Policies, Regulations Forms and Bylaws

1450 | Respectful School Communities Policy

Date Approved: February 18 2025
Date Reviewed/Amended:

The Board of Education recognizes and values the diversity found within its communities and believes that each individual contributes to the strength of the district’s culture so all members of the school community learn and work together in an atmosphere of respect and safety, free from discrimination, harassment and/or exclusion.

Accordingly, educational programs, student and adult behaviours, and district operations should promote positive interactions and be anti-racist and free from divisive actions and attitudes based upon: identity, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or age, of that person.

The Board further expects that every individual in its care or employ, is treated with respect and understanding within their learning and working communities.

This policy applies to all members of the school district community including, but not limited to, students, staff, trustees, parents and caregivers, volunteers, contractors and other persons who are invited to or who work on Board property.

This policy applies to discrimination or harassment that may take place outside of Board property, but which has the effect of or results in adversely affecting the Board’s learning and working communities.

This policy seeks to:

  • Support inclusion of all students and employees regardless of real or perceived differences as outlined in the B.C. Human Rights Code.
  • Ensure that learning and working settings are free from discrimination and harassment.
  • Ensure that communications are free from discrimination and harassment.
  • Raise awareness and improve understanding of Human Rights and the lives of all people.
  • Defines appropriate terms, behaviours and actions in order to prevent discrimination and harassment through greater awareness of/and responsiveness to their harmful effects.
  • Promote a systemic response through staff and professional development that strives to identify and address educational practices, policies, and procedures that perpetuate all forms of discrimination.
  • Make resources and support services available and visible for students and staff throughout the schools.
  • Act collectively to reduce discrimination and other systemic barriers that are faced by students, families, and staff and the community at large.
  • Ensure that all complaints are taken seriously and dealt with expeditiously and effectively.

Related Policies and Regulations:

1390 - - Restrictions on Student Use of Personal Digital Devices
1410-10 - - District Code of Conduct and Anti-Racism Regulation
1410-20 - - Use and/or Possession of Controlled and Illegal Drugs, and Alcohol
1430 - - District Support Committee Policy
1440-10 - - Multiculturalism Regulation
1440-20 - - Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity and Expression Regulation
1510-10A - - Student and or Parent Appeal - Form
2310 - - Protection of Students and Maintenance of Order Policy
3110-10 - - School Bus and Ferry Safety Regulation
4210-20 - - Weapons