Date Approved: September 09 2014
Date Reviewed/Amended: September 24 2024
The Board is responsible for the disposal of real property, subject to the orders of the Minister of Education. Real property refers to land or improvements, such as buildings affixed to land. The disposal may be by sale, lease of 10 years or more, or the granting of a charge.
The purpose of Board-owned property is to deliver and support educational programs to students. After considering future educational needs of the school district, the Board may deem property to be no longer required for educational purposes.
If the Board no longer requires property for educational purposes, it must first seek the approval of the Minister to dispose of the property unless the Board is selling or leasing the land or buildings to another Board (including the Conseil Scolaire Francophone) or to an independent school for educational purposes.
The Board must engage in broad consultation, prior to property disposition, to determine if there are alternate community uses for the property.
School Act sections 65 (5), 73, 96 (3), 99 (2), 100 (2), and 168 (2)(p)(t)
Ministerial Order M193/08, Disposal of Land or Improvements Order
Ministerial Order M194/08, School Opening and Closure Order
Ministry Policy: School Building Closure and Disposal Policy
Ministry Policy: Allocation of Proceeds from the Disposition of Capital Assets Policy
3520-10 – Disposal of Land and Improvements Regulation
3520-10 - - Disposal of Land and Improvements Regulation