Date Approved: October 18 2022
Date Reviewed/Amended:
In accordance with School Act Section 177, the Board of Education authorizes principals, teachers, secretaries, and custodians in its employ to make directions and to follow such courses of action as deemed appropriate for the protection of students and maintenance of order.
The order of authority under this authorization is as follows:
School principal, and in the event of absence,
Designate, and in the event of absence,
Teacher, and in the event of absence,
Secretary, and in the event of absence,
School Act, Section 177 states:
A person must not disturb or interrupt the proceedings of a school or an official school function.
A person who is directed to leave the land or premises of a school by a principal, vice principal, director of instruction or a person authorized by the board to make that direction
Must immediately leave the land and premises, and
Must not enter on the land and premises again except with prior approval from the principal, vice principal, director of instruction or a person who is authorized by the board to give that approval.
A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an offence.
A principal, vice principal or director of instruction of a school or a person authorized by the board may, in order to restore order on school premises, require adequate assistance from a peace officer.
School Act, Section 177
2310-10 – Opening and Closing of Schools Regulation
2310-20 – Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Regulation
2310-10 - - Opening and Closing of Schools Regulation
2310-20 - - Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Regulation