a school the security of the building is the responsibility of the Principal.
3410 Security and Protection of Buildings Policy
3430-10 Control of Keys and Security Codes Regulation
5220 Use of Schools, Grounds and Equipment Policy
5220-10 Use of Schools, Grounds and Equipment Regulation
5220-20 Northwest Community College Use of Schools and Equipment
The Board of Education supports a variety of programs and practices to improve student safety, employee safety and the protection of school property.
The need to deter destructive acts, theft and/or other criminal activities is balanced with a commitment to provide a safe environment for students and a safe working environment for staff and others that recognizes the right to assemble and associate without undue intrusion on personal privacy.
Each year funds from the district operations budget are spent to repair school property damaged from vandalism. The Board supports the controlled use of video surveillance systems in the district where circumstances have shown that their benefit to deter theft, destructive acts and acts of violence outweighs the impact on the privacy of those observed.
Recorded video records are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
6710 - - Records Management
6710-10 - - Records Management Regulation
3410 – Security and Protection of Buildings Policy
3420-10 - - Video Surveillance
3420-10A - - Video Surveillance - Form
Notice to Students, Parents and Public
Viewing of Tapes
Retention of Videotapes
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Building security is necessary to protect the students and employees of the district, as well as to protect the assets in the building and the building itself. An important part of building security is the control of keys, fobs and security codes. Keys, fobs and security codes are made available to employees based on operational and educational needs.
Under no circumstances shall an employee share their key, fob or security code.
Issuing of Keys, Fobs and Security Codes:
Lost Keys and Fobs:
Return of Keys and Fobs:
Reporting and Documentation:
Changes to Keys, Fobs and Locks:
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The Board is committed to providing broad community consultation when considering the permanent closure of school buildings owned by the Board.
Permanent closure means closing a school for a period in excess of twelve (12) months. Closures of schools for the purpose of repairs, renovations, or additions is not a permanent closure.
BC Ministry of Education School Act, Section 73
BC Ministry of Education School Opening and Closure Order, 194/08
BC Ministry of Education Policy, School Building Closure and Disposal
Related Policies and Procedures
3510-10 School Closure Regulation
This regulation outlines the public consultation process with respect to permanent school closures.
1. The Board will publicly announce, by the first two readings of a School Closure Bylaw at a Public Board Meeting, that the Board will be considering the closure of one or more schools.
2. A period of not less than sixty (60) days for public consultation will take place between the first two readings of the School Closure Bylaw and the Public Board Meeting when the final decision is made to close one or more schools.
3. All persons or groups in the community who could be affected by a school closure should be made aware of the public consultation process.
4. The Board will advertise the School Closure Bylaw in local newspaper(s) and will provide information regarding the public consultation and decision making process on the district website.
5. The Board will hold at least one Public Forum as part of the consultation process. The purpose of the Public Forum will be to:
• discuss the proposed closure;
• provide information regarding the proposed closure;
• provide summaries of submissions received by the Board;
• listen to community concerns; and
• hear alternative proposed options.
6. The time and location of the Public Forum shall be appropriately advertised in local newspaper(s) and on the school district website at least seven (7) days prior to the Public Forum. Parents or guardians of students currently attending the school(s) will be given written notification (hard copy, email or text).
7. Information and directions describing how affected persons can submit written responses to the Board with respect to the proposed school closure will be available.
8. Consultation will be meaningful, and fair consideration will be given to all public input prior to the Board making its final decision.
9. The following information will be made available at the Public Forum:
• Reasons for the proposed school closure;
• The specific school(s) being considered for closure;
• How the proposed closure(s) would affect catchment areas;
• The general effect of the closure on surrounding schools;
• The number of students who would be affected both in the school(s) being considered for closure and the surrounding schools;
• The educational program/course implications for the affected students;
• The proposed effective date for the closure;
• The financial considerations of the closure;
• The impact on the proposed closure on the School Board’s Capital Plan;
• The implementation plans for the proposed closure;
• Alternate options to the proposed closure;
• Contents of written submissions presented to the Board.
10. The final decision to permanently close a school will be done at a Public School Board Meeting by voting on the third reading of the School Closure Bylaw.
11. The closure of a school should not normally take place prior to the end of June following the final decision.
12. Following a final decision to close a school, the Board shall provide written notification to the Minister of Education of the decision and will include the following information:
• The name of the School
• The facility number of the School
• The address of the School
• The date the School will permanently close
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The Board is responsible for the disposal of real property, subject to the orders of the Minister of Education. Real property refers to land or improvements, such as buildings affixed to land. The disposal may be by sale, lease of 10 years or more, or the granting of a charge.
The purpose of Board-owned property is to deliver and support educational programs to students. After considering future educational needs of the school district, the Board may deem property to be no longer required for educational purposes.
If the Board no longer requires property for educational purposes, it must first seek the approval of the Minister to dispose of the property unless the Board is selling or leasing the land or buildings to another Board (including the Conseil Scolaire Francophone) or to an independent school for educational purposes.
The Board must engage in broad consultation, prior to property disposition, to determine if there are alternate community uses for the property.
School Act sections 65 (5), 73, 96 (3), 99 (2), 100 (2), and 168 (2)(p)(t)
Ministerial Order M193/08, Disposal of Land or Improvements Order
Ministerial Order M194/08, School Opening and Closure Order
Ministry Policy: School Building Closure and Disposal Policy
Ministry Policy: Allocation of Proceeds from the Disposition of Capital Assets Policy
3520-10 – Disposal of Land and Improvements Regulation
When disposing of land, buildings, leases, rights-of-way and easements the process outlined in this regulation will be followed as required by School Act Sections 73, 96 (3) and 168 (2) (p) and (t), and the Ministry’s School Opening and Closure Order and Disposal of Land or Improvements Order.
Sale of Asset:
School District Bylaw:
Notification of Minister:
The Board will, without delay, notify the Minister of the disposition and provide a copy of the Bylaw, information regarding the disposition and the allocation of the proceeds as required under Section 100(2) of the School Act.
This regulation does not apply to grants of Crown Land described in Section 99 of the School Act.
School Opening and Closure Order M194/08
Disposal of Land or Improvements Order M193/08
3510 School Closure Policy
3520 Disposal of Land and Improvements Policy
The Board supports the disposal of surplus vehicles, furnishings and equipment.
If the assets are surplus or unfit for further use, they will be disposed of in accordance with the regulation accompanying this policy.
This regulation is for the disposition of vehicles, furnishings and equipment.
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The following instructions from the Deputy Fire Chief should be regarded as School District Regulations. (Exhibit
200 West 1st Avenue,
Prince Rupert, B.C.
March 26, 1992
Mr. H. A. Stewart
Operations Manager
School District No. 52
634 - 6th Avenue
Prince Rupert, B.C.
V8J 1X1
Dear Mr. Stewart:
As per your request, I have compiled an updated list of maximum occupant loads for the assembly areas of the district #52 schools.
The following list indicates the maximum number of persons to be allowed in the assembly areas of each school.
(floor only when bleachers closed) 633 persons
(bleachers only) 400 persons
(floor area when bleachers open) 482 persons
(total floor and bleachers) 882 persons
(floor only) 217 persons
(floor and bleachers) 277 persons
(floor area) 520 persons
(fixed seating) 340 persons
Total 860 persons
The maximum occupant load for the above mentioned assembly areas were calculated using the formula set out in the Public Hall and Theatre Safety Regulations. (Pursuant to the Fire Services Act of B.C.)
I have also enclosed a copy of the B.C. Fire Commissioners Guidelines on SEATING LAYOUTS IN SCHOOL ASSEMBLY AREAS AND OTHER SIMILAR OCCUPANCIES. These guidelines show the correct and acceptable layouts for seating in school assembly areas.
Thank you for your attention to fire safety.
Yours truly,
Deputy Fire Chief,
Prince Rupert Fire Department
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The number of persons and the seating arrangement for halls are regulated by the Fire Services Act and is summarized as follows:
Regulations Governing Occupancy, and Safety of Community Halls and Assembly Halls
Section 16 Number of Persons Admitted
(a) No manager, licencee, or employee shall admit to any hall more than one person for each 12 square feet of hall floor area unless approved by the Fire Commissioner.
(b) The owner or occupier shall cause a notice setting forth the maximum number of persons and conditions for which the premises were approved which shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the hall. Such notice to be in a form prescribed by the Fire Commissioner.
Section 18 Seating
Separate and detailed plans and specifications of the seating in halls where seating is permitted shall be submitted in duplicate to the Fire Commissioner or the Local Assistant for approval. All rows of seats on the main floor shall be spaced not less than 32 inches measured from back to back and rows of seats in any gallery or balcony shall be spaced not less than 30 inches measured in like manner. There shall be not more than seven seats between any one seat and an aisle. Where common chairs are used for seating, such chairs shall, at the discretion of the Fire Commissioner or the local Assistant be battened together or secured to the floor in an approved manner.
Section 19 Obstructions
To ensure the protection of building envelopes and interior finishes so that the life span of such are maximized, these Regulations will be followed.
Whereas Section 11 of the School Act provides that the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) (the “Board”) shall establish, by bylaw, an appeal procedure for students and parents of students;
And Whereas the Board wished to enact its procedure for the conduct of such appeals;
Now therefore in open meeting assembled, the Board enacted the following
1. A student enrolled in an educational program in the School District or the parents of the student shall be entitled to appeal a decision, including a failure to make a decision, of any employee of the Board which significantly affects the education, health or safety of the student pursuant to this Bylaw.
2. The following decisions shall be deemed to significantly affect the education, health or safety of a student:
a) suspension from school for disciplinary reasons for a period in excess of five consecutive schools days;
b) suspension from school for a health condition;
c) placement in an educational program;
d) grade promotion and graduation;
e) refusal to offer an educational program to a student 16 years of age or older;
f) any other decision that in the opinion of the Board significantly affects the education, health or safety of a student.
3. An appeal must be commenced within a reasonable period of time from the date that the student or parent was informed of the decision being appealed. The Board must make a decision regarding the appeal as soon as practicable after receiving the appeal.
4. The Board may refuse to hear an appeal if:
a) the appeal has not been initiated within a reasonable time from the date of the decision being appealed;
b) the student/parent appealing the decision has not first discussed the decision being appealed with any persons identified by the Superintendent or designate;
c) the Board determines that the decision does not significantly affect the student’s education, health or safety.
5. If a student younger than 19 years of age appeals an employee’s decision pursuant to this Bylaw, the Board shall provide written notification to the student’s parents.
6. An appeal shall be initiated by providing to the Superintendent of Schools a written Notice of Appeal (attached to this Bylaw).
7. The Notice of Appeal shall include the following information:
a) a description of the decision that is being appealed;
b) the name of the employee who made the decision;
c) the date the person bringing the appeal learned of the decision being appealed;
d) the grounds of the appeal and the suggested resolution;
e) the name of the student on whose behalf the appeal is being filed;
f) the name of the school and the grade the student is enrolled in;
g) the name, telephone number, and address where the person filing the appeal may be contacted;
h) the steps that the student and/or his/her parents have taken to attempt to resolve the matter directly with the employee(s).
8. The Board may consider an appeal notwithstanding any defect in form or other technical irregularity.
9. The Superintendent of Schools or designate may, prior to the Board hearing the appeal, require that the student and/or his/her parents (the “Appellants”) discuss the decision being appealed with one or more persons.
10. At any time during the appeal process, the Appellants are entitled to be accompanied by a parent, advocate, support person or interpreter/translator.
11. The Superintendent or his designate shall immediately notify the employee whose decision is being appealed that an appeal has been filed.
12. Prior to referring an appeal to the Board of a hearing, the Superintendent of Schools or designate shall gather all information relevant to the appeal and prepare a report for the Board concerning the appeal. The Appellants and the employee shall be entitled to a copy of the Superintendent’s report.
13. The Board may make any interim decision it considers necessary pending the disposition of the appeal.
14. An appeal shall be heard by the Board at a hearing. The Appellants shall be provided with written notice of the date, time and location of the meeting.
15. At the hearing, the Board shall consider:
a) the report prepared by the Superintendent or designate regarding the appeal and any comments the Superintendent or designate may wish to make regarding the report or the appeal;
b) any written or oral submissions presented by the Appellants;
c) any written or oral submissions made by the employee whose decision is under appeal;
d) any other information, which in the opinion of the Board, may be of assistance to the Board for disposing of the appeal.
16. The Board shall have the right to question any person appearing at the appeal hearing.
17. The Board shall make any decision that it considers appropriate in respect of the matter that is being appealed and the decision of the Board is final.
18. The Board’s decision shall be made in writing and shall be promptly reported to the Appellant and the employee whose decision is being appealed.
19. If an appeal to the Board does not resolve the concerns of the student or parent or guardian, he or she may appeal to a superintendent of achievement, so long as the matter falls within the scope of the Appeals Regulation as noted in #2.
20. An appeal to a superintendent of Achievement may be started only after a Section 11 appeals to the Board has been hear and a decision has been made.
A Guide to the Student Appeal Bylaw
The Board of School Trustees recognizes that it has a responsibility to be responsive to our learning community, and is committed to making every reasonable effort to achieve a standard of excellence in both its programs and services. In keeping with this commitment, the Board pledges that it will endeavour to maintain fair, transparent and easily accessible processes and systems which are intended to support student learning and achievement.
Consistent with these values and principles, and as required by the School Act, students and parents of students may appeal to the Board of School Trustees a decision of a School District employee, including the failure of an employee to make a decision, which significantly affects the education, health or safety of a student.
If a student or parent of a student initiates an appeal, the Board will make all reasonable efforts to resolve the matter in an effective and timely manner. The details for initiating an appeal are outlined in the Student Appeal bylaw, which can be located on the School District’s website (www.sd52.bc.ca), or is available at any school or the District office. It is important that a student or parent of a student initiates an appeal of a decision within a reasonable time from the date of the decision being appealed.
The focus of the Student Appeal Bylaw is to make an accessible dispute resolution process available to students and parents. Where appeals are initiated, attempts will first be made to try and resolve any concerns with the assistance of school and District staff. If those attempts prove unsuccessful, then the parent or student may appeal directly to the Board of School Trustees.
If you have any trouble understanding how the Student Appeal Bylaw works, you should feel free to ask your child’s school principal, or anyone at the District office (624-6717) to explain the process to you.
You may also contact the Advocacy Help Line for assistance at 627-6200. The Advocacy Help Line is sponsored by the BC Advocacy Project, which is designed to give parents an important voice in the education of their children. The Advocacy Help Line is free; confidential; solution-oriented; open 24-hours a day; staffed by trained parent volunteers and is available to any parent, guardian or student.
1. The appeal must be made in writing within ten school days of the decision by the school or employee that you are appealing.
2. Complete this Appeal Form.
3. Bring the form (within ten school days) to your school Principal or to the:
School Board Office, 634 - 6th Avenue East, Prince Rupert, B.C. V8J 1X1 250-624-6717
4. You may have an advocate assist you throughout the appeal.
5. You will be contacted by the school district. In an attempt to resolve the appeal and depending on the circumstances, you may be asked to:
Speak to the teacher, or
Speak to the Principal, or
Meet with the Appeal Committee.
6. If the appeal cannot be resolved through the above steps, the appeal will be decided upon by the School Board.
Students Name:
Date of Birth:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Telephone Number Home:_____________ Work: ______________
Student’s School: Student’s Grade: Teacher:
What decision of a school district employee that significantly affects you or your child's education, health or safety are you appealing? (What did the school do that you are appealing?)
When were you informed of the decision?
Who informed you?
Who made the decision?
What are the grounds for the appeal? (What are you unhappy about?)
What relief is sought? (What changes do you want?)
Signature of the Person Appealing
Printed Name of the Person Appealing
(Please attach a separate sheet if you need more space to comment on any of the questions.)
The Board of Education is committed to providing high standards of health, safety, and security for all students, staff and visitors. The purpose of this policy and its accompanying regulations is to ensure that action plans are prepared for emergencies. Those emergencies might threaten the personal safety or life of persons on school district activities, both on and off district premises, or threaten district facilities.
An emergency is a sudden, unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action to stabilize a situation. Emergencies affecting school activities and facilities for an unspecified period of time include, but are not limited to:
It is important to develop appropriate plans and procedures to deal with such emergencies. It is also important that students, employees and parents know about the various emergency plans and procedures, in order to be as prepared as possible in the event of an actual emergency. To this end:
4110-10 - - Emergency Preparedness - Fire Response
4110-12 - - Emergency Preparedness - Fire Prevention
4110-15 - - Emergency Preparedness - Hazardous Material Spill
4110-20 - - Emergency Preparedness - Earthquake Response
4110-22 - - Emergency Preparedness - Earthquake Preparations
4110-25 - - Emergency Preparedness - Landslide or Mudslide Response
4110-30 - - Emergency Preparedness - Tsunami Response
4110-35 - - Emergency Preparedness - Flood Response
4110-40 - - Emergency Preparedness - Hold and Secure
4110-42 - - Emergency Preparedness - Intruder Lockdown
4110-50 - - Emergency Preparedness - Bomb Threat Response
4110-52 - - Emergency Preparedness - Bomb Threat Preparations
4110-90 - - Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Drills
4110-60 - - Emergency Preparedness - Medical Emergency Response
4110-62 - - Emergency Preparedness - Vehicle Accident Response
4110-65 - - Emergency Preparedness - Extended Power or Natural Gas Outage
4310-40 - - Incident Reporting and Investigation Decision Tree
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1. Raise the Alarm
2. Evacuate the Building
3. Fight the Fire Only If:
4. Account for all Occupants
5. Situation Management
Related Policies and Regulations
4110 Emergency Preparedness Policy
4110-12 Emergency Preparedness - fire Prevention
4110-90 Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Drills
4310-40 Emergency Preparedness - Incident Reporting and Investigation
A. Good Housekeeping
B. Routes of Egress
C. Assembly Areas (e.g. halls, gyms, theatres, multi-purpose rooms)
D. Christmas Decorations
2. Paper decorations will be kept to a minimum. They must not be permitted in hallways and, where hung in classrooms, must be kept at least six feet from the floor. Decorations must be either of a non-inflammable material or suitably flame proofed.
E. Building Plans
F. Classroom Considerations for Evacuation
G. Other
H. Fire Equipment
1. Community Hazardous Material Spill Response
City of Prince Rupert |
Fire Chief |
District of Port Edward |
Chief Administrative Officer or Fire Chief |
Hartley Bay |
Fire Chief or Emergency Coordinator |
2. School-Based Hazardous Material Spill Response
Related Policies and Regulations:
4110 Policy: Emergency Preparedness
4110-90 Regulation: Emergency Preparedness – Emergency Drills
4310-40 Regulation: Incident Reporting and Investigation
1. Take Cover
2. Evacuate the Building
3. Account for all Occupants
4. Situation Management
1. Response Plan
2. Hazard Reduction
3. Classroom Considerations for Evacuation
4. District Responsibilities
A. Take Cover
Stay away from the landslide area. The slope may experience additional failures for hours to days afterwards.
