Date Approved: May 08 2007
Date Reviewed/Amended: October 18 2016
The Board of School Trustees believes that all public schools in this district shall be safe for everyone. We recognize and value the diversity found within its school communities and believe that each individual contributes to the strength of the district's culture. The Board also recognizes that students and other school community members with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities face a unique set of challenges within our schools and communities. In accordance with this regulation, and all relevant laws of more senior governing bodies, School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert):
The School District will provide an environment for all members of the school community to work and learn, free from fear, discrimination, and harassment, while also promoting proactive strategies and guidelines to ensure that all students, employees and families, irrespective of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, are welcomed and included in all aspects of education and school life, and are treated with respect and dignity.
The purpose of this regulation is to define appropriate behaviours and actions in order to prevent discrimination and harassment through greater awareness of and responsiveness to their harmful effects. This regulation is also to ensure that all complaints are taken seriously and dealt with expeditiously and effectively. The regulation will also raise awareness and improved understanding regarding the variations of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. By valuing diversity and respecting differences, students and staff act in accordance with Ministry established principles related to diversity.
It is the responsibility of all administrators, teachers and support staff to work together to build school communities which are positive and welcoming and will:
(a) foster respect, inclusion, fairness and equity;
(b) set, communicate and establish clear expectations for acceptable conduct;
(c) provide students, through various techniques, information that will lead to greater understanding, acceptance and support for all students.
Social responsibility, including information, issues and attitudes related to sexual orientation. gender identity, or gender expression is not assigned to a particular grade or subject area; instead, it is a responsibility shared among all staff.
Within each school, staff will take concrete actions to ensure that the school is more welcoming and safe for all students irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Therefore, School Codes of Conduct must include language that prohibits fear-promoting, harassing or discriminatory language and behaviour toward students, employees or others based on their real or perceived sexual orientation, or gender identification or expression.
Related Policy and Regulations
1440-10 Multiculturism Regulation
1440-10 - - Multiculturalism Regulation