Date Approved: March 11 2014
Date Reviewed/Amended: May 21 2024
Positive relationships between the school district and the business/corporate sector can contribute to the quality of education for students. In order to protect the welfare of students and the integrity of the learning environment, the Board expects that school district/corporate relationships, including sponsorships and donations, will be conducted in an ethical manner.
Corporate sponsorships and donations arise from informal or formal relationships where goods, services or funds are provided in exchange for returns such as gaining positive recognition or meeting a corporation’s goal related to community involvement. These funds are provided to enhance but not replace funding from the provincial government.
The Board supports corporate sponsorships and donations which treat the welfare of students as a paramount concern and which:
The Board will recognize the contributions of corporate sponsors through an appropriate expression of appreciation and by providing a charitable receipt for income tax purposes. The Board will be notified of contributions received with a value of more than $20,000.
Agreements involving sponsorship identification, commercial relationships, or corporate sponsorship shall be approved by the Superintendent, who has the right to withhold approval or refer the agreement to the Board for approval. Agreements in excess of $75,000 require the approval of the Board.
Related Policies and Regulations:
5110-10 General Access to Students Regulation
5110-20 Name Lists Regulation
5110-30 Advertising Materials in Schools Regulation
5210 Naming Policy
5210-10 School Participation in Community and Other Campaigns
5110-10 - - General Access to Students
5110-30 - - Advertising Materials in Schools
5110-20 - - Name Lists
5120 - - Naming Policy
5210-10 - - School Participation in Community and Other Campaigns