B. Evacuate the Building
The decision to evacuate the building after a landslide or mudslide is dependent on the condition of the building and conditions outside the building. The Principal will normally contact the fire department and follow their advice; however if there is concern with the stability of the building the Principal will seek the safest way to evacuate the building. If you smell natural or propane gas or hear a hissing noise, evacuate your building immediately and call 9-1-1. When a decision has been made to evacuate:
Teachers will:
> All employees will ensure that all occupants are able to immediately evacuate the building using the designated evacuation routes to a safe assembly area.
> Stay away from any fallen power lines.
> The earthquake kit must be taken to the command post. Emergency medical forms and supplies will be kept close to or within the earthquake kit.
C. Account for all Occupants
D. Situation Management
4110 Emergency Preparedness
4110-90 Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Drills
In the event of a tsunami you ideally want to be at least 3.2 km (2 miles) away from shore and at least 30.5 meters (100 ft) above sea level. Tsunami’s bring many surge waves that can last for hours, arriving every ten to sixty minutes. Tsunami’s usually affect communities close to where the earthquake or other triggering event occurred. Locally generated tsunamis can strike the shore minutes after they are generated, before official warnings can transmit from warning centers to local warning systems. In rare cases tsunamis can travel across open ocean and strike communities thousands of miles away, hours after they are generated. In these cases there is time to warn the residents of those communities.
A Tsunami is imminent if you experience any of the following:
What to do:
Tsunami Preparation:
Field Trips
Note that shorefront areas of Prince Rupert and Port Edward are in the Tsunami zone. If a class outing is in these areas when the warning signs of a tsunami are observed, classes must immediately move as quickly as possible to higher ground.
PRMS is the only school in a potential flood plain. The school will endeavor to ensure that parents of children are able to come and get their children. If that is not possible, staff must stay with students until authorized parents or guardians can take responsibility for the students.
1. Take Cover
2. Evacuate the Building
The decision to evacuate the building after the flood is dependent on the condition of the building and conditions outside the building. The Principal will normally contact the fire department and follow their advice; however if there is concern with the stability of the building the Principal will seek the safest way to evacuate the building. If you smell natural or propane gas or hear a hissing noise, evacuate your building immediately and call 9-1-1. When a decision has been made to evacuate:
3. Account for all Occupants
4. Situation Management
4110 Emergency Preparedness
4110-90 Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Drills
Hold and Secure is used when it is desirable to secure the school due to an emergency situation occurring outside the school and not related to the school.
Hold and Secure procedures
Intruder Lockdown is used when it is necessary to lockdown the school due to a serious and immediate threat in the school. Anyone observing a threat or serious potential threat must contact the office immediately to initiate the lockdown (initiating the lockdown is the first priority).
Intruder Lockdown procedures (these actions happen rapidly)
1. Receive Threat Details
2. Evacuate the Building
Evaluate how best to evacuate based on information gained. If a suspicious package is suspected or located, ask the appropriate teachers to use an alternate evacuation route away from the package before using the fire alarm bell. Evacuate school by using the fire alarm bell or going to classrooms and asking each teacher to follow fire drill procedures.
3. Account for all Occupants
4. Situation Management
4110 Emergency Preparedness Policy
4110-40 Emergency Preparedness - Hold and Secure
4110-42 Emergency Preparedness - Intruder Lockdown
4110-52 Emergency Preparedness - Bomb Threat Preparations
4110-90 Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Drills
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1. Application to Hartley Bay School
2. Other Considerations
4110 Emergency Preparedness
4110-50 Emergency Preparedness - Bomb Threat Response
4110-90 Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Drills
Call medical emergency phone number 9-1-1 for
Provide the following Information:
Do not move an injured person unless absolutely necessary.
If the injured person is an employee, call the school First Aid Attendant.
If the injured person is a student or member of the public, call the school First Aid Attendant only if it is a life-threatening injury.
Name:_______________________ Phone:_________________
Name:_______________________ Phone:_________________
If the First Aid Attendant is not available attempt, as a minimum, to provide the following assistance:
If the injured person is a student, call the parent or guardian.
Refer to 4310-40 Incident Reporting and Investigation Decision Tree to identify the appropriate procedures to follow after the injured person has been aided.
These procedure are directed to any teacher who witnesses or is informed about an accident or illness which requires emergency action. The first procedure (call 9-1-1) must be completed immediately. If you need additional assistance use the P.A. and ask for any staff member who has first aid qualifications. The Principal should be notified as early as possible but in no way should this notification interfere with the immediate implementation of 1, 2 or 3 above.
Related Policies and Regulations:
4110 Emergency Preparedness Policy
4110-90 Emergency Preparedness – Emergency Drills Regulation
4230-10 Ambulance Service Regulation
4310-40 Incident Reporting and Investigation Decision Tree
Call the emergency phone number 9-1-1 for
Provide the following Information:
Do not move any injured person unless absolutely necessary
If a First Aid Attendant is available, have them provide first aid to any injured person.
If a First Aid Attendant is not available attempt, as a minimum, to provide the following assistance:
As soon as possible, advise the principal of the accident. The principal will confirm details of the incident and contact the parents or guardians of students involved in the accident.
It is important for the teacher or principal in charge of the trip to keep records of the location of all students, including any students transported for medical attention.
Record the details of all vehicles and any pedestrians involved in the accident, e.g. vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers, driver name(s) and license number(s).
If a school district vehicle is damaged, contact the Director of Operations.
Ensure the incident is reported to the School Protection Program.
4110 Emergency Preparedness Policy
4110-90 Emergency Prepareness - Emergency Drills
4310-40 Emergency Preparedness - Incident Reporting and Investigation
School Closures and Early Dismissal
If there is a loss of heat or power during the school day, the Principal will:
All Decisions About School Closures Will Be Made By The Superintendent.
Facility Precautions
In the event of an extended power loss to a facility or to the district certain precautionary measures should be taken depending on the geographical location and environment of the facility.
(Please note: It is unusual but not impossible for the temperatures in Prince Rupert and surrounding areas to go below freezing. There have been documented landslides in the past 10 years that cut off power to Prince Rupert and Port Edward for more than 7 days.)
In the event of freezing temperatures, the Operations Department will ensure building systems and infrastructure are monitored and protected as necessary, paying particular attention to systems and equipment that may be damaged by freezing temperatures.
Upon restoration of heat and power:
1. Fire drill and evacuation procedures will be established in each school and work site.
1.2 Drill procedures will include:
1.3 In accordance with the BC Fire Code, fire drills will be held as follows:
1.4 Students will be encouraged to review and practice fire evacuation procedures in their homes.
2. Earthquake Drills
2.1 Earthquake drill and evacuation procedures will be established in each school and work site.
2.2 Before participating in earthquake drills, students should receive a thorough explanation of what is expected of them. The person giving the instructions should emphasize that, while the ground is shaking, students will be safest by finding immediate shelter under desks, tables, counters, etc. to avoid falling objects. The instructor should also note the noise and disorder that will accompany an earthquake, and emphasize that a calm, quiet response by teachers and students is essential.
2.3 Drill procedures will include:
2.4 Earthquake drills will be held at least three times per year.
2.5 Students will be encouraged to review and practice earthquake evacuation procedures in their homes.
3. Hold and Secure, Intruder Lockdown Drills
3.1 Hold and Secure, and Intruder Lockdown, procedures will be established in each school and work site
3.2 Before participating in Hold and Secure, and Intruder Lockdown, drills students should receive a thorough explanation of what is expected of them. The person giving the instructions should emphasize the importance of staying quiet and out of sight of windows and doors. Ensuring cell phones are turned off must be emphasized.
3.3 Drill procedures will include:
3.4 Hold and Secure, and Intruder Lockdown, drills will be held at least once per year.
4. Other Emergency Drills
4.1 Other potential emergency scenarios may or may not apply to individual schools. Principals will use their discretion to determine if other drills will be carried out. Drills for other scenarios will follow the pattern set out in this regulation.
4110 Emergency Preparedness Policy
4110-10 Emergency Preparedness - Fire Drills
4110-12 Emergency Preparedness - Fire Prevention
4110-15 Emergency Preparedness - Hazardous Material Spill
4110-20 Emergency Preparedness - Earthquake Reponse
4110-22 Emergency Preparedness - Earthquake Preparations
4110-30 Emergency Preparedness - Tsunami Warnings
4110-35 Emergency Preparedness - Flood Response
4110-40 Emergency Preparedness - Hold and Secure
4110-42 Emergency Preparedness - Intruder Lockdown
4110-50 Emergency Preparedness - Bomb Threat Procedure
4110-52 Emergency Preparedness - Bomb Threat Preparations
4110-60 Emergency Preparedness - Medical Emergency Response
4110-62 Emergency Preparedness - Vhicle Accident Response
4110-65 Emergency Preparedness - Extended Power or Natural Gas Outage
The District, in cooperation with the provincial government and Northern Health Authority, supports efforts to minimize a pandemic and its disruption to the operational activities of the District. Principals, managers and staff are expected to ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources for the maximum benefit and protection of students, staff and facilities.
In the event that Northern Health Authority identifies evidence of a significant communicable disease outbreak in the region, the Superintendent has the authority to make decisions regarding crisis response. When a state of emergency is declared by a Ministry of the Government, the particular Ministry will have such authority.
The Board of Education recognizes that the legal authority to close a school for public health reasons falls under the purview of the Provincial Health Officer and the local Medical Health Officer. The Superintendent will take direction regarding the closure of schools from them.
The Superintendent will communicate a standard set of response protocols for dealing with the pandemic, in a Pandemic Response Plan, to ensure that all employees, students and families are familiar with their roles and responsibilities in the event of an outbreak.
In accordance with directives emanating from federal and provincial authorities and the consequent circumstances that may prevail, the Superintendent may temporarily suspend the District’s current practices and operating guidelines as necessary.
School Act Section 17, 20, 22, 65, 85
School Regulation 265/89
The possession or use of any weapon is a serious threat to the school environment and to the safety of both students and staff. Weapons are prohibited from school property except as authorized by school regulations. All school personnel, who believe an unauthorized weapon is present on school property are directed to take appropriate action as outlined in this regulation to ensure the safety of both students and staff.
The definition of a weapon is:
Authorization of Weapons:
Weapons are prohibited from school property except as follows:
Any weapon which is desired to be in a classroom for an educational purpose must be approved in advance by the Principal. Absent pre-approval, it is not authorized. This includes, for example, the construction of a knife or other item which might be considered to be a weapon as part of an applied skills class. If a student desires to make such an article as a project, pre-approval by the Principal is required. The Principal will instruct the teacher of any special security arrangements that are required.
Administrative Procedures:
the Principal will either
Reporting Procedures:
After the Principal has ensured the safety of students and staff the Principal:
*Note: Distinction should be maintained between possession and use of a weapon. The "May" in (c) above will become "Shall" for the use of a weapon.
Suspension of Student:
The possession of any weapon by a student is a serious threat to the school environment and to the safety of both students and staff. The Principal may suspend any student in possession of or utilizing a weapon for up to five days. Notwithstanding a possible suspension, the student may also be required to attend a meeting with the District Discipline Committee.
School Code of Conduct:
This district Regulation relating to weapons shall be part of the Code of Conduct of all Prince Rupert School District schools.
Exceptions for Religious Beliefs:
Where a parent or guardian wishes their child to wear at school a religious symbol which falls within the definition of a "weapon," the process will be followed according to the Human Rights Act.
4110 - - Emergency Preparedness Policy
4110-42 – Emergency Preparedness – Intruder Lockdown Regulation
In compliance with Section 2.2 of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, and Section 61 of the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, smoking and any other consumption of Cannabis is prohibited by all parents, staff, students and visitors anywhere on school property at any time, whether or not school is in session. This prohibition applies to school buildings, parking lots, sports fields, driveways, courtyards, and private vehicles in school parking lots. It applies to school vehicles, wherever they may be at any time.
Anyone contravening the legislation can be fined in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
The smoking ban is in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and applies to anyone present on School District property, in School District buildings and vehicles and at school and district sponsored activities.
For purposes of this policy, "smoking" means all combustive uses of tobacco or cannabis, including cigars, cigarettes, pipes and e-cigarettes.
Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act
Cannabis Control and Licensing Act
When emergency ambulance service is required, refer to 4110-60 Emergency Preparedness – Medical Emergency Regulation.
In the case of accidents in schools resulting in injuries where a student has to be transferred to the hospital by ambulance, the Board will accept the cost of the ambulance call.
In the case of accidents in schools resulting in injuries where an employee has to be transferred to the hospital by ambulance, the Board will normally be billed for the ambulance call and will accept the cost of the ambulance call.
If an ambulance is called for a student or an employee for a health-related emergency not related to an accident, the Board will not be responsible for the cost of the ambulance call.
Refer to 4310-40 Incident Reporting and Investigation Decision Tree to identify the appropriate procedures to follow after the injured person has been aided.
4110-60 Emergency Preparedness – Medical Emergency Regulation
4310-40 Incident Reporting and Investigation Decision Tree
WorkSafe BC Regulations and Guidelines
4230-10 – Ambulance Service Regulation
4310 – Occupational Health and Safety Policy
4310-40 – Incident Reporting and Investigation Decision Tree
4310-41 – WorkSafe BC Injury Reporting and Investigation Regulation
Menstrual products will be provided to students who may require them as follows:
The Board is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.
To achieve this, district administrative staff maintain an Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Program that is consistent with Workers Compensation Board Legislation and WorkSafe BC Regulations, and is designed to prevent injuries and disease. The OH&S Program will incorporate regulations to prevent and address violence and workplace bullying and harassment.
All administrative and supervisory personnel are trained and knowledgeable of WorkSafe BC safety and health requirements and they understand their roles and responsibilities for ensuring a safe working environment.
All district administrative and supervisory personnel shall ensure that each employee under their direction is properly trained and knowledgeable about their duties, and shall promote strict observance of established procedures and safe work practices.
All employees, contractors and volunteers are required to:
This policy will be accessible to all employees at their workplace. It is the responsibility of every employee to co-operate in attaining a safe work environment in order to enjoy a workplace free of bullying, harassment, violence and injury.
School District No. 52 is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and to the promotion of safety-conscious attitudes within the District.
Joint Health and Safety Committees will operate at each district site in accordance with WorkSafe BC Regulations. Training will be offered annually to members of site committees.
The District Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee will share information from the site committees and will organize the annual OH&S training requirements for the district.
All employees will comply with WorkSafe BC Regulations which are relevant to their responsibilities. Some regulations apply to all employees, for example:
Other regulations are relevant to employees in specific jobs, for example regulations with respect to Chemical Agents or Fall Protection.
School District buildings, grounds and equipment will be maintained to ensure that physical and health hazards are guarded against or eliminated.
Work procedures will be conducive to industrial accident prevention and to provide a work environment free from industrial disease.
Principals, Managers and Directors are responsible to ensure that their employees are trained in, and comply with, proper work procedures to complete their work efficiently without accident or industrial disease.
Employees are responsible to follow proper work procedures and observe all pertinent safety regulations. Employees will promptly communicate any Occupational Health and Safety concerns to their Principal, Manager, or Director.
4310 Occupational Health and Safety Policy
4310-40 Incident Reporting and Investigation Decision Tree
4310-44 Near Misses Regulation
4320-10 Bullying and Harassment Regulation
4330-10 Protection of Employees from Violence in the Workplace Regulation
Was an employee injured as a result of this incident? | Yes | Regulation 4310-31 WorkSafe BC Reporting and Investigation | ||
Did the incident involve threat or violence toward an employee? | Yes | Regulation 4310-30 Protection of Employees from Violence in the Workplace. | ||
Was a student or member of the public injured as a result of this incident? | Yes | Regulation 4310-42 Injuries to Students and Member of the Public. | ||
Was there damage to property (buildings, vehicles, equipment)? | Yes | Regulation 4310-43 Property and Vehicle Damage | ||
Was ther a near miss for injury or property damage? | Yes | Regulation 4310-44 Near Misses |
Note: An incident may result in a "Yes" answer to more than one question, resulting in more than one investigation form being completed.
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Accident or Incident Reporting—All Employees
Accident or Incident Investigation
4. Any supervisor who requires assistance or advice in conducting an accident/incident investigation should contact the Director, Human Resources.
Debriefing of Incident
Serious Incidents
Accident or Incident Reporting—All Employees
Accident or Incident Investigation
4. Any supervisor who requires assistance or advice in conducting an accident/incident investigation should contact the Director, Human Resources.
Debriefing of Incident
Serious Incidents
Accident or Incident Reporting—All Employees
Accident or Incident Investigation
4. Any supervisor who requires assistance or advice in conducting an accident/incident investigation should contact the Director of Human Resources.
Debriefing of Incident
Serious Incidents
Near Miss Reporting—All Employees
Accident or Incident Investigation
4. Any supervisor who requires assistance or advice in conducting a near miss investigation should contact the Director, Human Resources.
Debriefing of Incident
Serious Incidents
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1. Overview and Definitions
1.1. The following definitions apply within this regulation:
1.1.1. “Bullying” includes: the exercise of power or authority in a manner which serves no legitimate school or work purpose and which a person ought reasonably to know is inappropriate; or misuses of power or authority including intimidation, threats, coercion and blackmail.
1.1.2. “Personal Harassment” includes: any improper behaviour that is directed at or offensive to another person, is unwelcome, and which the person knows or ought reasonably to know would be unwelcome; or objectionable conduct, comment, materials or display that demeans, belittles, intimidates, or humiliates another person.
1.1.3. “Sexual Harassment” is any unwelcome comment or conduct of a sexual nature that may detrimentally affect the school or work environment or lead to adverse school or job related consequences for the victim of the harassment. Examples of sexual harassment include: gender based remarks; unwanted physical contact; sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; suggestive or offensive comments; gestures emphasizing sexuality, sexual identity or sexual orientation; display of materials or graffiti which is sexually explicit or degrading; conduct or comment of a sexual nature that has the effect of creating an offensive environment; jokes (sexual content or overtones) that cause embarrassment; and conditioning grades, promotions, or other school or employment related decisions, on sexual conduct.
