Policies, Regulations Forms and Bylaws

1410 | District Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Policy

Date Approved: January 11 2011
Date Reviewed/Amended: November 09 2021


Setting expectations for student and staff behavior in schools is part of the Board of Education’s governance role for the district.

Schools should be safe, welcoming, caring and orderly places. All students are encouraged to succeed and to engage in their educational programs with a sense of hope, purpose and control. Such an environment is best built on a foundation of respect (in Sm’algyax, Łoomsk): respect for others, for property and for community.

The Board is committed to the principles and values set out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the BC Human Rights Code. In particular, the Board is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination. Decisions must be free of any discrimination based on the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or class of persons.

The Board is committed to supporting an environment free from intentional or unintentional racism or discrimination for all students, employees, and trustees and shall:

  1. provide opportunities for employees, students, and trustees to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to identify and respond effectively to racism;
  2. develop and implement procedures for resolving incidents of racism; and
  3. monitor and investigate reported incidents of racism

The Board believes that the responsibility for student behavior and conduct in schools is shared among students, staff, and parents and guardians in order to create a safe, caring and orderly learning and working environment.

The District Code of Conduct Regulations provide a framework with respect to expectations for student behavior:

  1. while at school;
  2. during school related activities whether on or off school property; or
  3. engaging in any activity that has an impact on or connection with the school environment.

Individual school codes of conduct are to be developed within this framework by the principal Representatives of staff, students, and parents and guardians will all have input when developing and updating the school code of conduct.

Students and employees have the responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with the codes of conduct established by the school district and by their school. Failure to comply with district expectations may result in appropriate consequences.

Whenever possible and where appropriate, consequences for unacceptable student conduct shall be restorative in nature. Restitution/restorative practices strengthen students by helping them learn to problem solve and restore relationships. If restorative practices are not successful, other measures, including student suspension and exclusion from school, may be necessary. Students will be disciplined in a timely and fair manner, and such discipline shall be in accordance with district regulations.


2310 - - Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Policy
1410-10 - - District Code of Conduct Regulation
1410-20 - - Use and or Possession of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol  Regulation
1420-10 - - Student Responsibilities, Discipline and Suspension  Regulation
1430 - - District Discipline Committee Policy
1440-10 - - Multiculturalism  Regulation
1440-20 - - Sexual Orientation  Regulation

1510-10A - - Student and or Parent Appeal - Form
2310 - - Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Policy
3110-10 – School Bus and Ferry Discipline Regulation
4210-20 – Weapons Regulation

2310 - - Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Policy
1410-10 - - District Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Regulation
1410-20 - - Use and/or Possession of Controlled and Illegal Drugs, and Alcohol
1430 - - District Support Committee Policy
1440-10 - - Multiculturalism Regulation
1440-20 - - Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity and Expression Regulation
1510-10A - - Student and or Parent Appeal - Form
1410-20 - - Use and/or Possession of Controlled and Illegal Drugs, and Alcohol