Policies, Regulations Forms and Bylaws

1610-50 | Travel Costs for School Events

Date Approved: March 02 2015
Date Reviewed/Amended: December 19 2024

  1. Funds may be assessed against participants or contributed by school organizations for voluntary sports, music and field trips in accordance with other policies of the Board.
  2. Particulars of field trips during school hours involving a cost to students are to be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools for consideration sufficiently in advance of the event to allow for reference to the Board if deemed necessary.

1610 - - Field Trip Policy
1610-10 - - Field Trip Approval and Permissions Regulation
1610-11 - - Field Trip Transportation Regulation
1610-13 - - Field Trip Risk Management Regulation
1610-14 - - Field Trip - Unescorted Travel Regulation
1610-15 - - Field Trip - Budget Regulation
1610-60 - - Transportation of Students Regulation
1610-20A - - Field Trip Approval - Application Form
1610-30A - - Field Trip -  Consent Form
1610-35A - - Field Trip - Information Form
1610-40A - - Field Trip - High Risk Consent Form
5310-10 - - Volunteers in Schools