1.1.4. To establish bullying, or personal or sexual harassment, the complainant must show that a reasonable person in the complainant’s position would have perceived the conduct or comments as bullying or harassing. Furthermore, the complainant must show that a reasonable person in the alleged bully’s or harasser's position would have known — or ought to have known — that the behaviour was unwelcome.
1.1.5. Bullying and harassment do not include actions occasioned through exercising in good faith the employer’s and employee’s respective rights and responsibilities for legitimate work-related purposes, including supervision.
2. Guiding Principles
2.1. District administration will take actions to foster a respectful learning and working environment and implement this policy and regulation in a manner that is consistent with the protections contained in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the British Columbia Human Rights Code, the School Act (including the Provincial Standards for Codes of Conduct Order), and other relevant Board policies and standards, when dealing with any matters being addressed through this policy and regulation.
2.2. Principals, and department Directors and Managers, are responsible for using all reasonable efforts to create and maintain a respectful learning and working environment which is free from bullying and harassment.
2.3. Principals, and department Directors and Managers, shall review this regulation annually with staff at a staff meeting. A policy statement in pamphlet form will be available to employees. Training will be provided to school-based administrators and other site supervisors to assist in the effective implementation of this regulation.
2.4. Principals, and department Directors and Managers, shall, at the beginning of each school year, arrange to provide employees with an awareness program that reviews this policy and regulations and educates employees about bullying, or personal and/or sexual harassment.
2.5. Complaints of bullying or harassment will be dealt with as quickly as possible. Where bullying or harassment complaints involve employees, the processes used will conform with any requirements contained within collective agreements or contracts of employment.
2.6. Individuals who believe they are being subjected to bullying or harassment are encouraged, where appropriate, to bring the matter to the attention of the person responsible for the conduct in question.
2.7. Where an individual does not wish to deal directly with the person responsible for the objectionable conduct, they are encouraged to approach their association representatives, supervisor, or another advocate in an attempt to resolve their concerns.
2.8. With regard to employees, any process or discipline resulting from a complaint of bullying or harassment will follow procedures outlined in the appropriate collective agreement or contract of employment. In the case of students, parents or others, relevant Board policies and procedures and District and school codes of conduct will be applicable.
2.9. Where there are no procedures for addressing a complaint contained in a collective agreement, employment contract or District policy, complaints of bullying or harassment shall be addressed according to the procedures contained in this regulation.
2.10. Students who are being harassed (including bullying) should report any incidents to a person of authority at their school or to a parent who may make such a report on the student’s behalf. Complaints of student harassment and bullying shall be acted on immediately by a school-based or District administrator as is appropriate.
3. Individual Responsibilities
3.1. All members of the school community, including employees, students, contract employees and volunteers shall treat each other with respect, dignity, tolerance and consideration.
3.2. Members of the school community shall ensure that their verbal, written and electronic communications with each other is respectful and supportive of a productive and safe working and learning environment.
3.3. Employees shall assist and cooperate with each other, including their immediate supervisor, in ensuring that their work is performed in a productive, efficient and respectful fashion consistent with the principles outlined in this policy and regulation.
3.4. Members of the school community shall respect the right of all members to work in an environment free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.
3.5. Members of the school community shall adhere to the Board policies and regulations, and any applicable collective agreement or employment contract provisions.
3.6. All persons involved in a complaint under these procedures shall treat information as confidential. Allegations of bullying, or personal or sexual harassment, often involve sensitive disclosures. Confidentiality is important so that those who may have been bullied, or personally or sexually harassed, are encouraged to come forward and are reassured that their confidentiality is protected. Similarly, those who are the subject of bullying or harassment complaints will be subject to the same confidentiality protections.
3.7. Individuals are encouraged to report all incidents of bullying, or personal or sexual harassment, without fear of reprisal. Retaliation against any individual for reporting bullying or harassment will not be tolerated.
Procedures for Employees When There is No Collective Agreement or Other Relevant Procedures Available to Address Bullying or Harassment Complaints
4. Step 1 – Informal Procedure
4.1. An employee/complainant who believes he or she has been subjected to bullying or harassment is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the person/respondent believed to be responsible for the conduct.
4.2. Where the complainant does not wish to deal directly with the respondent, the complainant may approach his/her association representative, supervisor or another advocate to request assistance in resolving the matter and to discuss potential means of resolving the complaint.
4.3. The respondent shall be advised of the complaint in a timely manner by the complainant or by the association representative, supervisor or other advocate asked to assist in resolving the matter.
4.4. If the matter is resolved to the complainant's satisfaction, the matter is deemed to be resolved.
5. Step 2 – Formal Process
5.1. If a complainant chooses not to meet with the respondent, or if the matter is not resolved through the informal process outlined in Section 4, a complaint may be filed in writing with the Director, Human Resources no later than thirty (30) days after the last incident of alleged bullying or harassment or twelve (12) months after the first incident. The specifics of the complaint shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
5.1.1. The person or persons who are the subject of the complaint.
5.1.2. The specific conduct, behaviour and/or comments which are alleged to be bullying or harassment.
5.1.3. The specific or general date(s) on which the above occurred.
5.1.4. Which clause in Section 1 has allegedly been breached.
In the event that complaint is against the Director, Human Resources, the complaint may be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer.
The Director, Human Resources (or the Secretary-Treasurer where applicable) may, in his/her discretion, allow a complaint to be filed outside the time period noted in this section.
5.2. On receipt of a bullying or harassment complaint, the Director, Human Resources shall first determine whether the complaint meets the definition of bullying or harassment contained in this policy. In the event that the Director, Human Resources determines that the complaint does not meet the definition of bullying or harassment, the complainant will be so notified in writing. The person against whom the complaint of bullying or harassment has been made will also receive written notification of that determination.
5.3 At the outset of an investigation the complainant is required to make it known to the Director, Human Resources if there is an action being taken through another agency regarding a matter related to the bullying or harassment complaint. The district may determine it is not appropriate to investigate a complaint under the harassment policy where another process is being undertaken (e.g., WCB Regulations, Human Rights Code, Employment Standards Act, etc.).
5.4. If the Director, Human Resources determines a complaint of bullying or harassment
5.4.1. Falls within the scope of the harrassment policy, and
5.4.2. is not being investigated through another process,
the Director, Human Resources (or the Secretary-Treasurer where applicable) shall notify the respondent of the complaint and provide notice of an investigation. The notification shall be in writing and shall include but not be limited to the following:
5.4.3. A reference to this regulation.
5.4.4. A copy of the complaint provided under section 5.1 above.
5.4.5 A request for a written response to the specific allegations cited in the complaint and a ten (10) calendar day time limit for such response to be received.
5.5. The Director, Human Resources may conduct the investigation him/herself or, if appropriate, may appoint a trained investigator to conduct the investigation.
5.6. The investigator will conduct interviews with relevant parties to obtain information and clarify details of the complaint. Both parties will have an opportunity to identify witnesses or others to be interviewed. All interviews will be conducted in a confidential manner.
5.7. In conducting the investigation, the investigator may request the assistance of other Board staff, or outside legal or expert professionals, as is considered necessary.
5.8. At any time during the course of the investigation, the parties may reach resolution or settlement of the matter, in which case the investigator may propose that the investigation be discontinued. This may involve the use of mediation with the agreement of both parties. This agreement, if reached, shall be in writing and be signed by both parties.
5.9. In the event there is no agreement reached, the investigator shall normally complete a written report within thirty (30) working days of the receipt of the complaint, and attempt to finally resolve the matter within a further ten (10) working days.
5.10. The Director, Human Resources may, where appropriate, refer the report to legal advisors, members of the executive team or others, to assist in a determination of appropriate action to be taken with respect to the complaint. Where the Director, Human Resources determines that the matter should be referred to the Board for consideration and resolution, the Director, Human Resources will refer the matter to an in-camera meeting of the Board.
5.11. The following may be forms of action:
5.11.1. education and training of an employee or group of employees.
5.11.2. review and modification of related policies, procedures and/or practices in the workplace.
5.11.3. monitoring of the behaviour of an employee or group of employees.
5.11.4. transfers, reassignments, changes in shifts or other changes in the workplace.
5.11.5. disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
5.11.6. where necessary, banning non-employees from the premises.
5.11.7. other strategies appropriate to the particular circumstances designed to eliminate and/or prevent bullying and harassment.
Where changes in the workplace are made necessary by demonstrated bullying, or personal or sexual harassment, the burden of those changes shall be borne by the person who has engaged in the bullying or harassing conduct.
5.12. Where the Director, Human Resources determines that bullying or harassment has taken place, the complainant may, when appropriate, be entitled to a remedy.
5.13. It is recognized that vexatious or malicious complaints may damage the reputation of, or be unjust to, other persons. Any person found to have made vexatious or malicious allegations may be subject to appropriate disciplinary or other action.
Statutory and Contractual References:
BC School Act, Regulations and Ministerial Orders
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
B.C. Human Rights Code
Worksafe BC Regulation 4/24 to 4/26
Workers Compensation Act Guideline G-D3-115(1)-3
Article E.2, Teachers' Collective Agreement
Article 10.10, IUOE Local 882-BCollective Agreement
Any act or threat of violence directed towards an employee by another employee or a non-employee, including students, shall not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly.
Administrative Regulations:
1. The definition of violence is:
The attempted or actual exercise of physical force so as to cause injury to an employee and includes any threatening statement or behaviour which gives an employee reasonable cause to believe that the employee is at risk of injury. (Reference WorkSafe, Regulation 4.27)
2. All employees shall be informed of identified risks of violence related to their job responsibilities that they may encounter during their work day.
3. Training may be provided to enable employees to recognize potential risks of violence in order that they may take appropriate preventive measures.
4. All incidents of violence shall be responded to, with appropriate measures taken in accordance with the School Act and District Policies and Regulations, in order to minimize or prevent a recurrence. Post incident trauma counselling will be available for employee(s) affected by the incident.
Administrative Reporting Procedures:
1. When an employee believes they are at risk due to an act or threat of violence, the employee shall:
a) Secrure the safety of the children (if present) and remove themselves from the situation.
b) Report the circumstances of the incident to their Administrative Officer/Supervisor, as soon as possible.
2. When a report of such an incident is received by an Administrative Officer/Supervisor, they shall:
a) ensure the employee(s) is no longer at risk.
b) if deemed necessary, report the incident to the local law enforcement authority, seeking appropriate assistance to eliminate the immediate risk.
c) complete an investigation into the incident (see Incident Risk Assessment below).
d) if it has been determined that a critical incident of violence towards an employee has occurred, immediately report the full circumstances of the incident to the Superintendent or designate.
e) if the investigation confirms a violent incident, file a written report on the appropriate form (Form 4330-20) with the Secretary-Treasurer.
3. It is the responsibility of each worksite supervisor (for schools, the Administrative Officer) to ensure all employees are aware of the Threat and Violence Report (Form 4330-20). New employees shall be advised within thirty (30) days of the start of their employment with respect to these reporting procedures. Supervisors, on a yearly basis, are to review these reporting procedures with their staff.
4. The contents of a Threat and Violence Report will be shared with the staff in the workplace, if deemed appropriate by the Superintendent or the Administrative Officer/Supervisor. If a safety plan to address the risk of violence is developed and implemented, all staff in the workplace will be informed of the existence of the safety plan, as required by WorkSafe BC. A copy of the plan will be available for review by staff.
5. The School District Occupational Health & Safety Committee shall review all Threat and Violence Reports and shall make recommendations to the Board, as necessary, to reduce future risk.
An investigation and risk assessment shall be performed if an incident of violence or threatening behaviour occurs in the workplace (WorkSafe Regulation 4.30(3)(d)). The Administrative Officer/Supervisor will:
The written Threat and Violence Reports (Form 4330-20) are an important resource for follow-up assessments. |
A risk assessment shall be performed at all work sites (as per WorkSafe Regulation 4.28) to ascertain the risk of injury to workers from violence arising out of their employment. A work site risk assessment should take place when a new school is opened and whenever there is a significant change in the configuration of a school or other workplace. A risk assessment must include consideration of:
In the school setting, risk assessment should consider:
Employees will:
District Staff, Administrative Officers and Supervisors will:
Risk Assessment:
Inform Staff:
Train Staff:
Report Incidents:
Take Action:
The Work Site Occupational Health and Safety Committee will:
The Violence, Threat, Risk Assessment (VTRA) team will:
The joint district Occupational Health & Safety Committee will:
Other References:
Basic Threat and Risk Assessment Training Guide, 5th Edition, Level 2: Safer Schools Together WorkSafe BC Regulations 4.27 to 4.30
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1. The Board of Trustees will indemnify an officer or an employee of the Board or a trustee against a claim for damages arising out of the performance of his or her duties or where an inquiry under Part 2 of the Inquiry Act or other proceeding involves the administration and conduct of the business of the school district and may, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members, pay legal costs incurred in proceedings out of the claim or inquiry or other proceedings, in accordance with the regulations.
2. The Board of Trustees shall not seek indemnity against an officer or an employee of the Board in respect of any action by the officer or employee that results in a claim for damages against the Board except where the claim for damages arises out of the gross negligence of the officer or employee or where the officer or employee acted wilfully contrary to the terms of his or her employment or an order of a superior, in accordance with the regulations.
1. This Bylaw shall apply:
(a) to individuals who are currently officers, employees or trustees of the School District; and
(b) to individuals who were formerly officers, employees or trustees of the School District provided that the occurrence which gives rise to the claim for indemnification occurred while they were an officer or employee or trustee.
2. The Board shall indemnify an officer, employee or trustee against a claim for damages against the officer, employee or trustee arising out of the performance of his or her duties and where an inquiry under Part 2 of the Inquiry Act or other proceedings involves the administration and conduct of the business of the School District except as provided for in this Policy.
3. The Board shall not indemnify an officer, employee or trustee for any matters for which insurance coverage is available to cover the liability of the officer, employee or trustee or against:
(a) liability and legal fees incurred as a result of an action or other proceeding taken by the Board against the officer, employee or trustee or as a result of an action or proceeding taken by the officer, employee or trustee against the Board;
(b) liability to pay a fine, penalty or order imposed as a result of the conviction for an offence;
(c) legal fees incurred as a result of a prosecution where the officer, employee or trustee is convicted of an offence or obtains a conditional or absolute discharge;
(d) liability and legal fees incurred as a result of proceedings under the Teaching Profession Act unless the Board, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members, so agrees;
(e) legal fees incurred in an appeal of any conviction, sentence, judgement or order unless the Board, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members, so agrees;
(f) liability and legal fees incurred by an officer, employee or trustee where the Court determines that the officer, employee or trustee knowingly contravened Section 78 of the School Act;
(g) liability and legal fees incurred by an officer, employee or trustee where the Court determines that the officer, employee or trustee knowingly permitted or authorized an expenditure not authorized by an enactment;
(h) liability incurred by an officer, employee or trustee as a result of an restitution ordered pursuant to Section 83(1)(b) of the School Act;
(i) those matters for which the Board may seek indemnity from an employee or trustee pursuant to its authority under Section 113(3) of the School Act.
4. For those matters covered by section 2 and not excluded by section 3, an officer, employee or trustee may:
(a) retain such legal counsel as the Board may appoint and such legal counsel shall be paid for and directed by the Board; or
(b) retain such legal counsel as the officer, employee or trustee may choose, in which case the Board shall:
(i) have the right to direct the defence and to settle or compromise the claim or action; and
(ii) determine whether or not the officer, employee or trustee will be reimbursed by the Board for legal fees or any portion of the legal fees that have been paid by the officer, employee or trustee prior to the approval of the Board.
5. If the Board determines to reimburse the officer, employee or trustee, the Board shall:
(i) have the right to approve in advance any agreement for legal fees and disbursements;
(ii) have the right to pay all or part of the legal fees and disbursements and to set a maximum for legal fees and disbursements; and
(iii) have the right to tax the account of the legal counsel and the officer, employee or trustee shall agree to include such a term in the agreement with his/her counsel.
6. Any amount that may be payable by the Board shall be reduced by any court costs awarded to the officer, employee or trustee.
7. The Board shall give consideration to advancing legal costs to the officer, employee or trustee prior to the final resolution of a claim or action in order to prevent undue hardship. When the Board advances such costs to a officer, employee or trustee, the officer, employee or trustee shall provide a written authorization for the Board to deduct an amount equivalent to the costs advanced from future funds payable to the officer, employee or trustee by the Board. The authorization shall only be used by the Board if it is determined at a later date that the officer, employee or trustee is not entitled to be indemnified under the terms of this Policy.
Related Legislation:
School Act, Section 113
Positive relationships between the school district and the business/corporate sector can contribute to the quality of education for students. In order to protect the welfare of students and the integrity of the learning environment, the Board expects that school district/corporate relationships, including sponsorships and donations, will be conducted in an ethical manner.
Corporate sponsorships and donations arise from informal or formal relationships where goods, services or funds are provided in exchange for returns such as gaining positive recognition or meeting a corporation’s goal related to community involvement. These funds are provided to enhance but not replace funding from the provincial government.
The Board supports corporate sponsorships and donations which treat the welfare of students as a paramount concern and which:
The Board will recognize the contributions of corporate sponsors through an appropriate expression of appreciation and by providing a charitable receipt for income tax purposes. The Board will be notified of contributions received with a value of more than $20,000.
Agreements involving sponsorship identification, commercial relationships, or corporate sponsorship shall be approved by the Superintendent, who has the right to withhold approval or refer the agreement to the Board for approval. Agreements in excess of $75,000 require the approval of the Board.
Related Policies and Regulations:
5110-10 General Access to Students Regulation
5110-20 Name Lists Regulation
5110-30 Advertising Materials in Schools Regulation
5210 Naming Policy
5210-10 School Participation in Community and Other Campaigns
Access to students will only occur in accordance with this Regulation. Access is defined as the opportunity to expose students to:
Access to students by the media, outside agencies and individuals, including advertising by businesses, will be approved on the basis of perceived educational benefit weighed against the extent to which any contact may constitute an undue influence.
When interviewing, photographing or video-taping a student with special needs, the student shall not be identified as one that receives special education services without prior, written parent/guardian permission.
Caution must be exercised with speakers who have affiliations with religious or political organizations. No person shall be allowed to speak with students on topics which actively promote a particular religious or political philosophy unless alternative viewpoints are presented in an organized and coordinated manner.
Other individuals may, from time to time, request permission to speak to students. In these cases, they must have permission from the Superintendent of Schools before the Principal will entertain the request. The final decision then rests with the Principal.
