Date Approved: October 12 2010
Date Reviewed/Amended: September 25 2023
Student incidents which pose a serious threat to the safe and orderly conduct of a school will be handled appropriately to ensure reasonableness, procedural fairness and natural justice for all involved.
The District Support Committee will review serious disciplinary matters. The committee shall act in concert with the District Violence, Threat and Risk Assessment (VTRA) team and shall include, at minimum, one member of the District VTRA team.
All cases in which a student is prohibited from attendance at school for contravention of the District Code of Conduct and/or a School Code of Conduct for more than five school days will be referred to the District Support Committee. The Superintendent may also refer other cases to the Committee.
The basis for the decision of the Committee to suspend, re-admit or refuse to continue to offer an educational program to a student will be in accordance with Sections 6, 26 and 85 of the School Act.
Restorative action is one of the guiding principles for this policy.
School Act, Sections 6, 26 and 85
1410 – District Code of Conduct and Anti Racism Policy
1410-10 – District Code of Conduct Regulation
1410-20 – Use and or Possession of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Regulation
1420-10 – Student Responsibilities, Discipline and Suspension Regulation
3110-10 – School Bus and Ferry Discipline Regulation
4210-20 – Weapons Regulation
1410-10 - - District Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Regulation
1410-20 - - Use and/or Possession of Controlled and Illegal Drugs, and Alcohol
4210-20 - - Weapons
3110-10 - - School Bus and Ferry Safety Regulation
1430-10 - - District Support Committee Regulation