Policies, Regulations Forms and Bylaws

3350-25 | Bring Your Own Device Regulation

Date Approved: October 06 2017
Date Reviewed/Amended:

The district encourages the use of personal devices in the school setting.  The principal or supervisor may authorize the use of personal devices within a school or building using district networks when satisfied that district security is ensured and the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy and Regulations are being followed.

Use of personal devices by students is subject to the direction of their teachers.  Use of personal devices by employees is subject to the direction of their principal or supervisor.  Personal devices include, but are not limited to, computers, tablets and cell phones.

All use of district networks is subject to monitoring and review by the district.  Further information on this is provided in Regulation 3350-40 Data Security and Privacy.

Limitations on Use

  • Users shall not spend excessive or inappropriate amounts of time on the Internet, including playing games, engaging in on-line chat groups, social networking, printing multiple copies of documents for personal use or otherwise creating unnecessary network traffic.
  • Because audio files, video files and pictures have significant storage requirements, and often copyrights, files of this sort may not be downloaded unless they are related to education or otherwise approved by a principal or supervisor.


  • If users choose to bring their personal devices to the district, they are responsible to minimize the risk to the district from viruses or malware.  Current antivirus and antimalware software or other reasonable controls must be installed on personal devices.  If a user’s personal device is the cause of an infection of a virus or malware, it may be grounds for temporary or permanent restrictions in utilizing personal devices to interact with district networks.

Related Policies and Regulations:

Bylaw #7                       Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Bylaw

1410                             District Code of Conduct Policy

3350                             Acceptable Use of Technology Policy

3350-10                        User Accounts and Passwords Regulation

3350-20                        Acceptable Use of District Technology Regulation

3350-22                        Prohibited Use of District Technology Regulation

3350-30                        Technology and Instruction Regulation

3350-40                        Data Security and Privacy Regulation

3350-50                        District and School Websites Regulation

6710                             Records Management Program Policy

1410 - - Student Code of Conduct Policy
3350-10 - - User Accounts and Passwords Regulation
3350-20 - - Acceptable Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-22 - - Prohibited Use of District Technology Regulation
3350-30 - - Technology and Instruction Regulation
3350-40 - - Data Security and Privacy Regulation
6710 - - Records Management Policy