5110 – Corporate Sponsorship and Access to Students Policy
5110-30 – Advertising Materials in School Regulation
5210-10 – School Participation in Community and Other Campaigns Regulation
Except by written permission of the Superintendent of Schools, the following activity is forbidden:
The supplying of lists of the names or addresses of employees, students or parents to any outside individual, company or organization except when required because of legislation or with the person's permission.
Many businesses occasionally produce materials of considerable value for school use, the production of which is designed to create general goodwill for the producer rather than to encourage directly the sale of a specific product or service. The Board has a responsibility to prevent the schools from being used as the means of distributing advertising materials.
Such advertising materials may be accepted for use in the schools, if the following conditions are met:
Samples of materials of this kind approved for acceptance in the schools shall be kept for inspection by the Board as desired.
Any issue which goes beyond this Regulation will be governed by the Regulation entitled: "General Access to Students".
From time to time the Board will need to name a new school or will consider renaming an existing school. The Board may consider naming part of a school building or property in memory of a person.
The following criteria will be considered by the Board in the process of naming all or part of a building or property:
Related Policies and Regulations:
Province of British Columbia Naming Privileges Policy
5120-10 Naming Regulation (Under development)
In consideration of the naming of a school or part of a school, the Superintendent will appoint a naming committee that will include:
Province of British Columbia Naming Privileges Policy
The use of students to raise money for outside agencies should be kept to a minimum and each campaign should be given careful consideration with respect to educational value and time commitment.
Canvassing of teachers or students in the schools by any organization is not condoned, except as approved by regulation.
The following organizations are approved for student participation:
1. Poppy sales for Remembrance Day.
2. Salvation Army Food Hamper.
3. Heart and Stroke Foundation for B.C. and the Yukon (Jump Rope for Heart)
4. Canadian Cancer Society.
Other campaigns require the approval of the school principal and the Superintendent prior to school and or student participation.
School participation in community and other campaigns must adhere to the following regulations:
1. Fundraising should not involve instructional time.
2. Fundraising shall be voluntary on behalf of the students and staff.
3. There shall be no competition for funds raised by students and/or schools, nor shall incentives be provided to students for raising funds.
4. Participation in any fundraising, as described in these regulations, shall be at the discretion of the parent/guardian of the student involved.
5. There shall be no door-to-door canvassing. Fundraising for outside agencies in malls or shopping centres is not permitted.
6. Principals must ensure that it is the parents that determine if their child shall participate in any fundraising.
Except by express permission of the Superintendent the following activity is forbidden:
Promotion through the schools of commercial competitions of any sort suggested by outside organizations whether the competitions involve work to be completed during school hours or at other times. Competitions that are not commercial in nature require the approval of the School Principal.
The Board supports the use of schools, grounds, and equipment for organized student and teacher activities, at the discretion of the school principal.
Board property may also be used for the provision of childcare programs by either the Board or by licensed third-party child care providers between the hours of 7:00 am and 6:00 pm on weekdays.
The use of board- owned property by licensed child care providers must not disrupt or interfere with space required for K-12 education programs, early learning programs, or extra-curricular activities.
If changes to the use of Board property for childcare are being considered, the Superintendent must assess community need for childcare and will ensure that the district’s partner groups have been consulted.
Other personal or group use of schools, grounds, and equipment is subject to the Regulations accompanying this policy.
5220-10 Use of Schools, Grounds and Equipment Regulation
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The use of schools, grounds and equipment for all organized student and teacher activities is at the discretion of the Principal.
Personal use or group use other than the foregoing will be subject to the terms set forth in this Regulation.
Organizations or individuals requesting the use school facilities, including the City of Prince Rupert, will be referred to the Board Office. Form 5220-30A Rental Agreement for Use of School Facilities must be completed.
The District will make specified portions of school buildings and grounds available to the Recreation Department, City of Prince Rupert, on request for any legal purpose when such use will not conflict with the school programs or school needs.
Fees may be assessed by the Recreation Department for the use of school facilities. When fees are assessed, the Recreation Department and the School District must agree on the portion of those fees which will be remitted to the School District.
Except by Board resolution school facilities shall not be used for the following:
1. Bingos and public dances, regardless of the proposed distribution of the proceeds.
2. The earning of profit by an individual or business.
3. Events requiring a liquor license.
Non-profit organizations providing services to children may apply for a waiver of part or all of the fees associated with a rental by completing Form 5220-30B Fee Waiver or Reduction Application for Facilities Rental. The decision on a waiver is at the discretion of the Secretary-Treasurer, but will not exceed 50% of the normal rental fee for the facility.
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A School District Vehicle is a vehicle owned by School District # 52 and made available to support the transportation needs students and of district employees. School District Vehicles belong to the School District and employees are required to use them properly.
SD 52 will determine which employees will be assigned company vehicles. Employees are not permitted to drive their School District Vehicle outside of working hours. We retain the right to revoke or assign company vehicles at our discretion.
Driver’s obligations
Employees are not to:
If an employee is involved in an accident with a School District Vehicle, while on scene they should collect the information on the form located with their insurance papers. Then, as noted above, report the accident to the Director of Operations.
The use of schools and equipment by the Coast Mountain College (CMC) may be permitted for delivery of a designated credit course or program. An Addendum to the Master Agreement between CMC and the School District is required. The Master Agreement and Addendum will set out the terms, including the responsibilities of CMC and the district, for that designated credit course or program.
Occasional use of schools or equipment may also be provided in conjunction with a CMC course, program or event. Regulation 5220-10 Use of Schools, Grounds and Equipment will be utilized to approve any occasional use. Principals will ensure that proper care and use is made of school facilities. Where there is a difference of opinion between the Principal and the College representative, the Principal will refer the matter to the Superintendent of Schools.
5220 Use of School, Grounds and Equipment Policy
5220-10 Use of Schools, Grounds and Equipment Regulation
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School District No. 52 is prepared to billet students from schools in other communities. When students are being billeted in schools, the following must be done:
Forms 5220-30A Rental Agreement for Use of School Facilities and 5220-30B Fee Waiver / Reduction Application for Facilities Rental must be completed
Notification to the Fire Department and R.C.M.P. is required to advise them that a group is occupying the school overnight. The Fire Department would otherwise normally assume that the school is unoccupied at night and would "fight" a fire under that assumption. If they have been advised that the school is occupied, their tactics will be geared to lifesaving.
Where possible, the school security system should only be shut down for the portion of the building to be used by the students and their supervisors. Unoccupied areas of the school may be vulnerable to intruders. It is important that the Principal is aware of this situation and takes appropriate steps to ensure the security of the building.
No custodians are available in the morning or on weekends. The Principal is responsible to ensure that necessary arrangements for clean-up and garbage removal are made.
Rental fees for student groups will normally be waived; however if custodians must be called in for opening, closing or clean-up of schools those costs will be charged to the student group.
5220 Use of Schools, Grounds and Equipment
Bill 8, the Education Statutes Amendment Act, was activated on March 5, 2020. This amendment of the School Act by the provincial government outlines new provisions related to childcare facilities located on board of education property, including a prescriptive order from the Minister of Education regarding the formal establishment of new board policy to govern the establishment of such facilities Order M326, the Child Care Order, further defines the role of the boards of education with respect to the provision of childcare programs.
“Direct and indirect costs” include:
1. Childcare programs, if operated by the board, will be operated for a fee no greater than the direct costs the board incurs in providing the childcare program.
2. Fees for the use of board property by license holders other than the board will not exceed the direct and indirect costs the board incurs in making board property available for the childcare program.
3. If childcare programs are operated by a license holder other than the board, the board will require the licensee to agree to comply with this policy.
4. In selecting license holders other than the board to operate a childcare program, the board will give special consideration to the candidates’ proposals that provide inclusive childcare; and foster Indigenous reconciliation with childcare, as outlined in #5.
5. If the board decides to operate a childcare program, the board will ensure that it is operated in a manner that:
6. Any contract a lease other than the board, to provide a childcare program on board property must be in writing and subject to regular review and completion of Licensed Child care Facility Inspection Reports in accordance with Ministry of Education & Childcare requirements. The contract must contain:
1. Rationale – The Board of Education of School District No. 52 recognizes the value and importance of available child care and quality early learning programs in the community. To facilitate the operation of such services, the board supports the use of board property for the provision of child care programs between the hours of 7 am and 6 pm., at a minimum, by either the board or third-party licensees. In addition, Section 85.1 of the School Act (Use of Board Property) requires school districts to establish a policy promoting the use of board property by licensed childcare providers.
2. Practices
A. Definitions: The terms “board property”, “business day”, “childcare program”, “educational activities”, and, “licensed child care provider” shall have the meanings set out in section 85.1 of the School Act.
B. “Direct and indirect costs” include:
1. Utilities;
2. Maintenance and repair;
3. A reasonable allowance for the cost of providing custodial services;
4. A reasonable allowance for time school district administrators and other staff spend on matters relating to the use of board property by licensed child care providers.
C. Guiding Principles:
1. The use of board property by licensed child care providers must not disrupt or otherwise interfere with the provision of educational activities including early learning programs and extracurricular school activities.
2. The board will, on an ongoing basis, assess community need for child care programs on board property, through a process of engagement with employee groups, parents and guardians, Indigenous community representatives, Indigenous rightsholders, Indigenous service providers, and existing child care operators. The process for engagement will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
3. If child care programs are to be provided on board property, the Board will consider, on an ongoing basis, whether those programs are best provided by licensees other than the board, the board, or a combination of both.
D. Board Operated Child Care:
1. In selecting licensees other than the board to operate a child care program, the board will give special consideration to the candidates’ proposals that:
a) provide inclusive child care;
b) foster Indigenous reconciliation in child care
c) demonstrate a willingness to collaborate with early learning educators; and,
d) are congruent with the Early Learning Vision established by the school district.
2. Fees for the use of board property by licensees other than the board will not exceed the direct and indirect costs incurred and to be incurred by the board as a result of making board property available for the child care program.
3. The Secretary-Treasurer or designate is responsible for determining rental rates on a cost recovery basis.
4. Opportunities for proposals to occupy available space will be posted to BC Bid.
5. Licensed child care providers must sign a license agreement which specifies:
a) a description of the direct and indirect costs for which the licensee is responsible;
b) an agreement by the licensee to comply with this policy and all other applicable policies;
c) a provision describing how the agreement can be terminated by the board or the licensee;
d) an allocation of responsibility to ensure adequate insurance is in place to protect the interests of the board;
e) a statement that the agreement can only be amended in writing, signed by the board and the licensee;
f) a requirement for the licensee to maintain appropriate standards of performance;
g) a requirement that the licensee must at all times maintain the required license to operate a child care facility;
h) license rates; and,
i) terms and conditions for the use of board property.
6. The site will be offered “as-is’ and the cost of improvements and furnishing to facilitate childcare activities will be borne by the child care provider.
7. Licensed child care providers are responsible for ensuring that they comply with regulatory requirements associated with operating a licensed child care facility.
8. This regulation does not apply to any arrangement in place prior to the creation of this regulation under which board property is being made available to licensed child care provider(s) but does apply to any renewal or extension of that arrangement.
The Board believes that the education of students is a shared responsibility among its employees, parents and members of the community. The active involvement of parents and the appropriate use of volunteers as helpers has the potential to provide considerable benefit to our students and increase communications and positive relationships between schools and the community. Volunteers make valued and appreciated contributions to enhanced student success, the enjoyment of school and an enriched school climate.
Involvement of volunteers is encouraged in activities
for which the volunteer is qualified;
which do not interfere with or replace employees performing their regular duties; and
which are not in contravention of a collective agreement.
Volunteers shall perform tasks only under the supervision and guidance of district employees, and in alignment with appropriate health and safety protocols. The Board expects the use of volunteers in District schools to be supported by appropriate safeguards with respect to the selection and use of volunteers.
Related Policies and Regulations:
Regulation 5310-10 Volunteers in Schools
Form 5310-20A Volunteer Driver Information and Authorization
1.0 Definition:
1.1 Volunteer is an unpaid individual (parent/guardian or other person) who has made a commitment that has been accepted by a school to assist the school in some manner without expectation of compensation.
2.0 Role of Volunteers:
2.1 The role of the volunteer is to assist the school in providing curricular, extra-curricular and other school related activities and services.
2.2 Volunteers should function as complementary extensions of the staff responsible for the teaching/learning situation; they should not undertake tasks that require them to make program or educational decisions.
2.3 Volunteers must not be used to provide services that would normally be provided by an employee.
2.4 Volunteers must not be assigned tasks that would violate the privacy of students or their families, and shall not be provided access to student records, except that contact information may be provided where required.
2.5 The selection, use and supervision of volunteers is the responsibility of the Principal.
3.0 Process for Selecting Volunteers
3.1 All school-related volunteer activities must be approved in advance by the Principal and in consultation with the teacher.
3.2 All volunteers in the school must be approved by the Principal. Those who work directly with students or who have, or potentially have, unsupervised access to students must successfully complete a criminal record check process at least every three years, or at the request of the Principal.
3.3 If a volunteer is charged with or convicted of an offence subsequent to a criminal record check, the volunteer must promptly provide to the school authorization for a further criminal record check.
3.4 The School will pay the costs of a criminal record check for a volunteer where a fee is charged.
3.5 Should a criminal record search of a volunteer or information from a law enforcement agency indicate a criminal offence or pending charge, the Principal is authorized to notify the Superintendent or designate who shall determine if the offence or offences are such as to prohibit participation as a school volunteer.
3.6 All information obtained through the criminal record check is to be treated as confidential and kept on file at the school.
3.7A volunteer's services may be terminated at the discretion of the Principal or Superintendent.
4.0 Orientation of Volunteers
4.1 Schools using volunteers shall ensure appropriate orientation and ongoing supervision. The orientation process should include:
4.1.1 A general orientation to the School District;
4.1.2 Processes of signing in by volunteers;
4.1.3 Staff responsibilities with respect to volunteers;
4.1.4 Review of school confidentiality protocol and confidentiality requirements for volunteers;
4.1.5 Emergency procedures, including emergency evacuation;
4.1.6 School Code of Conduct and relevant District policies;
4.1.7 Overview of special programs and/or services at the school;
4.1.8 Accident procedures including the reporting of incidents; and
4.1.9 School calendar.
5.0 Conduct of Volunteers
Volunteers are required to:
5.1 Adhere to the bylaws, policies and regulations of the Board;
5.2 Speak and act with respect;
5.3 Deal judiciously with students;
5.4 Respect complete confidentiality with regard to any student matters;
5.5 Report all incidents of student or personal injury to staff;
5.6 Maintain confidentiality with regard to personnel matters;
5.7 Avoid any conflict of interest, whether actual or perceived, between their role as a district volunteer and their other positions or responsibilities;
5.8 Not be under the influence of or in possession of illicit drugs or alcohol while students are under their care, while on school property, at school-sponsored functions, on extra-curricular trips or at any activities involving students;
5.9 Direct all questions and concerns through District protocols; and
5.10 Comply with all relevant and applicable legislation, including the Human Rights Code.
6.0 Liability, Insurance and Expenses
6.1 Volunteers receive limited coverage under the School Protection Program Insurance while engaged in activities authorized by the School District or a school.
6.2 Where any incident or accident occurs that may conceivably give rise to a claim against a volunteer or the School District, the volunteer must promptly provide all information to the school to enable the school to inform its insurers. Failure to do so may prejudice coverage.
6.3 Volunteers may be reimbursed for expenses approved by the Principal.
References: School Act, Sections 7.1, 26.1 and 85
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The Canadian flag should be displayed outside the school building from either a ground or wall mounted pole/staff. Each school will have a single flag pole installed.
No flag, banner or pennant should be flown or displayed above the Canadian flag.
Flags flown together should be approximately the same size and shall be flown from separate staffs at the same height. The Canadian flag should be given the place of honour when flown or displayed with other flags.
The British Columbia flag should be prominently displayed inside the building using either of the following methods:
The flags of Canada and British Columbia are to be flown or displayed properly and treated at all times with dignity and respect.
All flag(s) should be in good clean condition when flown or displayed. When the flag(s) do become worn, noticeably faded or otherwise unfit for service, they should be replaced and the old flag disposed of by private burning.
The flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset each day school is in session. It is not contrary to etiquette to have the flag flying at night.
Flags can be displayed inside a building, either on staffs or fastened to a wall. If flat, it may be hung horizontally or vertically. If it hangs vertically against a wall, the Canadian flag should be placed so that the upper part of the leaf is to the left and the stem is to the right as seen by spectators.
Schools will fly their flags at half-mast on appropriate occasions, to bestow an honour or express a collective sense of sorrow.
Flags flown at half-mast will be by special instruction of the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent will advise Trustees of the reason for flying flags at half-mast. The protocol for flying flags at half-mast is as follows:
On the death of the Sovereign or a member of the Royal Family related in the first degree to the Sovereign (spouse, son or daughter, father, mother, brother or sister); and
On the death of the Governor General, the Prime Minister, a former Governor General, a former Prime Minister; and
On April 28, the National Day of Mourning, remembering those how have lost their lives, or suffered injury or illness on the job or due to a work-related tragedy; and
On September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation; and
On November 8, Indigenous Veterans Day; and
On November 11, Remembrance Day.
On the death of the Lieutenant Governor or the Premier.
On the death of a current Trustee or Superintendent of Schools; and
On the death of the Member of Parliament or Member of the Legislative Assembly for the riding in which the district is located.
On the death of a current student or staff member.
Flags would normally be flown at half-mast:
The flag is brought to the half-mast position by first raising it to the top of the mast then immediately lowering it slowly to the half-mast position.
The position of the flag when flying at half-mast will depend on the size of the flag and the length of the flagstaff. It must be lowered at least to a position recognizably “half-mast” to avoid the appearance of a flag, which has accidentally fallen away from the top of the mast owing to a loose flag rope. A satisfactory position for half- mast is to place the centre of the flag exactly halfway down the staff.
On occasions requiring that one flag be flown at half-mast, all flags flown together should also be flown at half-mast.
Flags will only be flown at half-mast on those flagpoles fitted with halyards and pulleys. Some buildings fly flags from horizontal or angled poles, without halyards, to which flags are permanently attached. Flags on these will not be flown at half- mast.
School Regulation 265/89, Sections 5(10) and (11)
The Board will develop and maintain the following documents as part of their strategic plan:
These documents must be consistent with the mandate of the BC Public School System.
In performing its duties, the Board will make decisions and set policies that are consistent with the vision statement, mission statement and belief statements.
The Board of Education is the corporate body elected by the voters. The Board is responsible for providing educational programs & services to students attending District schools. Programs must be consistent with the requirements of government legislation and the values and expectations of local communities.
The decisions of the Board in a properly constituted meeting are those of the Corporate Board.
