Policies, Regulations Forms and Bylaws

1610-13 | Field Trip Risk Management Regulation

Date Approved: August 26 2015
Date Reviewed/Amended: December 19 2024

Trip Planning – Identification of Risk

Risk management begins with the initial planning for a trip.  In addition to looking at the logistics for a trip (number of students, means of transportation, length of trip) it is important to identify the risks associated with the trip.  A general categorization of trips can be found in Regulation 1610-10 Field Trip Approval and Permissions.  The expected risks associated with each proposed trip must be considered.  This risk will depend upon all of the circumstances, including:

  1. The nature and location of the activity;
    1. For out-of country travel, review any travel advisories from the Government of Canada at https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories.
  2. The number of students being supervised;
  3. Known medical risks and special needs of students expected to participate (e.g. allergies);
  4. The competency and capacity of the students, taking into account their age, training and degree of skill;
  5. The possibility that some students may act recklessly or in disregard of authority; and
  6. The risk of injury to a student.

Trip Planning – Mitigation of Risk

Once the planning for a trip is underway, consideration must turn to mitigating the risks identified.  Mitigation of risk will include consideration of:

  1. Appropriate numbers of supervisors (Volunteer supervisors must meet the requirements set out in Regulation 5310-10 Volunteers, including completion of a criminal record check);
  2. Adequate training and expertise of supervisors.  For example, a canoe outing will require supervisors with appropriate knowledge and expertise in canoeing;
  3. Availability of both female and male supervisors on co-ed trips;
  4. Availability and use of appropriate safety equipment, e.g. helmets, personal flotation devices; and
  5. Whether a supervisor with first aid training is required.

Parental Consent

Parents must provide informed consent, so it is important that the consent form provide specific identification of the risks associated with the field trip.  For high risk out of provicefield trips an information meeting for parents and students is mandatory.

Safety & Emergency Preparedness

All supervisors on a trip must be familiar with all of the risks identified for a trip.  An emergency response plan must be in place which will include items such as:

  1. Access to student emergency response kits and knowing how to use them;
  2. Copies of all consent forms to be brought by the teacher;
  3. Access to an appropriate first aid kit;
  4. Chain of notification in the event of an emergency, including the Principal, the Superintendent and parents; and
  5. An emergency communication device if the field trip will be in a remote area;


  • Policy 1410 – District Code of Conduct Policy
  • Policy 1610 – Field Trip Policy
  • Regulation 1610 – Field Trip Approval and Permissions Regulation
  • Regulation 1611 – Field Trip Transportation Regulation
  • Regulation 1612 – Field Trip Supervision Regulation
  • Regulation 1614 – Field Trip – Unescorted Travel –  Regulation
  • Regulation 1615– Field Trip Budget Regulation
  • Form 1610-20 – Field Trip Approval Application Form
  • Form 1610-30 – Field Trip / Extracurricular Trip Consent Form (Low Risk)
  • Form 1610-35 - Field Trip / Extracurricular Trip Information Form
  • Form 1610-40 – High Risk Activity Consent Form (Medium to High Risk)
  • Regulation 5310 – Volunteers Regulation

1410 - - Student Code of Conduct Policy
1610 - - Field Trip Policy
1610-10 - - Field Trip Approval and Permissions Regulation
1610-11 - - Field Trip Transportation Regulation
1610-14 - - Field Trip - Unescorted Travel Regulation
5310-10 - - Volunteers in Schools
1610-15 - - Field Trip - Budget Regulation
1610-20A - Form - Field Trip Approval - Application Form
1610-35A - Form - Field Trip - Information Form
1610-30A - Form - Field Trip -  Consent Form
1610-40A - Form - Field Trip - High Risk Consent Form
1610-12 - - Field Trip Supervision Regulation