The Board shall govern in a manner characterized by
The role of the Board is to govern and to set policy for the school district.
The Superintendent is responsible for management of operations for the school district under the School Act, Regulations, Minister of Education Orders, and Board Policies, and reporting to the Board.
The Role of the Board is to govern and to set policy for the school district. The School Act gives no individual authority to trustees. The day-to-day administration of the education programs and the conduct of the school operations is the responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools and district staff.
As members of the corporate Board, trustees are accountable to the public for the collective decisions of the Board and for the delivery and quality of educational services. A trustee must serve the community as an elected representative; however, the trustee's primary responsibility is to make decisions in the best interest of the district as a member of a corporate Board. A trustee will not allow any private interest to influence their conduct in public matters and will comply with the requirements of the School Act that relate to conflict of interest.
Trustees will conduct themselves in an ethical and business-like manner. Specifically, trustees will:
BC School Act
School Trustee Oath of Office Regulation
Policy 6130, Role of the Board Policy
Policy 6260, Conflict of Interest Policy
Policy 6310, Role of the Superintendent Policy
Policy 6510, Board Communications Policy
To fulfil its responsibilities, the Board will follow an annual agenda cycle.
Description |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
Annual Audited Financial Statements |
X |
Positions of Special Responsibility |
X |
Organization of Classes Report |
X |
Approval of Auditors |
X |
Election of Officers |
X |
Approve Annual Budget Consultation Dates |
X |
Present School Calendar for Consultation |
X |
Amended Annual Budget |
X |
Approve School Calendar |
X |
Indigenous Education Partnership Agreement Annual Report |
X |
Approve School Fees and Deposits |
X |
Annual Budget |
X |
Carbon Neutral Action Report |
X |
Daycare Leases |
X |
Capital Budget |
X |
Approve Board Meeting Dates |
X |
The Board has established the District Parents’ Advisory Council in accordance with Section 8.4(2) of the School Act. The Council’s role is to provide better communication between the school district and families and to advise the Board on any matter relating to education in the school district.
The District Parents’ Advisory Council shall operate within the terms listed in the School Act, and as outlined in school district regulations.
School Act, Sections 8.4, 8.5, 67(5.1)
BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
6250-10 – District Parent’s Advisory Council Regulation
The Board has authorized a District Parents’ Advisory Council (DPAC) to facilitate communication between school Parent Advisory Councils and to advise the Board on any matter relating to education in the school district.
The DPAC shall be composed of one elected representative from each school Parent Advisory Council for a maximum term of one year. The Superintendent, or a designate of the Superintendent, and a trustee of the school district may attend any meeting of the DPAC.
The DPAC shall have bylaws governing its meetings and conduct, including the dissolution of the DPAC.
Sections 8.4 and 8.5, School Act
6250 District Parents’ Advisory Council Policy
A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person has a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective exercise of their official duties and responsibilities.
Conflicts of interest, whether actual, possible, or perceived, may impact on the integrity and public image of the Board. The Board expects fair, well-informed decision-making and objective exercise of duties throughout the School District.
The ability of a person to make a decision or to carry out duties in the best interest of the School District is sometimes affected by other interests, personal or professional. Trustees, employees, and volunteers are expected to safeguard the public trust and demonstrate integrity in their dealings within the School District.
Conflict of interest situations are a regular part of organizational and personal life and cannot be eliminated entirely. The objective of the Conflict of Interest Policy and Regulation is to manage conflict of interest situations successfully and resolve them fairly.
This Policy applies to trustees and employees. A private or personal interest refers to:
All trustees and employees are responsible for managing conflict of interest situations, according to the Conflict of Interest Regulation, in order to ensure that workplace behavior and decision-making are not influenced inappropriately by conflicting interests.
High standards of conduct are expected from trustees and district employees. Behavior in accordance with those standards is paramount in developing and maintaining the public’s trust and confidence in the district. Compliance with the high standards of conduct established by the Board are a condition of employment.
Trustees and employees are expected to comply with the standards and expectations expressed in the Conflict of Interest Policy and this regulation, and to exhibit these qualities and values within their daily activities as they relate to district business.
Trustees and employees are expected to request a determination from the Secretary-Treasurer before engaging in any activity which might reasonably raise questions about a possible conflict of interest.
This regulation is not intended to prohibit employees and their immediate families from conducting legitimate business with the Board. This regulation is intended to establish parameters regarding how such business is to be conducted.
A breach of the conflict of interest policy and regulation is considered to be a serious breach of a trustees’ or employee’s obligations and which may result in discipline or dismissal.
1.0 The issue of conflict of interest is a delicate one that must be handled with the utmost care and consideration for trustees and employees, while adhering to an unwavering commitment to high standards of conduct including but not limited to the following:
1.1 Trustees have a duty of loyalty to the district as set out in the School Act. Employees have a duty of loyalty to the district as their employer. This duty of loyalty requires trustees and employees to provide services to the best of their ability regardless of their own personal perspectives of Board direction or policy. The honesty and integrity of trustees and employees must be above reproach and coupled with impartiality in the conduct of their duties to ensure that their actions avoid public doubt. The actions and conduct of trustees and employees must be such as to instill confidence in the district and public education.
1.2 It is essential that trustees and employees recognize their responsibility to ensure that confidential information received as a result of their position with the district remains confidential. Such information is not be divulged to anyone other than individuals authorized to receive such information. This includes confidential information received verbally, or in written or electronic form. Disclosure of confidential information may put trustees or employees in a position of conflict of interest, and great care must be taken when communicating with individuals inside and outside the district.
1.3 A conflict of interest may also occur when a trustee’s or employee’s private affairs or financial interests are in conflict, or could result in a perception of conflict, with the trustee’s or employee’s duties or responsibilities in such a way that:
• the trustee’s or employee’s ability to act in the public interest could be impaired; or
• the trustee’s or employee’s actions or conduct could undermine or compromise the
public’s confidence in the trustee’s or employee’s ability to discharge their
responsibilities, or
• it diminishes the trust that the public places in the district.
2.0 While trustees and employees have the right to be involved in activities as citizens of the
community, conflict must not exist between trustees and employees’ private interests and the
discharge of their district-related duties. Upon accepting a position in the district, trustees and
employees must arrange their private affairs in a manner that will prevent conflicts of interest,
or the perception of conflicts of interest, from arising.
3.0 Examples of conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
3.1 A trustee or employee uses district property, or the employee’s position, to pursue
personal interests or promote their business interests or those of their family;
3.2 A trustee or employee is under obligation to a person who might benefit from, or seek
to gain, special consideration or favour;
3.3 A trustee or employee, in the performance of their duties, gives preferential treatment
to an individual, corporation or organization, including a non-profit organization, in
which the trustee or employee, or a relative or friend of the trustee or employee, has an
interest, financial or otherwise;
3.4 A trustee or employee benefits from, or is reasonably perceived by the public to have
benefited from, the use of information acquired solely by reason of the trustee’s or
employee’s position;
3.5 A trustee or employee benefits from, or is reasonably perceived by the public to have
benefited from, a government transaction over which the trustee or employee can
influence decisions (for example, investments, sales, purchases, borrowing, grants,
contracts, regulatory or discretionary approvals, or appointments);
3.6 An employee receives any additional fees or compensation for teaching, tutoring,
counseling, coaching, acquiring supplies or other related services provided to students
under their individual care;
3.7 A trustee or employee requests or accepts from an individual, corporation or
organization, directly or indirectly, a personal gift or benefit that arises out of their
position in the district other than:
• the exchange of normal hospitality between persons doing business together, or
• gifts to persons participating in public functions.
4.0 Trustees and employees are in a conflict of interest when dealing with direct relatives or
individuals who permanently reside with them when the following working relationships exist:
4.1 A reporting relationship exists where a trustee or employee has influence, input or
decision-making power over the other employee’s performance evaluation, salary,
premiums, special permissions, conditions of work and similar matters; or
4.2 The working relationship affords an opportunity for collusion between the two
employees that would have a detrimental effect on the district’s interest.
This restriction on working relationships may be waived provided that the Secretary-Treasurer is
satisfied that sufficient safeguards are in place to ensure that the district’s interests are not
5.0 Trustees and employees are to disqualify themselves as participants in personnel decisions
when their objectivity would be compromised for any reason, or if any benefit or perceived
benefit could accrue to them or a family member. For example, trustees and employees are not
to participate in staffing actions involving direct relatives or persons living in the same
6.0 Trustees and employees may
• engage in remunerative employment with another employer,
• carry on a business,
• receive remuneration from public funds for activities outside their position, or
• engage in volunteer activities,
provided it does not:
6.1 interfere with the performance of their duties as a trustee or employee of the district;
6.2 bring the district into disrepute;
6.3 represent a conflict of interest or create the reasonable perception of a conflict of
6.4 appear to be an official act or to represent district direction or policy;
6.5 involve the unauthorized use of work time or district premises, services, equipment or
supplies to which they have access by virtue of their position with the district; or
6.6 gain an advantage that is derived from their position with the district.
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The Board is committed to the highest standards of integrity, honesty, ethical conduct, and accountability. District codes of conduct and the conflict of interest policy are intended to prevent or deter misconduct or wrongdoing.
The Board expects employees and others who have serious and reasonable concerns with respect to misconduct or wrongdoing to come forward and voice those concerns. This Policy applies to trustees, senior executives, administrators, directors, and all other employees of the Board, as well as to all other stakeholders having an interest in the district, including suppliers, consultants, and contractors.
Reports of misconduct or wrongdoing must be made in good faith, without malice or consideration of personal benefit, and when the person reporting has a reasonable basis to believe that the report is true. A report may be either an oral or written report made according to the Whistleblower Protection Regulation.
There shall be no retaliation toward a whistleblower for reporting under this Policy. Any such acts of retaliation may lead to discipline for the person who is retaliating.
A report made in bad faith or without a reasonable and probable basis may lead to disciplinary action.
Reportable activities do not include personnel actions taken in the course of conducting the District’s business where such matters are most appropriately addressed by reference to the applicable collective agreement.
B.Definitions for the purpose of this regulation:
This list is not all-inclusive but is intended to give an indication of the kind of conduct which may be considered a Reportable Activity.
A Reportable Activity does not include personnel actions taken in the course of conducting the Board’s business where such matters are most appropriately addressed by reference to the applicable collective agreement.
C.Duty to Disclose
D.Protection of Reporter and District
Disciplinary action may be taken.
E.Reporting a Complaint
Harris & Company LLP Attention: Sari Wiens, 14th Floor, Bentall 5, 550 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2B5
as appropriate.
G.Annual Report
The Secretary-Treasurer will submit to the Board, in an in-camera meeting, an annual summary of actions taken under this regulation. The summary will include reports received and acted upon during the school year, July 1st to June 30th.
The Superintendent is the Chief Executive Officer of the school district and provides general supervision of schools, personnel and the various departments of the school district. The Superintendent is responsible for management of the schools under the School Act, Regulations, Minister of Education Orders, and Board policies or by vote of the Board. The Superintendent is under the direction of the Board and is accountable to the Board.
The exercise of any responsibility of the Superintendent may be delegated to other district personnel. The Superintendent remains responsible for the action taken under such delegation.
All authority and accountability of staff, as far as the Board is concerned, is considered to be the authority and accountability of the Superintendent of Schools.
School Act, Trustee Oath of Office Regulation
6130 – Role of the Board Policy
6140 – Role of the Trustee and Trustee Code of Conduct Policy
6315 – Delegation to the Superintendent Policy
The Superintendent or designate shall authorize expenditure of funds:
The Superintendent shall establish
No individual or group delegated authority and accountability for a program shall expend funds beyond the budget for that program without the written authorization of the Superintendent or designate.
The Superintendent is authorized to make necessary adjustments to handle emergencies, provided that the Board is advised as soon as possible.
The Superintendent is authorized to make adjustments to accommodate increased or reduced revenues. Such adjustments shall be reported to the Board.
The Superintendent or designate may approve transfers between program budgets, given:
Transfers of any kind shall be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and any Ministry directive.
School Act: Sections 110, 111, 112, 112.1, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118.
Policy 6310, Role of Superintendent
Policy 7220, Purchasing and Tendering
Board communications support the Board’s vision, mission, and goals, while allowing the Board to build and promote trusting, effective relationships with Rights Holders, school communities, local communities and partner groups.
Board communications provide the means for local communities and partner groups to participate in school district planning and to be informed about educational issues and services. The Board actively seeks and listens to the voices of Rights Holders, school communities, local communities and partner groups with respect to the school district’s vision, mission, foundational principles, goals, policies, and plans.
The Board Chair is the primary spokesperson for the Board. The Board Chair or designate speaks on matters such as governance, policy and Board decisions.
The Superintendent of Schools is the primary spokesperson on matters such as the leadership and operation of the school district. The Superintendent or designate speaks on educational, administrative, management, fiscal, planning, and organizational matters of the school district.
Policy 6130, Role of the Board Policy
Policy 6140, Role of the Trustee and Trustee Code of Conduct Policy
Policy 6310, Role of the Superintendent Policy
Policy development is a key responsibility of the Board. Policies constitute the will of the Board in determining how the District will be operated. Policies provide effective direction and guidelines for the action of the Board, Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer, staff and students. Policies also serve as sources of information and guidelines to all who may be interested in or connected with the operation of the District. Adoption of new Board Policies or revision of existing Policies is solely the responsibility of the Board.
When making policy the Board will adhere to the requirements necessary to provide public education and comply with the School Act, other provincial legislation and other contractual agreements (for example, the Aboriginal Education Partnership Agreement).
The Board believes that the development and review of policies are enhanced when the process allows for the meaningful involvement of staff and other interested groups and persons.
Board policies shall provide an appropriate balance between the responsibility of the Board to develop the broad guidelines for the District and the opportunity for the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer to exercise professional judgment in the administration of the District.
The Board shall adhere to the following stages in its approach to policy making:
1. Planning
The Board shall assess the need for a policy in cooperation with the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer. This may be as a result of its own monitoring activities or on the suggestion of others. The critical attributes of the policy will be developed in the planning stage.
2. Development
The Board may develop the policy itself or could delegate the responsibility for development to the Superintendent and/or Secretary-Treasurer. Each policy statement must be precise enough to show clearly the Board's intent and consider the need for the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer to have discretion in dealing with particular cases. The process for the development and review of policies will allow for the participation of interested and concerned groups and individuals as appropriate to their circumstances.
3. Implementation
The Board is responsible for the implementation of policies governing its own processes. The Board and Superintendent share the responsibility for implementation of policies relating to the Board-Superintendent relationship. The Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer are responsible for the implementation of all other policies.
4. Evaluation
The Board, in cooperation with the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer, shall evaluate each policy in a timely manner in order to determine whether or not it is meeting its intended purpose.
The Superintendent is responsible for approving regulations which provide specific guidance for the implementation of Board policies.
6610-10 Making Policy and Regulations
1. Overview and Definitions
1.1. The Board is concerned with the proper discharge of its responsibilities under the School Act and with the wide exercise of the powers which the Act confers. It believes it can discharge its responsibilities and exercise its powers best by limiting itself as far as possible to the determination of policy governing all aspects of the operation of the school system and holding the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer responsible for ensuring that the Board's decisions are carried out.
1.2. The following definitions apply within this regulation:
1.2.1. A “Policy” is a principle of governance selected to guide and direct present and future decisions. Policies should be broad enough to indicate a line of action to be followed by the administration and narrow enough to give clear guidance. Policies are guides for action by the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer, who then implement appropriate Regulations.
1.2.2. A “Regulation” is a specific direction to school district personnel and guidance to parents for accomplishing a direction established in Policy.
2. Planning
2.1. The Policy Committee will approve a work plan for the development of new Policies and for the review of existing Policies.
2.2. The work plan will take into account:
2.2.1. requests for new Policies or changes to Policies;
2.2.2. changes to statutory requirements; and
2.2.3. research by the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer.
2.3. The Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer will approve a work plan for the development of new Regulations and for the review of existing Regulations.Page 2 of 3
3. Development
3.1. The Policy Committee will review proposed drafts of new Policies and of amendments to existing Policies. The Committee will then recommend these drafts to the Board at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.
3.2. When appropriate, the Superintendent or Secretary-Treasurer will seek legal or other advice on the intent and/or wording of a Policy.
3.3. The Board of Education endorses the process of involvement and therefore in reviewing Policies shall receive input from all concerned groups. If and when a new Policy is drafted or an existing Policy is amended, draft copies will be sent to all concerned groups for their input; and a waiting period of two weeks will be allowed for this input; before final adoption by the Board. Concerned groups will include:
3.3.1. Trustees
3.3.2. PRPVPA (administrative officers)
3.3.3. PRDTU (teachers)
3.3.4. IUOE (support staff)
3.3.5. DPAC (parents)
3.3.6. Aboriginal Education Committee
3.3.7. other community partners, when appropriate.
3.4. The Policy Committee will consider all input received and then review revised drafts of new Policies and of amendments to existing Policies. The Committee will then report on the input received and recommend the revised drafts to the Board at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.
3.5. The development of Regulations is the responsibility of the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer. All Regulations must be in accordance with Policy. When appropriate, draft Regulations or amendments to existing Regulations will accompany proposed Policies and concerned groups will be asked to provide their input on these draft Regulations.
3.6. Normally, the Board will not be concerned with Regulations. In some cases, however, it may provide the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer with advice regarding Regulations.
3.7. Any additions to written Regulations or updates to the Regulation manual will be communicated to the Board in a timely manner.Page 3 of 3
4. Implementation
4.1. Adoption of a Policy will be by Board motion.
4.2. Adoption of a Regulation will be effected by the publication and distribution of the Regulation by the Superintendent and the Secretary-Treasurer.
4.3. The approval of a Policy or Regulation for inclusion in the manual suspends any previously adopted Policy or Regulation relating to the issue covered in the approved Policy or Regulation.
4.4. All Policies or Regulations in effect shall remain in effect until new or revised Policies or Regulations are issued.
4.5. All Policies and Regulations shall be posted on the District's website and distributed electronically to all principals and Board Office staff.
5. Evaluation
5.1. Policy making is a process, not a project to be finished within a year or two. It is a way of life of a Board of Education. So long as the Board spends money, operates schools, hires teachers and educates children, it will need to make Policies to guide itself and those for whom it is responsible.
5.2. The Board of Education will, through the Policy Committee, review each Policy on a regular basis.
5.3. The Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer will review each Regulation on a regular basis.
6. Board Decisions
6.1. In the absence of existing policy, the Board may make decisions, by resolution, on matters affecting the administration, management, and operation of the District. Such decisions carry the weight of policy until such time as specific written policy is developed.
The creation of records and allowable access to records is subject to the requirements of Bylaw #7 - Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw.
Where records are maintained in an electronic form, there must be a method of producing visible and legible records that will provide adequate information for the intended purpose of the record.
The maintenance of records for minimum periods of time is subject to the requirements of federal and provincial legislation.
Once records are past the applicable retention period, the person responsible for the records is authorized to destroy them once that person is satisfied that:
Records which contain personal or confidential information should be destroyed in a manner that retains the confidentiality of the records
Related Bylaws, Policies & Regulations:
Bylaw #7 Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw
6710-10 Regulation and Procedures: Records Management Program
6710-10 Regulation and Procedures: Records Management Program – Schedule
6710-20 Student Records
6710-00 Heritage Regulation
1. Overview and Definitions
1.1. The Records Management Program will facilitate the retrieval, retention, long-term preservation and destruction of records in accordance with the District’s legal, administrative and operational obligations.
1.2. The following definitions apply within this regulation:
1.2.1. A “Record” is “all recorded information regardless of physical format, which is received, created, deposited or held. Records include books, documents, maps, drawings, photographs, letters, vouchers, papers and any other thing on which information is recorded or stored by graphic, electronic, mechanical or other means, but does not include computer programs or any other mechanism that produces records.” (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation.)
1.2.2. “Student Personal Information” includes any information that identifies a student including the student’s name, address and telephone number, Personal Education Number (PEN), assessments, results and educational records.
1.2.3. “Employee Personal Information” is any recorded information about an identifiable employee other than information enabling an employee to be contacted at work (including name, position name, district telephone number, district address, district email and district fax number).
1.3. The following acts (and regulations thereto) are part of the Records Management Program:
1.3.1. Canada Pension Act
1.3.2. Document Disposal Act;
1.3.3. Education Finance Act;
1.3.4. Employment Insurance Act.
1.3.5. Employment Standards Act;
1.3.6. Excise Act;
1.3.7. Financial Disclosure Act;
1.3.8. Financial Information Act;
1.3.9. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA);
1.3.10. Income Tax Act; and
1.3.11. School Act.
2. Creation and Correction of Records
2.1. In accordance with FOIPPA, the District has the legal authority to collect personal information that relates directly to, and is necessary for, it’s operating programs or activities, or as otherwise authorized by legislation. Personal information will be collected directly from the individual the information is about, unless another method of collection is authorized by the individual or by legislation.
2.2. FOIPPA gives employees the right to request that personal information on file be removed or corrected. This procedure is not intended to be in conflict with, or supersede, an employee’s rights outlined in a collective agreement.
2.2.1. Employees may request the district to correct or remove entries in their personal records. Such a request must be made in writing, either on the forms provided or in a letter.
2.2.2. The Secretary-Treasurer (who may consult with the Superintendent before making a decision) will make a decision on the request.
2.2.3. If the request is complied with, no Record of the request should be retained in the employee file.
2.2.4. If the district denies the request, the applicant will be informed of the right to appeal to the Commissioner of Information and Privacy.
3. Access to Records
3.1.1. Disclosure of personal information occurs when the information is provided to an external or third party. Such disclosure must comply with Part 3 of FOIPPA.
3.1.2. Personal information may be disclosed to a third party if the individual who is the subject of the information has provided written consent in accordance with FOIPPA regulation. In the case of a student under age nineteen (19), such consent shall be provided by the student’s parent or guardian.
3.1.3. FOIPPA provides a general right of access to any record in the custody or under the control of the district, including records containing personal information, subject to certain exceptions that are set out in Part 2 of FOIPPA.
3.1.4. FOIPPA regulation allows a parent or guardian to access personal information on behalf of a child under the age of nineteen (19).
3.1.5. All employees working with records must ensure the security and confidentiality of those records, including security of access to records.
3.2. School Act
3.2.1. Section 1 of the School Act defines a student record as:
"student record" means a record of information in written or electronic form pertaining to
(a) a student or francophone student, or
(b) a child registered under section 13 with a school or francophone school,
but does not include
(c) a record prepared by a person if that person is the only person with access to the record, or
(d) a record of a report under section 14 (1) or 16 (3) (b) of the Child, Family and Community Service Act or of information that forms the basis for a report under section 14 (1) of that Act;
3.2.2. The School Act provides a student and parent or guardian with a right of access to copies of academic records and other student records (Section 9), as well as information about the student’s progress, attendance and behavior at school (Section 7).
3.2.3. Section 79 of the School Act addresses privacy in the context of student records.
3.3. Student Personal Information
3.3.1. District employees may disclose Student Personal Information to other district employees where such disclosure is necessary for the performance of the duties of the employee.
3.3.2. District employees may disclose Student Personal Information to other school districts where such disclosure is necessary for educational purposes.
3.3.3. In accordance with FOIPPA, other ministries, school districts or law enforcement agencies may have access to personal information where this is necessary for the provision of their services.
3.3.4. Students and/or parents or guardians must authorize the disclosure of Student Personal Information for purposes ancillary to educational programs such as newsletter publications, website postings, honor roll lists, team rosters or yearbooks. This authorization will be obtained on the form “Authorization for Disclosure of Student Personal Information” on an annual basis at the beginning of each school year. Parents and/or guardians have the right to opt out of providing Student Personal Information that is not directly related to a student’s educational program or necessary for the district’s operational activities.
3.3.5. When a school or the district collects Student Personal Information or personal information about students’ families, parents and/or guardians should be informed of the purpose for which the information is being collected.
3.4. Employee Personal Information
3.4.1. The collection, use, disclosure, access to and disposal of Employee Personal Information is governed by FOIPPA. All provisions of FOIPPA that apply to Employee Personal Information in the district’s custody or control will be observed.
3.4.2. Access to an employee’s Records can be gained during normal business hours upon appointment with the Secretary-Treasurer. The employee’s Records are available to: The employee, in the presence of designated staff; Other parties, such as legal counsel of the employee with the specific written consent of the employee; and The employee’s supervisor, only in the course for performing their job functions, on an as-needed basis.
3.5. The Secretary-Treasurer is authorized to establish fees for the retrieval and reproduction of Records.
4. Security of Records
4.1. Records must be dealt with in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner. All district employees are expected to maintain and secure Records in a manner that respects the privacy of employees, students and students’ families. Users of computer network resources should not disseminate Records to anyone not covered by a confidentiality agreement. Precautions should be taken to ensure that Records are protected from unauthorized access, use and disclosure.
4.2. Paper Records
4.2.1. Reasonable security precautions should be in place, such as: locked storage; removal of personal information from work areas; proper shredding of binned material.
4.2.2. Personal information should not be discussed in any physical location that may compromise confidentiality.
4.2.3. Posting of personal information such as exam results should not contain student identifiers.
4.2.4. A “CONFIDENTIAL” warning should be listed on fax covers to prevent information from being accessed and viewed by an unauthorized party if a fax is obtained in error. Highly sensitive material should not be faxed.
4.2.5. Paper Records due for destruction should be securely shredded and disposed of.
4.3. Electronic Records
4.3.1. Where Records are maintained in an electronic form, the system must include a method of producing visible and legible Records that will provide adequate information for the intended purpose of the Records.
4.3.2. Internet and internal computer network systems must be used in accordance with Regulation 2.5: “Use of School District’s Communications Systems.”
4.3.3. Security, such as passwords and data encryption, must be in place for Records stored, printed or transferred by computers and electronic mobile devices.
4.3.4. Passwords should not be shared with coworkers, nor should coworkers log in with another employee’s password.
4.3.5. Laptops and other electronic devices, such as Personal Digital Assistants, should either be kept on one’s person or be secured in safe physical storage.
4.3.6. Sensitive Records such as pictures of students or employees, or personal information such as home addresses and phone numbers, should not be transmitted, exposed on the Internet or published without consent.
5. Retention of Records
5.1. Management Program – Regulation – Schedule outlines the minimum length of time that Records must be retained. The schedule identifies who is responsible for their retention and destruction.
5.2. The maintenance of records for minimum periods of time is subject to the requirements of federal and provincial legislation. It is recognized that legislation as enacted may dictate other provisions and periods of time and take precedence over the time periods specified in the schedule that accompanies this regulation.
6. Destruction of Records
6.1. Once a Record is past the minimum period of time for retention, the person identified in Management Program – Regulation – Schedule as being responsible for the Record is authorized to destroy it once they are satisfied that the Record:
6.1.1. Is of no further use;
6.1.2. Has no historical or archival value; or
6.1.3. Is not the subject matter of litigation.
6.2. Records which contain personal or confidential information should be destroyed in a manner that retains the confidentiality of the Records.
The following retention schedule outlines the minimum amount of time that School District records must be retained and who is responsible for their retention and destruction.
Board Records
Responsibility: Secretary-Treasurer
Board Policy Permanent
Agendas of Regular and Special Board Meetings Permanent
List of Electors 2 years after the year of creation
Minutes Permanent
Notice of Meetings 1 year
Oaths and Declaration of Trustees For term of office
Financial Disclosures While in office or in the employ of the Board
School Trustees List While current
Debenture and by-law register Permanent
Debenture and coupons redeemed 6 years after the year redeemed
Contracts with Senior Staff 6 years after the year employee leaves district
Communications/Information and Privacy
Responsibility: Communications Office
Freedom of Information Requests 2 years after the calendar year of creation
Requests to Review Freedom of Information 5 years after investigation, review, inquiry
Decisions or adjudication is complete and order has been issued
Freedom of Information requests to correct 2 years after the personal information has
personal information been updated, annotated, or request has been transferred to another public body.
Annual Report as required by the School Act Permanent
District publications and newsletters Permanent
Financial Records
Responsibility: Director of Finance
Annual budget and summary supporting documents Permanent
Auditor's reports Permanent
Cancelled cheques 6 years after the year of creation
Cheque duplicates, invoices 6 years after the year of creation
Requisitions, purchase orders 2 years after the year of creation
Employee Travel Claims 6 years after the year of creation
Ministry of Education financial information reports Permanent
General ledger Permanent
Invoices billed 6 years after the year of creation
Subsidiary ledgers and journals 6 years after the year of creation
Receipts issued 6 years after the year issued
Bank statements, debit and credit notes 6 years after the year of creation
Deposit books 6 years after the year of creation
Loans, authorization 6 years or term of loan, if longer
Loans, cancelled notes 6 years after the year of creation
Stop payment orders 1 year after the year of creation
Facilities Records
Responsibility: Director of Operations
Rental of facilities 1 year after the year of rental
Appraisal and inventory records 6 years after the year of asset disposal
Authorization for expenditure of capital funds 6 years after the year capital plan completed
Building plans and specifications (with related 6 years after the year of asset disposal
change, guarantees, bonds, liens and
valuable correspondence)
Land titles, deeds and plans 6 years after the year of asset disposal
Mortgages and leases 6 years after expiration of term
Referenda Data (subsequent changes, 6 years after the year of asset disposal
orders-in-council, etc.)
General Records
Responsibility: Each Principal, Director, Senior Staff member
General Correspondence 2 years after the year of creation
Human Resource Records
Responsibility: Director of Instruction – Human Resources
Applications 1 year after position is filled
Job Competitions 1 year after position is filled, with selected longer retention
Collective Agreements with Unions Permanent
Contracts with individual employees 6 years after the year employee leaves district
Employee files 6 years after the year employee leaves district
First Aid Certification 6 years after the year employee leaves the district
Leave records 6 years after the employee leaves school district
Individual grievance files Permanent
Letters of discipline According to collective agreement or 6 years after the year employee leaves district
Personnel File 6 years after the year employment ceases
Reference checks 1 year after position is filled
SDS 1 year after employment ceases
SDS - TOC Dispatch 1 year after employment ceases
Seniority Lists Permanent
Support Staff Subtitutes 1 year
Unsolicited resumes 6 months
Violent incident reports 6 years after the year of creation
Employee WCB forms 6 years after the year employment ceases
Information Systems
Responsibility: Director of Information Technology
User ID's When user is removed from the system
System Problem-Tracking When user is removed from the system
Responsibility: Each Principal, Director of Operations (for closed buildings)
Video tapes 1 year after year of creation, as needed
Insurance Records
Responsibility: Secretary-Treasurer
Incident Reports 1 year or until finalized
Claims 6 years after claim settled for adults; 2 years after age of majority is reached for individuals under 19 years
Insurance Policies Permanent
Payroll Records
Responsibility: Director of Finance
Employee payroll file 6 years after the year employee leaves district
Employee payroll register 6 years after the year employee leaves district
Employee attendance records 6 years after the year employment ceases
Payroll benefits 6 years after the year employment ceases
Payroll data base 6 years after the year employment ceases
Payroll deductions 6 years after the year employment ceases
Purchasing Records
Responsibility: Each Principal, Director, Senior Staff member
Quotations and relative correspondence 6 years after the year of creation
Purchasing contracts 6 years after the year of creation
Requisitions and purchase orders 6 years after the year of creation
Student Records
Responsibility: Director of Information Technology
Student Information System Data Permanent
Responsibility: School Principals
Permanent Record Cards Permanent
Attendance Reports and Registers Permanent
Responsibility: Director of Instruction
Cross-Boundary Attendance Requests 1 year after decision is made about the request
Responsibility: Director of Instruction - Secondary
Provincial Scholarships and District Awards Permanent
Responsibility: Secondary School Principals
Senior Secondary School Statement Permanent
Responsibility: Teachers
Teachers' student files 1 year after teacher no longer has student (selected records transferred to Primary Student File)
Responsibility: District Principal, Student Support Services
Other student records Useful life of record
Responsibility: District Principal, Aboriginal Education
Other student records Useful life of record
Transportation Data
Responsibility: Secretary-Treasurer
Student Bus Registration Forms 1 year after the year of creation
Transportation Assistance Forms 1 year after the year of creation
School Bus Behaviour Report 1 year after the year of creation
School bus videotapes 1 year after the year of creation
Vehicle maintenance forms Life of bus
Pre-trip forms 3 months
Driver time logs 6 months
A. Introduction
Student records pertaining to the student's school achievement, strengths, potential learning challenges and interventions, psycho-educational assessments, student health, and comments on personal and social development will be maintained. This information should serve three basic purposes:
Care must be exercised in the maintenance and transfer of student records. As required by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, sound reasons are needed for the collection of any data, and sound procedures must be in place to ensure the confidentiality of these records.
Student records must be kept confidential and released only in accordance with Regulations, court orders and if specifically directed by the Board.
B. Permanent Student Record
C. Student`s File
D. Confidential Learning Services File
A Confidential File will be maintained for students appropriately designated to receive Special Education services. Information about students with special education needs is to be maintained and transmitted in accordance with Ministerial Orders Permanent Student Records (MO082/09) and Individual Education Plan (MO638/95, as amended).
Confidential Files will be maintained on students appropriately designated and/or receiving these services in the following Special Education categories:
The Confidential File will be kept at the Learning Services Office and will contain some or all of the following documents:
Where these reports and other confidential information are required for educational planning at the school, an additional Confidential File (Principal’s File) containing duplicates of some material from the Confidential Learning Services File may be kept at the school office in a locked filing cabinet. The School Principal is responsible for the maintenance of these files.
E. Access to Student Files
F. Transfer of Student Records
Should the student transfer to another public school in the Province, the Permanent Student Record and the Student File will be sent directly to the Principal of that school. Upon the request of that School Board (which includes the prior written approval of the student (if 16 years or older) or the parent or legal guardian of the student), the Board shall transfer copies of pertinent documents from the confidential Learning Services file to that School Board.
Where the former student is enrolled in an independent school or an educational institute outside the province and the Board receives a file transfer request (which includes the prior written approval of the student (if 16 years or older) or the parent or legal guardian of the student), the Board shall send a copy of the Permanent Student Record, a copy of the Student File, and copies of pertinent documents in the confidential Learning Services file to that school.
G Retention of Student Records
The original Permanent Student Record should be kept in the school for 55 years. For a student who has enrolled in an independent school or an educational institute outside the Province, the board shall maintain the original Permanent Student Record until the child returns to a provincial public school or for 55 years.
The content of a student's file will be kept until the latest of:
The Confidential Learning Services File will be maintained for a period of 10 years from the date the student withdraws, transfers or graduates from school.
Bylaw #7 – Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
6710 – Records Management Policy
6710-10 – Records Management Regulation
School District 52, Prince Rupert (“School District”) is committed to ensuring the privacy, confidentiality and security of all personal information that it collects, uses, discloses and maintains in connection with its programs and activities. The School District complies with the School Act (“Act”) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) in relation to the protection of privacy. This Policy sets out the School District’s commitment, standards and expectations regarding the appropriate practices for the collection, use and protection of personal information.
The School District and all Staff shall uphold the privacy, confidentiality and appropriate use of personal information in compliance with the School Act, FIPPA and the procedures, including by:
• being open and transparent about the purposes for which personal information may be collected and used by the School District;
• collecting and using personal information only as necessary to carry out the School District’s authorized programs and activities;
• sharing personal information internally with staff only on a need-to-know basis;
• sharing personal information with third parties with the knowledge and consent of affected individuals, unless otherwise authorized or required under FIPPA, the School Act or other applicable laws;
• ensuring personal information is protected against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, loss or destruction; and
• complying with FIPPA and all Procedures for the accuracy, protection, use, disclosure, storage, retrieval, correction and appropriate use of personal information.
The School District strives to be open and transparent with the community about its programs and activities and has processes in place to support the timely response to access requests submitted under FIPPA and the proactive release of information of interest to the community.
The Superintendent has been designated by the Board of Education as the “head” of the School District for the purposes of FIPPA and has overarching responsibility for ensuring compliance with this Policy, FIPPA and the requirements of the School Act pertaining to student records, including the implementation of administrative procedures and maintenance of a Privacy Management Program. As permitted under section 76.1(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Board authorizes the Director of Human Resources, Privacy Officer to administer the Act and make operational decisions.
a) “personal information” means recorded information about an identifiable individual, but does not include an individual’s business contact information (business address, email address, telephone number);
b) “FIPPA” means the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
c) “Procedures” means the administrative procedures to this Policy;
d) “Staff” means all employees, contractors and volunteers of the School District;
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. Part 3;
School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 412 sections9, 79(3)
Student Records Disclosure Order (M14/91)
As a public body that is subject to the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the “Act” or FIPPA”), the Board of Education of School District No. 52 (“School District”) is committed to upholding the principles of privacy, transparency and accountability. This means that the School District recognizes the fundamental importance of maintaining the privacy and security of the personal information that it collects, uses and discloses in the course of its operations and programs. The School District also acknowledges and supports transparency with the community by facilitating access to School District records and information in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
Where used in this Regulation, the following terms have the following meanings:
a) “Consent” means express written consent to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information;
b) “FIPPA” means the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and regulations thereto;
c) “Head” means the Superintendent/CEO, and includes any person to whom the Head has delegated (in writing) their powers to act as Head;
d) “Personal Information” means recorded information about an identifiable individual, but excludes a person’s business contact information;
e) “Procedures” means procedures enacted by the School District under its Privacy Policy;
f) “Records” include any paper or electronic media used to store or record information, including all paper and electronic records, books, documents, photographs, audio or visual recordings, computer files, email and correspondence;
g) “Staff” means all persons employed or engaged by the School District to carry out its operations and includes independent contractors and volunteers.
School District Staff are responsible for:
• making reasonable efforts to familiarize themselves with this Procedure and the requirements of FIPPA, including by participating in privacy training initiatives offered by the School District;
• following responsible information management practices to ensure that the School District collects, uses and discloses Personal Information in compliance with FIPPA and
• other applicable laws;
• seeking at all times to protect Personal Information against unauthorized collection, use and disclosure, including by limiting the sharing of sensitive Personal Information on a need to know basis;
• cooperating with School District procedures to facilitate the appropriate release of Records within its custody or control in response to access requests received from members of the community under FIPPA;
• cooperating with School District procedures for the completion of privacy impact assessments; and
• reporting privacy breaches to the School District in accordance with the School District’s Procedures.
The Superintendent is the “head” of the School District for the purposes of FIPPA and is responsible for the implementation of this Procedure.
The Head is responsible to appoint, oversee and, if appropriate, delegate responsibility to a Privacy Officer for the School District to supervise its Personal Information management program.
The School District protects the privacy of students, staff and individuals whose Personal Information it collects, uses, shares and retains, and expects all Staff to follow responsible information management practices to ensure that the School District fully complies with its obligations under FIPPA and other applicable laws.
The School District and Staff respect the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Information entrusted to them in the course of their duties, and collects, uses and discloses Personal Information only where authorized by FIPPA.
The School District communicates the purposes for which Personal Information is collected at or before the time the information is collected, unless otherwise permitted or required by FIPPA.
In the ordinary course of carrying out its programs and activities, the School District collects Personal Information of its students for purposes including:
• registration, enrollment and transfer of students;
• to provide and deliver educational programs and services;
• to accommodate students with special needs;
• to communicate with students and respond to inquiries or complaints;
• to prepare and provide assessments of student performance;
• to supervise and ensure the safety and security of the School District (such as through the use of video surveillance);
• to investigate and respond to accidents, safety events, misconduct and similar incidents;
• to ensure compliance with applicable School District bylaws, policies and other laws;
• to make all required reports and filings to the Ministry of Education and Child Care; and
• for other purposes set out in the Procedures or required under applicable laws.
In the ordinary course of carrying out its employment programs and activities, the School District collects the Personal Information of prospective, current and former Staff for purposes including:
• hiring and recruitment;
• to manage and administer the employment relationship;
• to communicate with authorized union representatives;
• to administer employment compensation and benefits;
• to evaluate performance and manage disciplinary incidents;
• to supervise and ensure the safety and security of the School District (such as through the use of video surveillance);
• to investigate and respond to accidents, safety events, misconduct and similar incidents;
• to ensure compliance with applicable School District policies and other applicable laws; and
• for other purposes set out in the Procedures or required under applicable laws.
The School District limits the Personal Information it collects to information to what is related to and necessary in order to carry out its programs and activities or for other purposes authorized by FIPPA.
The School District seeks to collect Personal Information by fair, lawful and transparent means, including by collecting Personal Information directly from the individual, except where otherwise authorized by FIPPA.
The School District seeks to inform individuals from whom it collects Personal Information the purposes for which the information is being collected, the legal authority for collecting it and the name and contact information of someone at the School District who can answer questions about the collection and use of the information;
The School District limits the internal and external use and sharing of Personal Information to what is required and authorized by FIPPA or consented to by the individual.
The School District only uses or discloses Personal Information for the purpose for which it was collected, except with the individual’s consent or as otherwise required or permitted by FIPPA or other laws.
The School District protects Personal Information by ensuring it has reasonable security safeguards in place which are appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Such security safeguards shall include consideration of physical security, organizational security and electronic security.
All Staff have a duty to protect the privacy and security of Personal Information collected and used by them as part of their ongoing employment responsibilities, including by complying with the terms of this Procedure, and all related Procedures.
The School District provides training to all Staff to ensure they have the requisite knowledge to ensure compliance with the terms of this Procedure and the FIPPA.
The School District does not seek to retain Personal Information longer than necessary to satisfy the School District’s applicable operational, instructional, financial and legal needs.
Personal information that is no longer required for either administrative, operational, financial, legal or historical purposes shall be securely destroyed in a confidential manner in accordance with School District policies and approved record retention procedures 6710-10.
ACCURACY AND CORRECTION: The School District shall make reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the Personal Information that they collect and use in the course of performing their duties.
Individuals have the right to request the correction of their Personal Information, and the School District will receive and respond to such requests in accordance with the FIPPA and School District Procedures.
The School District supports appropriate transparency and accountability in its operations by making information available to the public as permitted or required under FIPPA.
The Head shall, on at least an annual basis, consider and designate categories of Records that will be made available to the public without the need to make a request in accordance with FIPPA.
The School District recognizes that individuals may make requests for access to Records within the custody and control of the School District, and the School District will respond to such requests in accordance with FIPPA and the Procedures.
The School District recognizes that individuals have a right to access their own Personal Information within the custody and control of the School District and will facilitate such access in accordance with the requirements of FIPPA.
Questions or complaints about the School District’s information management practices should be directed to the Privacy Officer at:
hr@sd52.bc.ca. The School District will respond to all complaints in writing.
The Board of Education of School District No. 52 (“School District”) is responsible for ensuring that it protects the Personal Information within its custody and control, including by complying with the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”). FIPPA requires that the School District conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment (“PIA”) to ensure that all collection, use, disclosure, protection and processing of Personal Information by the School District is compliant with FIPPA.
A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is an in-depth review of any new or significantly revised initiative, project, activity or program to ensure that it is compliant with the provisions of FIPPA, to identify and mitigate risks arising from the initiative and to ensure that the initiative appropriately protects the privacy of individuals.
The purpose of this Procedure is to set out the School District ’s process for conducting PIAs in accordance with the provisions of FIPPA.
This Procedure applies to all new and significantly revised Initiatives of the School District. All employees of the School District are expected to be aware of and follow this Procedure in the event that they are involved in a new or significantly revised Initiative.
Departments and management employees are responsible to plan and implement new or significantly revised Initiatives in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure.
Where used in this Procedure, the following terms have the following meanings:
a) “Employees” means the employees, contractors and volunteers of the School District.
b) “Head” means the Superintendent of the School District or any person to whom the Superintendent has delegated their powers under this Procedure.
c) “Initiative” means any enactment, system, project, program or activity of the School District.
d) Personal information means any recorded information about an identifiable individual that is within the control of the School District and includes information about any student or any Employee of the School District. Personal Information does not include business contact information, such as email address and telephone number, that would allow a person to be contacted at work.
e) “PIA” means a Privacy Impact Assessment performed in accordance with the requirements of FIPPA.
f) “Privacy Officer” means the Executive Director – Communications, Privacy and Community Engagement who has been designated by the Head as the Privacy Officer for the School District.
g) “Responsible Employee” means the Department Head or other Employee who is responsible for overseeing an Initiative, and in the event of doubt, means the Employee designated in the PIA as the Responsible Employee.
h) “Supplemental Review” means an enhanced process for reviewing the privacy and data security measures in place to protect sensitive Personal Information in connection with an Initiative involving the storage of Personal Information outside of Canada.
The administration of this Procedure is the responsibility of the Superintendent, who is the “head” of the School District for all purposes under FIPPA. The Head may delegate any of their powers under this Procedure or FIPPA to other School District Employees by written delegation.
The Privacy Officer is responsible to, in consultation with the Head, ensure that all PIAs and Supplemental Reviews are completed in accordance with the requirements of FIPPA and this Procedure.
Any Employees responsible for developing or introducing a new or significantly revised
Initiative that involve or may involve the collection, use, disclosure or processing of Personal Information by the School District must report that Initiative to the Privacy Officer at an early stage in its development.
All Employees involved in a new or significantly revised Initiative will cooperate with the Privacy Officer and provide all requested information needed to complete the PIA.
All Employees will, at the request of the Privacy Officer, cooperate with the Privacy Officer in the preparation of any other PIA that the Privacy Officer decides to perform.
Responsible Employees are responsible for:
a) ensuring that new and significantly revised Initiatives for which they are the Responsible Employee are referred to the Privacy Officer for completion of a PIA;
b) supporting all required work necessary for the completion and approval of the PIA;
c) being familiar with and ensuring that the Initiative is carried out in compliance with the PIA; and
d) requesting that the Privacy Officer make amendments to the PIA when needed and when significant changes to the initiative are made.
a) Employees may not engage in any new or significantly revised Initiative that involves the storage of Personal Information outside of Canada until the Privacy Officer has completed and the Head has approved a PIA and any required Supplemental Review.
b) The Responsible Employee or Department may not enter into a binding commitment to participate in any Initiative that involves the storage of Personal Information outside of Canada unless any required Supplemental Review has been completed and approved by the Head.
c) It is the responsibility of the Privacy Officer to determine whether a Supplemental Review is required in relation to any Initiative, and to ensure that the Supplemental Review is completed in accordance with the requirements of FIPPA.
d) The Head is responsible for reviewing and, if appropriate, approving all Supplemental Reviews and in doing so must consider risk factors including:
i. the likelihood that the Initiative will give rise to an unauthorized, collection, use, disclosure or storage of Personal Information;
ii. the impact to an individual of an unauthorized collection, use, disclosure or storage of Personal Information;
iii. whether the Personal Information is stored by a service provider;
iv. where the Personal Information is stored;
v. whether the Supplemental Review sets out mitigation strategies proportionate to the level of risk posted by the Initiative.
e) Approval of a Supplemental Review by the Head shall be documented in writing.
Questions or comments about this Policy may be addressed to the Privacy Officer – at hr@sd52.bc.ca.
The Board of Education of School District No. 52 (“School District”) is committed to ensuring the protection and security of all personal information within its control. That commitment includes responding effectively and efficiently to privacy breach incidents that may occur.
The purpose of this Procedure is to set out the School District’s process for responding to significant privacy breaches and to complying with its notice and other obligations under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). SCOPE & RESPONSIBILITY
All staff of the School District are expected to be aware of and follow this Procedure in the event of a privacy breach. This Procedure applies to all employees, contractors and volunteers of the School District (“Staff”).
The administration of this Procedure is the responsibility of the Superintendent/CEO of the School District, who is the “head” of the School District for all purposes under FIPPA (the “Head”). The Head may delegate any of their powers under this Procedure or FIPPA to other School District Personnel by written delegation.
a) “Head” means the Superintendent/CEO and includes any person to whom the Head has delegated their powers by written instrument.
b) “Personal information” means any recorded information about an identifiable individual that is within the control of the School District and includes information about any student or any Staff member of the School District. Personal Information does not include business contact information, such as email address and telephone number, that would allow a person to be contacted at work.
c) “Privacy Breach” means the theft or loss of or the collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information not authorized by FIPPA, and includes cyber and ransomware attacks and other situations where there are reasonable grounds to believe that any such unauthorized activities have taken place or there is a reasonable belief that they will take place.
d) “Privacy Officer” means the person designated by the Head as Privacy Officer for the School District;
e) “Records” means books, documents, maps, drawings, photographs, letters, vouchers, papers and any other thing on which information is recorded or stored by graphic, electronic, AP 535 – Critical Incident and Privacy Breach AP 535 – Critical Incident and Privacy Breach Page 2 of 4 AP 535 – Critical Incident and Privacy Breach mechanical or other means, but does not include a computer program or other mechanism that produces records;
f) “Staff” means the employees, contractors and volunteers of the School District.
Responsibilities of Staff
a) All Staff must without delay report all actual, suspected or expected Privacy Breach incidents of which they become aware in accordance with this Procedure. All Staff have a legal responsibility under FIPPA to report Privacy Breaches to the Head.
b) Privacy Breach reports may also be made to the Privacy Officer, who has delegated responsibility for receiving and responding to such reports.
c) If there is any question about whether an incident constitutes a Privacy Breach or whether the incident has occurred, Staff should consult with the Privacy Officer.
d) All Personnel must provide their full cooperation in any investigation or response to a Privacy Breach incident and comply with this Procedure for responding to Privacy Breach incidents.
e) Any member of Staff who knowingly refuses or neglects to report a Privacy Breach in accordance with this Procedure may be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
Privacy Breach Response
a) Step One – Report and Contain
i. Upon discovering or learning of a Privacy Breach, all Staff shall:
1) Immediately report the Privacy Breach to the Head or to the Privacy Officer.
2) Take any immediately available actions to stop or contain the Privacy Breach, such as by:
• isolating or suspending the activity that led to the Privacy Breach; and
• taking steps to recover Personal Information, Records or affected equipment.
3) preserve any information or evidence related to the Privacy Breach in order to support the School District’s incident response.
ii. Upon being notified of a Privacy Breach the Head or the Privacy Officer in consultation with the Head, shall implement all available measures to stop or contain the Privacy Breach. Containing the Privacy Breach shall be the first priority of the Privacy Breach response, and all Staff are expected to provide their full cooperation with such initiatives.
b) Step Two – Assessment and Containment
i. The Privacy Officer shall take steps to, in consultation with the Head, contain the Privacy Breach by making the following assessments:
1) the cause of the Privacy Breach;
2) if additional steps are required to contain the Privacy Breach, and, if so, to implement such steps as necessary;
3) identify the type and sensitivity of the Personal Information involved in the Privacy Breach, and any steps that have been taken or can be taken to minimize the harm arising from the Privacy Breach;
4) identify the individuals affected by the Privacy Breach, or whose Personal Information may have been involved in the Privacy Breach;
5) determine or estimate the number of affected individuals and compile a list of such individuals, if possible; and
6) make preliminary assessments of the types of harm that may flow from the Privacy Breach.
ii. The Head, in consultation with the Privacy Officer, shall be responsible to, without delay, assess whether the Privacy Breach could reasonably be expected to result in significant harm to individuals (“Significant Harm”). That determination shall be made with consideration of the following categories of harm or potential harm:
1) bodily harm;
2) humiliation;
3) damage to reputation or relationships;
4) loss of employment, business or professional opportunities;
5) financial loss;
6) negative impact on credit record,
7) damage to, or loss of, property,
8) the sensitivity of the Personal Information involved in the Privacy Breach; and
9) the risk of identity theft.
c) Step Three- Notification
i. If the Head determines that the Privacy Breach could reasonably be expected to result in Significant Harm to individuals, then the Head shall make arrangements to:
1) report the Privacy Breach to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner; and
2) provide notice of the Privacy Breach to affected individuals, unless the Head determines that providing such notice could reasonably be expected to result in grave or immediate harm to an individual’s safety or physical or mental health or threaten another individual’s safety or physical or mental health.
ii. If the Head determines that the Privacy Breach does not give rise to a reasonable expectation of Significant Harm, then the Head may still proceed with notification to affected individual if the Head determines that notification would be in the public interest or if a failure to notify would be inconsistent with the School District’s obligations or undermine public confidence in the School District.
iii. Determinations about notification of a Privacy Breach shall be made without delay following the Privacy Breach, and notification shall be undertaken as soon as reasonably possible. If any law enforcement agencies are involved in the Privacy Breach incident, then notification may also be undertaken in consultation with such agencies.
d) Step 4 - Prevention
i. The Head, or the Privacy Officer in consultation with the Head, shall complete an investigation into the causes of each Breach Incident reported under this Procedure, and shall implement measures to prevent recurrences of similar incidents.
Contact Information
Questions or comments about this Policy may be addressed to the Privacy Officer at hr@sd52.bc.ca.
The Board of Education of School District No.52 (“School District”) is committed to honesty, integrity and accountability in its operations, programs and services, and to promoting a culture of openness and transparency. The School District encourages and supports all personnel in bringing forward reports of unlawful acts and acts of wrongdoing in a manner consistent with the provisions of the British Columbia Public Interest Disclosure Act (“PIDA”).
The purpose of this Policy and related Procedures is to establish a process, in compliance with PIDA, for employees and trustees to report, in good faith, wrongful or unlawful conduct without fear of retaliation or reprisal.
This Policy applies to alleged wrongdoing related to the School District’s operations or personnel. This Policy does not displace other mechanisms set out in School District Policy for addressing and enforcing standards of conduct, disputes, complaints, or grievances, including issues of discrimination, bullying and harassment, occupational health and safety, or disputes over employment matters or under collective agreements.
In this Policy and the Procedures, the following capitalized terms are defined as indicated:
“Advice” means advice that may be requested in respect of making a Disclosure or a complaint about a Reprisal under this Policy or PIDA;
“Discloser” means an Employee or Trustee who makes a Disclosure or seeks Advice or makes a complaint about a Reprisal;
“Disclosure” means a report of Wrongdoing made under this Policy and includes allegations of Wrongdoing received by the School District from the Ombudsperson or another government institution for investigation in accordance with PIDA;
“Employee” refers to a past and present employee of the School District;
“FIPPA” means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and all regulations thereto;
“Investigation” means an investigation undertaken by the School District under this Policy or by the Ombudsperson under PIDA;
“Personal Information” has the same meaning set out in FIPPA, namely “recorded information about an identifiable individual”, and includes any information from which the identity of the Discloser or any person who is accused of Wrongdoing or participates in an Investigation can be deduced or inferred;
“PIDA” means the Public Interest Disclosure Act of British Columbia, and all regulations thereto;
“Procedure” means the School District’s Administrative Procedure associated with this Policy, as amended;
“Reprisal” means the imposition of, and any threat to impose, discipline, demotion, termination or any other act that adversely affects employment or working condition of an Employee or Trustee because they made a Disclosure, sought Advice, made a complaint about a Reprisal or participated in an Investigation;
“Trustee” means a past or present member of the School District’s Board of Education; and
“Wrongdoing” refers to:
The School District is committed to supporting ethical conduct in its operations, and seeks to foster a culture in which Employees and Trustees are encouraged to disclose Wrongdoing, including by receiving, investigating and responding to Disclosures and by providing information and training about PIDA, this Policy and the Procedures.
All Personal Information that the School District collects, uses or shares in the course of receiving or responding to a Disclosure, a request for Advice, a complaint of a Reprisal, or conducting an Investigation will be treated as confidential and will be used and disclosed as described in this Policy, the Procedures, PIDA or as otherwise permitted or required under FIPPA and other applicable laws.
Each year, the Superintendent shall prepare, in accordance with the requirements of PIDA, and make available, a report concerning any Disclosures received, Investigations undertaken and findings of Wrongdoing. All reporting under this Policy will be in compliance with the requirements of FIPPA.
The Superintendent is responsible for the administration of this Policy, and shall ensure that training and instruction is available to all Employees and Trustees concerning this Policy, the Procedures and PIDA.
In the event that the Superintendent is unable or unavailable to perform their duties under this Policy, the Superintendent may delegate their authority in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer or other senior members of the School District.
Before filling out this Public Interest Disclosure Form, please review the School District’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedures 6730. www.rupertschools.ca/----. Please also ensure that you provide all required details and attach copies of any documents you wish to submit as part of your report. The completed form (together with all attachments) may be submitted by mail or email to hr@sd52.bc.ca or 634 6th Avenue East, Prince Rupert B.C. V8J 1X1.
The personal information submitted in this Public Interest Disclosure Form is collected by the School District under sections 26(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used to assess, review, investigate and respond to allegations of wrongdoing made under the Public Interest Disclosure Act. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information in connection with your disclosure, please contact the District Privacy Officer at hr@sd52.bc.ca, 634 6th Ave East or 250 624-6717.
Reports made under the Public Interest Disclosure Act are received and held in confidence by the School District. The reports and information received will be used and shared only to the extent reasonable and necessary to assess, investigate and respond to your disclosure and will not be used or disclosed for other purposes except as permitted or required under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Public Interest Disclosure Act or other applicable laws.
The purpose of this Public Interest Disclosure Form is to assist you in making a disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure Act. The requested information is to ensure we have sufficient information to carefully review, investigate and respond to your disclosure. If you are unable to provide all requested details at the time you make your initial disclosure, you may ask to submit additional details at a later time.
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
While anonymous disclosures may be accepted under the Public Interest Disclosure Act, we may not be able to investigate if we are unable to contact you to confirm you are a current or former employee or to obtain further details, evidence or clarification about your disclosure.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS e.g. How would you prefer to contacted? May we leave messages for you?
☐ serious act or omission that, if proven, would constitute an offence under an enactment of British Columbia or Canada;
☐ an act or omission that creates a substantial and specific danger to the life, health or safety of persons, or to the environment, other than a danger that is inherent in the performance of an employee's duties or functions;
☐ a serious misuse of public funds or public assets;
☐ gross or systemic mismanagement;
☐ knowingly directing or counselling a person to commit a wrongdoing described above.
If your report does not fall within one of these categories, you may wish to consider whether your report falls under another policy or procedure of the School District. www.rupertschools.ca
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please indicate who the report was made to and any actions taken.
I. Definitions
Capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings set out in the Policy, and the following additional terms shall have the following meanings.
and includes a Provincial resource program and a distributed learning school operated by a board;
II. Who May Make a Disclosure
III. How to Make a Disclosure
IV. How to Make a Disclosure About Urgent Risk
V. Referral to Designated Officer
VI. Responsibilities of the Designated Officer
VII. Responsibilities of Employees and Trustees
VIII. Investigations
c. any recommendations to address findings of Wrongdoing.
IX. Privacy and Confidentiality
X. Reprisals
Whereas Section 76.1 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, S.B.C. 1992, c.61 (unproclaimed amendments as of October 3, 1993),(hereinafter called the "Act") states:
"A local public body, by bylaw or other legal instrument by which the local public body acts,
(a) must designate a person or group of persons as the head of the local public body for the purposes of the Act,
(b) may authorize any person to perform any duty or exercise any function under this Act of the person or group of persons designated as the head of the local public body, and
(c) may set any fees the local public body requires to be paid under section 75."
Now therefore the Board enacts as follows:
1. As required under Section 76.1 (a) of the Act, the Board of Trustees designates the Superintendent of Schools as the official head of the school district for the purposes of the Act.
2. As permitted under Section 76.1 (b) of the Act, the Board of Trustees authorizes the Secretary-Treasurer, Chief Accountant and Director of Instruction to be responsible for the administration of the Act and to make operational decisions. The Secretary-Treasurer, Chief Accountant and Director of Instruction are authorized to issue procedures required to support the district's administration of the Act.
3. As permitted under Section 76.1 (c) of the Act, the Board of Trustees adopts the schedule of fees as set out in Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations, B.C. Reg. 323/93 dated September 22, 1993.
4. This bylaw may be cited as School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw.
Adopted: January 31, 1995
As required by the School Act, the Board authorizes payment of Trustee Remuneration and an Expense Allowance as follows:
1. The Trustees of School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) are paid an annual amount. Rates are set for Trustee, Vice Chair and Chair. The annual amount is paid in twelve (12) equal instalments.
Board Chair $16,363
Vice Chair $14,768
Trustee $13,575
2. An annual adjustment shall be made to the Trustee Stipend and other amounts/allowances as listed in this policy, effective July 1st of each year. This adjustment will reflect the BC Consumer Price Index Change (change from the previous year
3. Trustees receive a monthly allowance of $75 ($900 per annum) for telecommunication costs incurred by the Trustee. In even-numbered years this allowance will be compared to the average allowance in the data supplied by the British Columbia School Trustee Association. If the allowance is less than the average allowance, the Board will consider an increase to the allowance.
4. Policy 7120 sets out the rules for the Travel and Subsistence Allowance paid to Trustees traveling on Board business.
There is value in having trustees and employees travel to and participate in local and provincial programs or events that are relevant to their responsibilities. Trustees and personnel on authorized trips will be reimbursed for travel and associated costs in accordance with the regulations to this policy. The regulations also provide for reimbursement for the use of personal vehicles on school district business.
The Board of Education recognizes that all trustees will normally travel to three events:
Board representatives to BCSTA Provincial Council and BCPSEA Representative Council also travel. Travel costs for these events are reimbursed by BCSTA and BCPSEA, respectively.
Trustees proposing to travel to other events will bring their requests to a meeting of the Board of Education for consideration.
7110 - Trustee Remuneration and Expense Allowance Regulation
7120-10 – Travel and Subsistence Allowance Regulation
7120-20 – Travel and Subsistence Allowance – Approvals Regulation
7120-30 – Car Allowances Regulation
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Authorization for travel and expense account claims approval is follows:
Approval for: |
Provided by: |
Board Chair |
Secretary - Treasurer |
Trustees; Superintendent |
Board Chair |
Secretary - Treasurer |
Superintendent |
All other employees |
Immediate Supervisor |
7120 – Travel and Subsistence Allowance Policy
7120-30A – Invoice for Car Allowance Form
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Financial decisions are based on the strategic plan and the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning. The annual budget is a financial plan that reflects the vision of the school district and supports the educational program for the fiscal year. A three year financial plan outlines how funding will be used to support the strategic plan and other operational needs of the district.
Opportunities will be provided for meaningful input from all partner groups concerned with school district operations, as set out in the regulation attached to this policy. Major assumptions and risks considered in the preparation of the budget will be disclosed. The accumulation and use of operating surplus will be considered as part of the budget consultation process.
The Board recognizes that certain revenue and expenditures are fixed in nature and that remaining budget choices will be made amongst competing priorities. The Board’s decision will take into account the strategic plan and other operating needs of the district. Approval of the budget, and of any amendment to the budget, will occur in a public meeting of the Board.
Monthly expenditure reports comparing spending with budget will be provided to the Board during the school year. A Financial Statement Discussion and Analysis will be provided to the Board with the annual audited financial statements.
For significant capital projects quarterly progress reports will be provided to the Board which will outline spending, achievement of milestones and risks related to timelines and project budget.
School Act, Section 111
K-12 Public Education Financial Planning and Reporting Policy, Ministry of Education
7210-10 – Annual Budget Regulation
7215 – Surplus Policy
In preparing the annual budget, School District No. 52 will:
The Board of Education believes in the appropriate management of operating surplus funds to address both short-term and long-term needs of the school district. The management of accumulated operating surplus recognizes that it is an indicator of the district’s financial health.
During the annual budget consultation process the Board will consider the availability of accumulated operating surplus funds and the allocation of those funds between internally restricted surplus and unrestricted surplus (including contingency funds).
Internally Restricted Surplus
There are three categories under which the Board may designate internally restricted surplus funds:
Local Capital
There are three sources of local capital:
Transfers of operating funds to local capital will be for specific initiatives related to the Board’s strategic plan or other operational needs of the district. Examples include vehicle replacement, computer system upgrades, and renovation or replacement of administrative and operational buildings.
Future Capital Cost Share
Treasury Board requires the Ministry of Education to review district surplus funds and determine funds that are available to contribute towards major capital projects. When a project has been approved for concept plan or business case development, the Board may restrict operating surplus funds for that project.
Inter-Fund Transfers
In some cases funds need to be transferred between the operating fund, special purpose funds and the capital fund. These transfers are authorized through a Board motion. In some cases this approval will be done through the approval of a budget or the annual financial statements. Approval of inter-fund transfers related to confidential matters (such as land, legal or personnel) will be considered in an
in-camera board meeting.
Funding Protection
The district recognizes that funding protection is a temporary resource for the district. Ministry of Education policy will result in the eventual elimination of funding protection and, therefore, the district will move towards an operating budget that will not include these funds. As a result the district will, during the annual budget consultation process, consider the allocation of spending from funding protection for items which are not ongoing costs.
Unrestricted Surplus (Contingency)
Any surplus funds which have not been restricted by the Board are unrestricted surplus funds. The Board will consider the use of such funds in subsequent budget approvals.
The allocation of surplus towards contingency is a prudent measure which will enable the district to manage unexpected costs and reduced revenue that may arise during a school year. Contingency funds should be maintained at a value between 2% and 4% of the district’s operating budget.
6310 – Role of the Board Policy
7210 – Annual Budget Policy
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The Board aims to be ethical and transparent when purchasing goods and services for the district. When required by regulation, tenders are used to obtain more than one bid. The goal of this policy is to ensure that the district receives the best value for its purchases.
Local vendors are able to bid on and supply goods and services to the school district at competitive pricing and terms. The selection of the successful bid is subject to the Board’s obligations under domestic and international trade agreements.
All purchases of $250,000.00 or greater will come to the Board for approval.
The requirements for written quotes or tenders for the purchase of supplies and equipment are as follows:
Procurement Method |
Total Value (CDN**) for Procurement before Taxes |
Means of Procurement |
Purchase Order (PO) Approval Authority |
Competitive Prices - Recommended |
$0 - $2,000 |
Purchasing Card (p-card) |
n/a |
Competitive Prices - Recommended |
$0 - $2,000 for a supply item;
$0 - $50,000 for Equipment repairs / refurbishment;
$0 - $5,000 for total order |
Purchase Order (PO); or
Pay on Invoice (Cheque Request with receipts, where applicable) |
Supervisor or Director of Finance |
Competitive Bids Required |
Over $2,000 - $100,000 for a supply item;
Over $5,000 - $100,000 for Equipment repairs / refurbishment |
Purchase Order (PO); or
Pay on Invoice (Cheque Request with receipts, where applicable) |
Director of Finance or Secretary-Treasurer |
Open Competition Required |
Over $100,000 - $249,999 |
Request for Quotation (RFQ), Request for Tender (RFT), or Request for Proposal (RFP) and PO - Buyer must obtain a minimum of 3 competitive quotes |
Superintendent |
Open Competition Required |
Over $250,000 |
Public RFQ/RFT and PO - Buyer must obtain a minimum of 3 competitive quotes |
Board of Education |
If an urgent purchase requires the use of a credit card for purchases over $2,000, the cardholder must contact the Superintendent for approval. If the Superintendent is not available, the request can be made to the Secretary-Treasurer.
At the discretion of the Secretary-Treasurer, exceptions may be made to the calling for tenders when local service is a factor or when standardization is desirable.
Appropriate specifications designed to provide as wide a selection as possible among competing items shall be drawn up and revised as circumstances require.
For purchases over $100,000, BC Bid is the preferred venue to post RFQ, RFT or RFP documents.
The contract will normally be placed with the lowest bidder provided that the bid is within the approved estimate and the bidder meets the specifications.
The purchase must be referred to the Board of Education if:
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Purchasing Cards enable holders to make direct purchases with monthly payments issued by the Board Office. This process reduces the amount of paperwork both for the school or department, and at the School Board Office. Purchases are charged to appropriate budget accounts.
A. Issue and Use of Cards
A Purchasing Card is issued to an individual and shows that person’s name and the name of the School District. The Cardholder is the only person entitled to use the Purchasing Card. They are also responsible for all purchases made with the Purchasing Card.
The Purchasing Card may be used for single item purchases up to the card transaction limits, and subject to the restrictions either implemented in the card provider system or outlined in the School District Policy and Procedures (see list below).
The per transaction and monthly maximum spending limits for a Purchase Card will be set based on the need of the cardholder. These limits can be adjusted.
Schools or departments using a Purchasing Card will be responsible for all authorized charges and fees related to the use of the Purchasing Card, including late payment charges incurred as a result of late-processing by the school or department. Individual Cardholders are not responsible for authorized use of the Purchasing Card.
Principals and Department Supervisors are responsible for requesting replacement cards, additional cards or changes to card limits through the Secretary-Treasurer.
Payment of Purchasing Card balances will be made automatically from the Board Office in the prescribed time limit.
B. Restrictions on Card Use
The use of Purchasing Cards is subject to the following restrictions:
Every Cardholder must read and agree to the responsibilities and restrictions regarding the use of the Purchasing Cards and sign the Purchasing Card Form.
Inappropriate use of the purchase card will be considered a misappropriation of School District funds. Employees using cards inappropriately may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
C. Card Security
To limit exposure or liability to the School District and the person named on the Purchasing Card, the Cardholder should be aware of the following requirements:
1. When not being used, the Purchasing Card should be kept in a secure location;
2. Use appropriate caution when using a Purchasing Card for online purchases;
3. If the Purchasing Card is lost or stolen, or if fraudulent charges appear on the card, the Cardholder must call the card provider and cancel the card. Lost or stolen Purchasing Cards can be reported 24 hours a day by calling the toll-free phone number supplied with the Purchasing Card;
4. Upon transfer, retirement or termination of employment from the school or department, the Cardholder must:
5. If requested, immediately return the Purchasing Card to the Secretary-Treasurer.
D. Record Keeping
Each Cardholder will receive regular notification from the card provider when purchases are made using their Purchasing Card. Account codes must be entered regularly (normally weekly) for every transaction on a Purchasing Card. Uploaded receipts and packing slips must be linked to each transaction. This coding and linking is entered online using the card providers’ system. These records will then be available for standard audit purposes and to facilitate reconciliation and purchase verification. Upon confirmation that a legible record has been uploaded into the system, the original record can be disposed of.
The Secretary-Treasurer and the Director of Finance can be contacted for consultation on the use of the Purchasing Card and record keeping required for reconciliation and auditing purposes. The Director of Finance will have access to all billing reports to monitor each Cardholder’s use and reconciliation patterns of use to determine whether the Purchasing Card is being used in accordance with the policies.
Normal practices related to GST and PST apply to purchases made with a Purchasing Card. Monthly statements are available to the Cardholder through the card provider’s online system.
E. Disputed Charges
The card company must immediately be notified by the Cardholder of any disputed items. The School or Department is liable for any unauthorized use of the Purchasing Card until the Cardholder has reported notification of loss, theft or cancellation to the card Company. Please note that problems with the supplier (e.g. late deliveries) are not considered disputed items and must be settled directly with the supplier.
If assistance is needed with any questions or disputes about charges on the Purchasing Card, contact the Director of Finance or the Secretary-Treasurer.
Related Policy and Regulations
7120 Travel and Subsistence Allowance Policy
7120-10 Travel and Subsistence Allowance Regulation
7120-20 Travel and Subsistence Allowance – Approvals Regulation
7220 Purchasing and Tendering Policy
7220-20A Purchasing Card Form
7220-10 Purchasing of Supplies and Equipment Regulation
7310 School Funds Policy
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The requirements for written quotes or tenders for maintenance or renovation projects which are not undertaken by district employees are as follows:
Procurement Method
Total Value (CDN**) of Procurement before taxes |
Means of Procurement
Purchase Order ("PO") Approval Authority |
Competitive Prices - Recommended |
$0 - $5,000 |
Purchase Order ("PO"); or Pay on Invoice (Cheque Request with Receipts, where applicable) |
Administrator, Supervisor or Director of Finance |
Competitive Bids Required |
Over $5,000 - $100,000 |
PO - Buyer must obtain a minimum of 3 competitive quotes |
Director of Finance or Secretary-Treasurer |
Open Competition Required |
Over $100,000 - $249,999 |
Request for Quotation ("RFQ"), Request for Tender ("RFT") or Request for Proposal ("RFP") and PO - Buyer must obtain a minimum of 3 competitive quotes |
Superintendent |
Open Competition Required |
Over $250,000 |
Public RFQ/RFT/RFP and PO - Buyer must obtain a minimum of 3 competitive quotes |
Board of Education |
Specifications and/or drawings shall be prepared where appropriate. Requirements of the BC School District Facility Plan and Capital Asset Management Framework shall be considered.
The purchase must be referred to the Board of Education if:
For construction projects over $250,000, BC Bid is the preferred venue to post RFQ, RFT or RFP documents.
The contract will normally be placed with the bidder that best meets the evaluation criteria, provided that the bid is within the approved estimate and the bidder meets the specifications.
In emergent circumstances, the Secretary-Treasurer may approve maintenance work to be done by contractors, regardless of the amount, and report on this approval to the Board of Education at their next meeting.
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7310 School Funds Policy
7310-10A Fundraising Approval Application Form
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The Board will authorize independent auditing services for the school district. The annual renewable term will be for a maximum of five (5) years.
The Board will consider the annual renewal of the audit firm after an evaluation of the auditor’s services. For clarity, the annual renewal is not dependent on the issuing of an unqualified audit opinion by the auditor.
A tender bid process will be used to select an independent audit firm. The award of the tender to the existing auditors will take into account the need to ensure the independence of the auditor.
Audit services provided on a continuing basis to or on behalf of the District by an independent auditor shall be authorized over a renewable term not to exceed five (5) years.
The continuing use of a particular audit firm will depend upon a favourable evaluation of services after not more than two (2) years.
A tender bid process will be used to select an independent audit firm.
Factors to be considered in the choice or continued use of an audit firm shall include: